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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by ipb

  1. We have had a few complaints about signatures that were too long. So, the maximum signature length has been changed -- signatures can be no larger than 1,250 characters long now. This may be reduced further to 1,000 characters.


    Please check the length of your signature and edit it if it is too long. If you see someone with a signature that you believe is too long, don't hesitate to report one of their posts -- there will be no warnings issued for too-long signatures.



  2. Divine Beauty, Shemesh, Unity, the Balance of Justice and Mercy.

    other than i like it and i smell cinnamon i can't say much. i think i've OD'd on too many bpals in too little time and the casanova keeps pushing out tiphareth. will edit this later tonight to add more if my nose comes back.

  3. Victory, Nogah, Eternity, Endurance, God’s Grace.

    rose! sandalwood! something i don't recognize!

    kind of reminds me of queen mab, but not as fabulous. (of course nothing could be as fabulous as the queen) i rather like it, though i don't know that i'd wear it much because i DO have the queen and netzach doesn't blend as well with my skin as queen mab does.

  4. A name synonymous with seduction and licentiousness. From childhood aspirations of seclusion and priesthood came Giacomo Casanova, the self-styled Chevalier de Seingalt, the most notorious debauchee and playboy of all time. His memoirs, Histoire de Ma Vie, enflamed the Enlightenment with scandal and tales of sexual conquest. His restless nature and flair for sensationalizing his adventures drew him into and out of fortune, through numerous careers and affairs, and led him into a brief altercation with the Inquisition and a conviction on the charge of witchcraft. Though he had a life rife with drama and intrigue, he died peacefully at the age of 73, librarian to the Count of Waldstein. Who says librarians can’t be sexy? A rakish blend of leather, anise, lavender, bergamot and amber with tonka, lemon peel and lusty patchouli.

    mmmmm the herbs, the anise and lemon and beramot and lavender, are most present when it's wet. the leather, amber, and tonka develop as it dries and the herbal notes are nuances and accents that make it even better than mere leather, amber, and tonka. the patchouli doesn't really come out for me.

    i'd say it's more a manly scent than girly or gender neutral. as it dries, i just think of seduction and naughty sex (elevators, over the desk at work, the back of the library). definitely slathering this on the boy and having my way with him.

  5. Carrying bouquet, and handkerchief, and gloves,
    Proud of her height as when she lived, she moves
    With all the careless and high-stepping grace,
    And the extravagant courtesan's thin face.

    Was slimmer waist e'er in a ball-room wooed?
    Her floating robe, in royal amplitude,
    Falls in deep folds around a dry foot, shod
    With a bright flower-like shoe that gems the sod.

    The swarms that hum about her collar-bones
    As the lascivious streams caress the stones,
    Conceal from every scornful jest that flies,
    Her gloomy beauty; and her fathomless eyes

    Are made of shade and void; with flowery sprays
    Her skull is wreathed artistically, and sways,
    Feeble and weak, on her frail vertebrae.
    O charm of nothing decked in folly! they

    Who laugh and name you a Caricature,
    They see not, they whom flesh and blood allure,
    The nameless grace of every bleached, bare bone,
    That is most dear to me, tall skeleton!

    Come you to trouble with your potent sneer
    The feast of Life! or are you driven here,
    To Pleasure's Sabbath, by dead lusts that stir
    And goad your moving corpse on with a spur?

    Or do you hope, when sing the violins,
    And the pale candle-flame lights up our sins,
    To drive some mocking nightmare far apart,
    And cool the flame hell lighted in your heart?

    Fathomless well of fault and foolishness!
    Eternal alembic of antique distress!
    Still o'er the curved, white trellis of your sides
    The sateless, wandering serpent curls and glides.

    And truth to tell, I fear lest you should find,
    Among us here, no lover to your mind;
    Which of these hearts beat for the smile you gave?
    The charms of horror please none but the brave.

    Your eyes' black gulf, where awful broodings stir,
    Brings giddiness; the prudent reveller
    Sees, while a horror grips him from beneath,
    The eternal smile of thirty-two white teeth.

    For he who has not folded in his arms
    A skeleton, nor fed on graveyard charms,
    Recks not of furbelow, or paint, or scent,
    When Horror comes the way that Beauty went.

    O irresistible, with fleshless face,
    Say to these dancers in their dazzled race:
    "Proud lovers with the paint above your bones,
    Ye shall taste death, musk scented skeletons!

    Withered Antinoüs, dandies with plump faces,
    Ye varnished cadavers, and grey Lovelaces,
    Ye go to lands unknown and void of breath,
    Drawn by the rumour of the Dance of Death.

    From Seine's cold quays to Ganges' burning stream,
    The mortal troupes dance onward in a dream;
    They do not see, within the opened sky,
    The Angel's sinister trumpet raised on high.

    In every clime and under every sun,
    Death laughs at ye, mad mortals, as ye run;
    And oft perfumes herself with myrrh, like ye
    And mingles with your madness, irony!

    A gloriously elegant representation of Lady Death. Dry, bone-white orris, black musk, serpentine patchouli and our murkiest myrrh.

    mmm myrrh and patchouli. orris makes it super duper dry on my skin, and like shroud, has that "i am sucking the liquid from your tongue" effect, so i'm not really wanting to smell it, and the musk is doing its "hi desert living creature LET ME ENVELOPE YOU IN ME" that the red n black like to do, though not as badly as it does in more musk-prominent scents (glasya, loviatar).

