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Posts posted by geolinguist

  1. I received the imp from the generosity of Mountaingrrl.


    In the imp: It smells just like my Aunt Verna's bathroom. She loves the scents that mimic the ocean, but to me smell sort of chemically floral.


    On me: I think it really should have been named Nirvana, because it smells like Teen Spirit. It smells like a girls deodorant. It has none of the aquatic notes that the description promises.


    Would it work on a guy: No. It is eminently feminine, and I wouldn't recommend it.

  2. Yet again, I blindly pulled out a scent from the collection of my friend Ghost Light, and I must admit that I was apprehensive. Queen of Sheba doesn't necessarily say to a guy "put me on".


    In the bottle: Almond extract. Not so bad.


    Immediately after application: Hello almond extract.


    Fifteen minutes after application: The almond scent had disappeared replaces by a light scent of sandalwood.


    Thirty minutes after application: The sandalwood scent was intensified, combined with a curry scent. It honestly made me a little sick to my stomach


    An hour and a half after application: The sandalwood scent faded to something that reminded me more of wood shavings--not something unpleasant. The scent lingered without much change for another four hours or so.


    Would a guy wear it?: Honestly, I think on the right type of guy, it would smell very nice--none of the scents are particularly feminine, and if the guy smells good with woody scents, I would highly recommend it.

  3. This is my first review, so I beg your indulgence.


    Initial impression:

    Very pretty. Kind of reminded me of My Sin perfume my mother used to wear blended with the honeysuckle the grew wild behind my childhood home. I was impressed by how 'grown up' it smelled.


    After application:

    On me all I could smell was the verbena, and the scent was very fleeting--it was completely gone after an hour or so.


    However, on my friend Ghost Light, the blend of all three scents merged together and was very sexy. (Can you really describe a scent as sexy?) I started calling her Mata Hari because was very magnetizing.

    The ironic thing about this is that Ghost Light herself couldn't smell anything.


    Would it work on a man?:

    I personally don't think so. I like verbena, but I consider it to be a rather feminine scent. I would definitely get grief from the truckers if I wore it to work.
