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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aevalin

  1. Well #Haven. I didn't see that coming. You're a show of surprises. I'm trying to guess what's going to happen next and I'm just not sure...

  2. Just saw a bald eagle soaring over the 102 highway. It was huge! #cool #fb

  3. New #aidan5! Awesome ep - tho now I have more questions than answers! http://t.co/aZAUeziu

  4. If you're not watching @aidan5series - you should be! A Sci-Fi Noir Detective show that's partially animated. Freaking awesome!

  5. of all the character dev. that's been happening on #Haven, Duke's has me the most curious. Well done @ERICBALFOUR. And what's Evie's story?

  6. and speaking of #doctorwho how much longer do I have to wait for @eastlink to give me HD @SPACEchannel

  7. Jack Layton's last letter to Canadians - Politics - CBC News: http://t.co/E46mlX4 via @AddThis - (I have tears in my eyes)

  8. CBC Alerts -Layton died 'peacefully' at home with loved ones: family . Family released statement today. #NDP #Layton #fb

  9. Where else but on Twitter can you see @CraigyFerg ask @neilhimself to pick him up haggis. I love the internets :)

  10. attended an awesome @halcon_scificon meeting tonight! Have you got your tickets yet? http://t.co/CsdSbFD

  11. Haven - S02E06 Sneak Peek http://t.co/34Ypjy6 . Oh Nathan!!! #Haven

  12. Horses are easy to avoid, dust mites and the cat are going to take some more work. Horses are his worst trigger so at least there's that.

  13. decided to take the whole day off instead of a half day. lots of appts and fun (not) things to do. am missing lunch at diner. :(


    #Haven Will Launch Unprecedented Fully Integrated Twitter Story Line Beginning Friday, August 12 http://t.co/GzchiRk via @TVbytheNumbers


  15. 50ish minutes in the Humble Indie Bundle. Pay what you can for some awesome games! http://t.co/4FkAsVH

  16. Watched the latest #Haven. Yes, @ERICBALFOUR is rather hot but it's a really cool storyline too. I wish we could get them for #halcon2011

  17. I've earned a #futureshop credit sharing the Tapped In App with you. Check it out here: http://t.co/xGS27dB

  18. and a nonretweet so it's from the heart @NathanFillion it would be awesome to see you @halcon_scificon this year, you sir, rock.

  19. Twitter...I'm counting on you for tornado warnings. I don't think #Halifax has sirens and this is some pretty wicked #thunderandlightning!

  20. Am so tired. Still on bus. Just left Truro. 3 hour trip back is taking about 5.

  21. Still in parking lot at magnetic hill #u2360mon long bus ride ahead!
