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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aevalin

  1. Carney is on. Lots of rumours of celebs being here. #u2360mon

  2. Still in parking lot at magnetic hill #u2360mon long bus ride ahead!

  3. Am so tired. Still on bus. Just left Truro. 3 hour trip back is taking about 5.

  4. Twitter...I'm counting on you for tornado warnings. I don't think #Halifax has sirens and this is some pretty wicked #thunderandlightning!

  5. and a nonretweet so it's from the heart @NathanFillion it would be awesome to see you @halcon_scificon this year, you sir, rock.

  6. I've earned a #futureshop credit sharing the Tapped In App with you. Check it out here: http://t.co/xGS27dB

  7. Watched the latest #Haven. Yes, @ERICBALFOUR is rather hot but it's a really cool storyline too. I wish we could get them for #halcon2011

  8. 50ish minutes in the Humble Indie Bundle. Pay what you can for some awesome games! http://t.co/4FkAsVH


    #Haven Will Launch Unprecedented Fully Integrated Twitter Story Line Beginning Friday, August 12 http://t.co/GzchiRk via @TVbytheNumbers


  10. decided to take the whole day off instead of a half day. lots of appts and fun (not) things to do. am missing lunch at diner. :(

  11. Horses are easy to avoid, dust mites and the cat are going to take some more work. Horses are his worst trigger so at least there's that.

  12. Haven - S02E06 Sneak Peek http://t.co/34Ypjy6 . Oh Nathan!!! #Haven

  13. attended an awesome @halcon_scificon meeting tonight! Have you got your tickets yet? http://t.co/CsdSbFD

  14. Where else but on Twitter can you see @CraigyFerg ask @neilhimself to pick him up haggis. I love the internets :)

  15. CBC Alerts -Layton died 'peacefully' at home with loved ones: family . Family released statement today. #NDP #Layton #fb

  16. Jack Layton's last letter to Canadians - Politics - CBC News: http://t.co/E46mlX4 via @AddThis - (I have tears in my eyes)

  17. and speaking of #doctorwho how much longer do I have to wait for @eastlink to give me HD @SPACEchannel

  18. of all the character dev. that's been happening on #Haven, Duke's has me the most curious. Well done @ERICBALFOUR. And what's Evie's story?

  19. If you're not watching @aidan5series - you should be! A Sci-Fi Noir Detective show that's partially animated. Freaking awesome!

  20. New #aidan5! Awesome ep - tho now I have more questions than answers! http://t.co/aZAUeziu

  21. Just saw a bald eagle soaring over the 102 highway. It was huge! #cool #fb

  22. Well #Haven. I didn't see that coming. You're a show of surprises. I'm trying to guess what's going to happen next and I'm just not sure...
