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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by ipb

  1. We have indeed been updating the price cap list for the BPTP stuff - so do check out the list if you've got any questions.



    5mL decant La Fee Verte or Hellion - $13.50

    5mL Naughty or Nice Inquisition - $20.00


    10mL La Fee Verte or Hellion - $20.00


    BPTP Shirts - Price of shirt new

    Naughty or Nice Inquisition Shirts - $25.00

    Naughty or Nice Inquisition Set - $45.00

    10mL Imp Statues (alone) - $30

    10mL Imp Statues (w/ oil) - $50

  2. a little got on my fingers accidentally (i got one of the leaky bottles as my sister's pressy, but since she doesn't store her oils horizontally, i don't see a problem!)... on me, this smells like a warm floral vanilla, with just a hint of the honeydew when it's dried. i love it - and so does she (she hasn't opened it yet, but she passed me in the hallway after i wrapped her present and told me how good i smelled!)

  3. sarada, that depends on the size of your dropper & the viscocity of the liquid. the kind i use (which i bought from a science supply store back when i was decanting with pipettes) is calibrated to give ~0.04 mL/drop with water (~20 drops/imp)



    nia, i use something along that method for applying from imps, and some of my imps i've had for nearly two years...but i don't apply from imps daily (my usual suspects are in bottles :P)... for the most part, i use imps to test if i like a scent before buying a 5mL, so except for a few that i don't like enough to buy a bottle of, i try to not have too many imps around. they're harder to organize!

  4. dorian, lick it, bearded lady, antique lace, black opal, snake oil are all winners in the musky vanilla race. none of these are pure vanilla-musk, though.


    dorian's got a bit of a lemon-tea note

    lick it's got a bit of a minty note

    bearded lady's got a bit of a floral note

    antique lace's got a bit of a linen-floral note

    black opal's got a bit of a mineral note.

    snake oil's got a big spicy component.


    i especially love lick it and bearded lady and black opal.

  5. let me quote from the front page:


    "Please note that all orders, including domestic orders, are currently taking an excess of 21 - 45 business days to process, pack and ship out due to a heavy workload, the process of hand-blending and the nature of our product. "



    they're currently filling orders from 10/16.

  6. The response time also applies for communication regarding moderating issues, for the same reasons plus one: if it's serious enough that there's conversation going on about it between you and a moderator, chances are that there's conversation going on about it between the moderators as well, and it may take more than a few hours.



    Use some common sense, people. Night time is a dark time, and much of the world (including our mods) sleep during this time. This means that a question you send someone at 8PM (-6:00GMT) will probably NOT be answered come 6AM (-6:00GMT) unless you manage to catch them awake.



    (And like warning labels: I wouldn't be saying this if it hadn't cropped up a few times.)

  7. a lovely white musk scent. the champagne bubbles up now and again... there's only a hint of florals on me, and that's just fine with me. i second (third) the "notice me!!!!!" sentiment. i'm really tempted to go get jazzed up an dgo clubbing :P

  8. I love Lick It!


    Wet, it's a vanilla mint - EXACTLY like the smell of candy canes. It makes me want to lick my wrist.


    Once it's dried, it's a musky vanilla with a hint of mint.

  9. Decant circles that break the price cap must be preapproved. Please submit an itemized breakdown of the costs for the circle when requesting approval and include the breakdown in the initial post once it has been approved.


    Breakdown of costs

    BPAL Order (7 Pancea 5mls + shipping): $23.00x7 + $12.50 = $173.50

    Decanting supplies (35 imps, and 7 pipettes): $0.18x35 + $0.11x7 = $7.07

    Packing supplies (bubble wrap and mailers): $1.10x5 = $5.50

    Shipping to 5 people (shipping with delivery confirmation): $3.85x5=$19.25

    Paypal fees: $173.50*2.29% + 5x$0.30 = $5.48

    Total: $210.80

    Per person: $42.16


    Cap cost: $5.25*7 = $40.25 + shipping

  10. Traditionally, Beaver Moon is named thus for a very obvious reason: during this time of year, beavers are hard at work building their dams and preparing for the onset of winter. Because it was too hard to resist, BPAL's Beaver Moon is sillier, sleazier, and full of camp. This scent is of cheesecake and cupcakes, more in line with it's cheekier connotations, and really hasn't a damn thing to do with Luna at all!

    mmmmm, red velvet cake, complete with the cream cheese frosting. yum. EAT ME! now i want some red velvet cake.

