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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by corvidae

  1. I don't know why, but I think I like it. Cairo was too sweet for me, and Bastet was too yellow; yet I am an Egyptophile through to the core, and I need at least a couple of Egyptian scents. The first one was Khephra, and this is the second, I think.


    It smells dry, very dry, and certainly carries that "old-fashioned perfume" scent with it.


    Oddly enough, I think the reason I love Dorian and Antique Lace so much is that I can smell the antique perfume, powdery, slightly acrid, and that might be why I like this one, too. This is Victorian Egyptomania in the best possible way.

  2. This one, the first BPAL I ever tried, has really grown on me.


    I *love* the magnolia when I'm feeling feminine. Some reviewers have called this masculine, but it's more feminine than what I usually wear!


    I grew up in Houston (nickname "the Bayou City") and have visited New Orleans, so I know this smell. It's very much a sultry southern summer. The good part about that, rather than the part I hated. A screened-in porch with flowers.


    Also, my skin generally eats florals but this one lasts a bit better.

  3. Hmm. I really needed to like this scent - I'm Kemetic. :P


    However... let me just say that I've smelled Kapet (Kyphi) burning and it was AMAZING. It was a cold, winter day and the warm smell was perfect.


    Unfortunately, that's not what Cairo smells like on me. It smells like candy. The smell is pleasant but it's just TOO sweet. I can't really distinguish individual scents, because all I'm getting is candy.


    On the drydown I start getting what might be incense notes, but I don't know if it's enough for me to really like the scent.


    Too bad - this is almost one of those heart-breaking scents.

  4. You know the smell of old cellars? Dungeons? Medieval basements? Old stone, wet earth, and mold?


    I love, love that smell, and that is the base smell for this scent. When I smelled it in the imp, I exclaimed, "they bottled old places!!!"


    When I put it on, the rpses come out to play - dry, desolate roses.


    I wore this to a concert on Sunday and some guy next to me said, "wow, it smells good in here."


    First compliment about BPAL I'd gotten.

  5. This is my most favorite scent and I thought it was about darn time I reviewed it!


    On me, the most prevalent scents are the ozone and the wine, making it smell like a bit of a drunken tryst in the rain. The sandalwood and the smokiness hang out in the background and keep things mysterious; I get the memory of being at Duntulm Castle on the Isle of Skye from this, primarily because of the "rainy" feel. (Only, instead of my camera, I've got a bottle of wine :P )


    Anyway, this scent changes every time I put it on - sometimes the smoke or the leather come out more. But it's always amazing.

  6. Masculine? Sure. But it smells good on me, like I've just had a tumble with someone incredibly sexy.


    Vetiver is a good friend of mine - it smells like chocolate dirt, and you can't go wrong there.


    This scent smells like I would imagine the sadistic, somewhat frightening but still verray, verray sexy gentleman to smell like. I know - it smells like Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights! My favorite.


    I'm going to marry this scent and we'll have horribly messed up children together.
