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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aevalin

  1. Bus Vs Taxi On Bedford Highway http://t.co/XhPqcGDf via @AddThis Seriously? Who does that? #wtf #halifax

  2. I also hope I can get my @ThatKevinSmith tickets tomorrow. I guess the presale broke the site (and I missed it). Must. Get. Tickets.

  3. at least I have @halcon_scificon to look forward to in Nov. cuz it's not looking good for @ThatKevinSmith tickets. Thanks @SonicConcerts

  4. I have tickets for @thatkevinsmith ! Glad @etixnow got it together. Looked like a virtuemart cart in Joomla...

  5. Hm. The Thing looks scarier than I remember...#didthatneedaremake

  6. I'm watching Supernatural (179 others checked-in) http://t.co/qzvuaeDL @GetGlue #Supernatural

  7. Oooo an Xmas ep of #Haven. This pleases me. Wonder if it's a stand alone or builds from the cliff hanger? @ERICBALFOUR @EmilyroseLA

  8. Yay, #Aidan5 - Episode 12: Inferno http://t.co/bi37NrXj via @youtube - things are getting v. interesting...go watch already!

  9. I'm pretty sure I don't have a #zombie virus - I'm fevered, coughing, blowing my nose and craving brains. That's normal right?

  10. I think my nose is ready to fall off my face. From blowing not because I'm a #zombie I swear! #fb

  11. Attempt to spread #zombie flu thwarted by boss. Got sent home early. Will try and do better job of giving everyone #h1z1 tomorrow.

  12. and that was the first time I think I got picked up by a bot specific to the xfiles. wow. what's the point of that even?

  13. Happy Thanksgiving Canadian Friends! Are you a Sunday celebrator or do you have dinner on Monday? We're Sunday people...

  14. holy crap #thefades, that was freaking awesome.

  15. So am I the only one not seeing the right site at http://t.co/PrBV2thp? #wordpress

  16. I think there's a very real possibility that my brain is full. #thankgoditsnearlyfriday

  17. I unlocked the Check-in Rookie sticker on @GetGlue! http://t.co/YHK1gycR

  18. I unlocked the The Walking Dead Season 2 Premiere sticker on @GetGlue! http://t.co/drxmyhk2

  19. ACT NOW - Speak out against the anti-consumer copyright Bill #C11 being rushed into law. Takes 2min. http://t.co/9UHvkeQV via @ccercanada
