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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aevalin


    #Haven Will Launch Unprecedented Fully Integrated Twitter Story Line Beginning Friday, August 12 http://t.co/GzchiRk via @TVbytheNumbers



    http://t.co/jLWnobIH Fruit and urinal give a bad name to cakes everywhere

  3. 50ish minutes in the Humble Indie Bundle. Pay what you can for some awesome games! http://t.co/4FkAsVH

  4. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh, too much stuff to do, too few hours in the day! #serenitynow

  5. ACT NOW - Speak out against the anti-consumer copyright Bill #C11 being rushed into law. Takes 2min. http://t.co/9UHvkeQV via @ccercanada

  6. Admiring ”The Limited Edition Cheap T-Shirt, Gone in 24hours! | TeeFury” @teefury http://t.co/8YnnngL

  7. Am off to change my password!

  8. Am so tired. Still on bus. Just left Truro. 3 hour trip back is taking about 5.

  9. Am starting to get itchy for #podcamphfx @podcamphalifax any word on when? Had an awesome time last year!

  10. and a nonretweet so it's from the heart @NathanFillion it would be awesome to see you @halcon_scificon this year, you sir, rock.

  11. and speaking of #doctorwho how much longer do I have to wait for @eastlink to give me HD @SPACEchannel

  12. and that was the first time I think I got picked up by a bot specific to the xfiles. wow. what's the point of that even?

  13. And Wil Wheaton. Felicia Day. Laurie Holden. Danai Gurira. Summer Glau. Jewel Staite. #excitedmuch!

  14. at least I have @halcon_scificon to look forward to in Nov. cuz it's not looking good for @ThatKevinSmith tickets. Thanks @SonicConcerts

  15. At the @halcon_scificon table at the #hfxpride community fair. Come see us!

  16. Attempt to spread #zombie flu thwarted by boss. Got sent home early. Will try and do better job of giving everyone #h1z1 tomorrow.

  17. attended an awesome @halcon_scificon meeting tonight! Have you got your tickets yet? http://t.co/CsdSbFD
