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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by spark

  1. Posted another few dozen Berlin photos from random Sunday wanderings around town. (Not just 8 like it says on the album below this.)

  2. probably does not need to rent 5 different apartments for 4 days in Berlin. Decisions...!!

  3. Rain soaked, dabbed with 15 different perfumes and covered in smeared sharpie. And how was YOUR Friday night?

  4. Soooo, what exactly DOES 152 kmph translate to in mph?

  5. The Arizona Diamondbacks now have a closer named "Putz." This is not going to end well.

  6. The suite life at Ozzy!

  7. There is a "reserved for police only" parking spot in front of my local Wells Fargo. Ummm... exactly how often do they require a police presence?!

  8. This hotel has one of those horrifying magnification mirrors in the bathroom. I am going to be obsessing about my pores for the next 3 days.

  9. Trapped in laundry room by Tiny Stealth Toe Attack Parrot of Doom. Send help.

  10. wants to move all the insurance to Nationwide instantly. Birdies!!

  11. was just aurally assaulted by Daughtry's cover of "Photograph." That was totally uncalled for.

  12. was very disappointed when the Dawn Treader was *not* attacked by the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.

  13. Watching "Real Genius." I <3 this movie.

  14. Watching Avatar. The entire flock of giant bird/dragon things just appeared to save the day and Berry is going nuts. He's bouncing and squeaking and I swear he is cheering. I ♥ my birds!!

  15. We're home -- and B&B are celebrating with a massive splashy bath. Dreaming of a WET Christmas...! :)

  16. Willkommen in Berlin!!
