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Posts posted by therikkster

  1. In bottle: Delicious. The rum and coconut is heavy, but the caramel just makes it delicious.


    On skin, wet: The rum and coconut fades when wet; It's just pure caramel, heady and very sweet. Was tempted to lick my arm.


    On skin, dry: Dry, the apple comes through a bit; it takes on a bit of a sharper, fresher note, but mostly it's just dark caramel.

  2. This may be an impossible request, but what scents can you think of that arn't powerful enough to choke, but are just constantly there, through anything? Gluttony held up well during my martial arts class, but I don't want to wear it constantly, and it's a bit to... Rich.


    Musk and vanilla lasts well on me, cherry scents (Something in hellcat, dragon blood makes me smell cherry) makes me want to vomit.

  3. Hm. I only have around 850 on my spreadsheet. Have I missed a collection somewhere?


    I have:

    A demon in my view

    A little lunacy (All the moons)

    A picnic in arkham

    Ars Draconis

    Astrological oils

    Bewitching brews

    Carnaval Diabolique

    Carnaval Noir


    Dark elements



    Funeral oils




    Liber Resh Vel Helios

    All the LEs (I checked)

    Love potions

    Mad tea party


    Rappaccini's Garden

    Seven Deadly Sins

    Sin & Salvation

    All the single notes


    Springtime in Arkham

    Tarot Oils

    The Gratiæ

    The Kindly Ones

    The Norns

    The order of the dragon

    The Panaceas

    The Sephiroth

    The Zorya

    Voodoo Blends



    (I'd download Nattie's shiny sheet, only I just finished colour-coding mine, and I can't be bothered. ^^; )