    //eta: and as it dries, the orris stops being as dry, letting the patchouli and myrrh speak some more. i'm not sure how i feel about this scent because i don't really care for that interim stage, but the final is nice.

  6. Softly as brown-eyed Angels rove
    I will return to thy alcove,
    And glide upon the night to thee,
    Treading the shadows silently.

    And I will give to thee, my own,
    Kisses as icy as the moon,
    And the caresses of a snake
    Cold gliding in the thorny brake.

    And when returns the livid morn
    Thou shalt find all my place forlorn
    And chilly, till the falling night.

    Others would rule by tenderness
    Over thy life and youthfulness,
    But I would conquer thee by fright!

    A thin, sinuous, creeping chill, the scent of glee-filled undeath: white iris, osmanthus, Calla lily, tomb-crawling ivy and a coffin spray of gladiolus, lisianthus and delphinium.

    very fresh and green, but cool. reminds me more of a garden than anything else -- my grandmother used to grow iris and glads and delphinium. not something i'd normally wear, but i think i may use it as a springy room scent.

  7. A profound symbol of an individual’s personal initiatic process, spiritual refinement and evolution, synthesis, grace found as a result of trial and suffering, and the alchemical process by which we transform the raw essence of our souls through light in extension. This is a holy oil, a representation of the triumph of spirit over matter: purest rose with sacred frankincense.

    first off, i've got to preface by saying that i'm a huge fan of beth's roses (even if i don't wear them regularly, they just smell so wonderful). and like so many others, i grew up in the catholic church, so frankincense is a scent i tend to enjoy as well.

    the combination? fabulous. it's actually exactly what i thought it'd be, though not as in your face. rather peaceful. i'm thinking this just may be a 5ml oil.

  8. An opiate torpor, soporific, trancelike, and sublimely languid. A poet’s morphine dream, a listless journey into a gentle dream and the precipice of intoxicated madness. Paperwhite and black narcissus, three lilies, black poppy and tuberose and a hint of hypnotic opium den haze.

    all i can pick out is the poppy and some smoke and the narcissus... gentle, and not very strong. definitely a lazy scent. the lilies don't turn all soapy on me like they tend to do with this one, but i can smell them in the background.

  9. An exotic, sultry blend of tobacco leaf, bay rum and heady Caribbean blossoms.

    mmmmm. lovely wet. reminds me of my vacation last jan, when we were driving in an open jeep through one of the islands' countrysides. as it dries, it becomes tobacco leaf and bay rum. i love beth's bay rum on TOH, and when he's here next, i'm going to slather it on him and sniff away, though with my luck it'll be all about the flowers on him :P

  10. For Jenny, with love. Crocus with snowdrop and three lilies.

    when it's wet, it's very FRUITY. drying, it gets the lily effect, but with a fruity smack. damn lilies and their hating of my skin, because i really liked the wet fruity stage.

  11. A rich, bold blend of imperial rose, carnation, lush jasmine, lily of the valley, dark musk, amber, bergamot and gilded tangerine.

    the tangerine and bergamot are very present when it's wet. the florals less so, but they come out more when it dries, especially the jasmine. unfortunately, the lily peeps out and lily and i don't get along very well.

  12. A raven-haired Fairy Queen of Ireland. One of her eternal duties dictates that she must hold a midnight court every season and hear the pleas of married Irishwomen. The court serves only to determine whether or not husbands are adequately serving their wife's sexual needs. A judicious yet powerfully sensual blend, a mingling of justice and sexuality: sage, sweet pea, bold pale musk and warm tonka.

    mmm a perfect blend of sage and sweet pea. the tonka and musk develop as it dries. not too sagey, not to floral -- both of which i tend to run away from if they're too loud -- wonderfully balanced. i likes it alot. i have alot more to review, so i'll revisit this later tonight.

  13. First of all, for those of you who subscribe to this forum for e-mail announcements and didn't get the last announcement, I apologize; we forgot to switch the default mail handler.


    Since several people have listed in their signature a list of who all they have successfully swapped with, and some of the lists are getting lengthy, we have decided to add an item to the profiles to let you list them there. Please use that to list your successful swaps and any related information (ebay feedback, pending swaps). If you see someone listing your name inappropriately, please let them know.


    In one week, we ask that you report individuals who have successful swap information in their signature. We will edit signatures that have that information in it. If we do it, it will NOT be moved over to the profile, though we may PM the individual with that information and a link to this topic.


    Likewise, any other swap-related information ("Desperately seeking..." or "Looking to swap/sell...") belongs in the swap forum NOT your signature.


    Anything edited after May 1 will be warned.



  14. While we don't have a specific policy regarding images, anything that is something that most people couldn't see at work (eg, explicit nudity) should probably not be used as avatars or signature images, and if in topics, there should be a NWS ("not work safe") notice attached to the topic or instead of directly posting the image, it should be linked with (NWS) noted near it. If you post an image that is not work safe, please report it so the area mod can alter the topic title if it's not yours.


    If we see avatars that are not work safe, they may be removed. If we see images in signatures that aren't work safe, more than likely, the image will be replaced by a link and the text along the lines of "User posted image (NWS)." Images in topics will be left at the discretion of the moderating team, though if they're off topic, they are more likely to be removed.


    Be aware that some hosts do not allow hotlinking of images and will replace that image with one that is less than pleasant.


    At this time, warnings will not be given, but this may be revised it if becomes problematic.



    ETA: If you haven't be told that there is a problem, then it's safe to assume that there isn't one. If there is a problem, you will be notified when any action is taken.
