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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by bizarrogirl

  1. My hair ... smells fantastic.

  2. will wrap you and roll you and bundle you tight, check you for cooties and kiss you goodnight.

  3. Well, I've just been notified that the late Engr Jurgen Krugger made me a beneficiary to his will and I've been left thirty million dollars (USD.) So long, suckaz!

  4. "You know, it was just so interesting to me that a ride could make me so frightened, so scared, so sick, so excited, and so thrilled all together! Some didn't like it. They went on the merry-go-round. That just goes around. Nothing. I like the roller coaster. You get more out of it."

  5. Came across this charming quote while doing research this morning: "Do unto the other feller the way he'd like to do unto you, an' do it [first]." Hee hee.

  6. Writing all the livelong day.

  7. I not only pocket dial, I pocket assign-to-speed-dial to make pocket dialing THAT much easier!

  8. Just realized that, if I had stuck with martial arts the first time I started, I could have been 3rd dan by now. Damn.

  9. Dear Thursday: Please be more like Tuesday was. Kthnx.

  10. It's going to take some intense attitude adjusting, an ass kicking workout, and/or lots of alcohol to recapture the good mood I woke up with this morning. Hello, Wednesday.

  11. Jenniffer Farmer Baltzell just summarized my entire philosophy in a single pithy statement, because she's awesome like that: "You gotta feel 'em with your soul tentacles, man." Amen, sister. Amen.

  12. But I'm reading about henna and Vietnamese coffee and Joanna the Mad! I don't WANT to go to bed!

  13. We're having our own snow day; Thing One had a fever all night. Now we're having waffles with hot blueberries cooked in syrup with whipped cream on top.

  14. Oh yeah. The next time I make car bomb cupcakes, I'm replacing the bittersweet ganache with a Jameson caramel filling. Man, why didn't I think of that sooner?

  15. Somehow I think even if there is a lot of snow, water is not supposed to pour down the inside walls of the house. I'm so freakin' high maintenance.

  16. The more I learn, the less competent I feel. Which is somehow kind of awesome.

  17. If you're a week behind on grocery shopping, the best option for breakfast is homemade pumpkin muffins with cinnamon sugar topping. Of course.

  18. Randomly stumbled on this quote and thought it was unbelievably awesome: “Shyness has a strange element of narcissism, a belief that how we look, how we perform, is truly important to other people.” ~Andre Dubus

  19. Sorry, fairies (tooth or otherwise) don't leave cutesy handwritten replies like Santa does. Be thankful they left money and didn't abduct you for breaking and losing your toothy offering. :P

  20. "No touching!" "No touching!"

  21. having an awesome and terrible craving for a new pair of Docs that I can't afford. Argh.

  22. I need a larger contingent of wrist sniffers to help me test and organize my eighty bazillion scents.
