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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by cbiskit

  1. This is the one CD that I was looking forward to the most - the description just sounds so dreamy. Ended up being not at all what I expected.


    In the bottle it smells a little tiny bit creamy - to my nose mostly bitter and I can definitely smell carnation. It almost smells spicy and reminds me a LOT of Jack for some reason..


    On my skin, the carnation comes out a bit more, and it's not being softened too much by any of the other notes. It starts to smell soapy, almost like a familiar laundry detergent smell - can't really place what is making it smell like this. I guess that is the risk when it comes to white flowers :P It gets creamier as I wear it but I can't get past the sharpness and soapiness of the top notes.


    Overall, it's a nice scent but I don't think this will become one of my regular scents.


    Edit: Wow, it smells REAALLLY nice when layered with Katharina...loving it!

  2. OK so...I admit, my favorite perfume for a long while has been Beyond Paradise by Estee Lauder. I know, it's commercial and all that but there is just something about the lightness that I love!


    I have been trying to find some similarities by searching for similar notes but so far no luck. I've tried some "tropical" scents, including Macchu Picchu and Pele and I LOVE them...but in a really different way.


    Here are the notes as listed:


    Top Notes: Eden's Mist, Blue Hyacinth, Orange Flower Templar, Jabuticaba Fruit

    Middle Notes: Laelia Orchid, Crepe Jasmin, Mahonia Japonica, Pink Honeysuckle

    Base Notes: Natal Plum Blossoms, Ambrette Seed, Zebrano Wood, Golden Melaleuca Bark


    So, do any of you wise ones have any suggestions as to what I might try? I've only been "into" BPAL for about 2 months now - and so far my favorites are Snow White, The Ghost and Katharina. I really have some issues with Sandalwood. I am wearing Belle Epoque now that is not making me sneeze, so white or red sandalwood might be wearable.


    Thanks in advance :P