  11. Since we were asked recently:


    The $16 Yule '05 and Samhain '05 update LEs can be sold for $19 if full, and the imps can be sold for $4.


    As the policy states, "5ml bottles can be sold for purchase price plus $3. Imps can be sold at one-fourth of the purchase price of a 5ml bottle." (And in both cases, that does *not* include shipping expenses and fullness is assumed.)



    So if the lab were to make BPALaversary LEs $17.50, then the full bottles could sell for $20.50 and the imps for $4.38. (Er, not saying that there ARE any, or that they would go for that much. This is an entirely hypothetical case. I don't know one way or the other if there will be LEs for the BPALaversary)

  12. reiterating:


    * do not use the size tag in your signature to make things bigger.


    * each image cannot be more than 20kb in size, 480 pixels in width, and 100 pixels high. that said, images that are 480px x 100px are highly discouraged.


    * if you have multiple images in a row, leave a space if their combined width is more than 480 pixels. so if you've got 5 images that are 100 pixels wide, you must do [] [] [] [] [] rather than [][][][][].


    * if you have multiple rows of images, the combined height cannot exceed 100 pixels.


    * do not have more than 10 lines in your signature.


    * if you see a signature that breaks the rules, please report it. they will not be warned if it is the first time offense.

  13. it says 21-45 BUSINESS days, not 21-45 CALENDAR days. there is a significant difference.


    21-45 calendar days is 3-6.5 weeks.

    21-45 business days is 4.2-9 weeks.


    there's still three weeks left on their disclaimed shipping times, and it looks like they're almost to the blood moon orders. i'd guess another week, two on the outside, before yours hits the queue -- there was no doubt a bit of a slow down in shipping with the whole one week's notice to move loc stuff.

  14. "Is it OK for someone to sell BPAL-scented products" is a complicated issue.


    Unless the Lab posts something saying "hey, we're looking for someone who makes [x] because we want to extend our product line", the probability is INCREDIBLY HIGH that the answer will be a very strong no regardless of the terms you offer.


    Like most other businesses, they carefully license the right to use their fragrances in derivative products (including, but not limited to: incense, powder, solid perfume, body spray, candles, bath bombs, bath oil, bath gel, soap, other bath & beauty products, sachets, potpourri).



    However, it's perfectly acceptable to create such items for personal use (and in fact, the Beyond Perfume forum is full of ideas of things you can do with your BPAL other than "just" perfume), and to help others to do the same.


    We take no stance on gifting derivative products, but none of that "$5 for shipping with a free gift -- a 2oz jar of O-scented shea butter" y'hear?

  15. Due to growing privacy concerns, we have decided to make the community mostly closed to Guests (people who are not logged in or do not have accounts).


    The following sections will be accessible to Guests:

    • Support: Announcements
    • Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab: Announcements, BPAL FAQs, Recommendations, Reviews

    The following sections will be accessible to logged-in members:

    • Introductions: Introductions [Quiz Me!]
    • Support: Announcements, Forum FAQs, Forum Ideas, Forum Questions
    • Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab: Announcements, BPAL FAQs, Beyond Perfume, Recommendations, Reviews, Suggestions, Swaps [Wanted, For Sale, Circular Swaps]
    • Idle Chatter: BPAL Chatter, Cut & Paste, Eat Drink & Be Merry, Entertainment [book Club], Politics & Current Events, Randomness [Celebrations Galore!, Get Personal], Retail Therapy [Fashion & Makeup, The Bathing Beauty], Walking the Old Path [Tarot]

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may make to those of you who like to lurk while not logged in.
