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Posts posted by mymymai

  1. In the Imp (ITI): Yum, a delightful combination of tonka and tobacco are first out of the gate. It’s deceptively seductive even on first sniff. As I inhale deeper, there is a bit of warm brown leather in there as well.


    Wet: It’s much more florid and sweet on my skin, which may be due to the chardonnay and rum; however, the tobacco adds just enough to keep it from being too innocent.


    Dry: Sweet tonka and a touch of rum are all that remain after a workout and several hours.

  2. In the Imp (ITI): Thick dragon's blood with the most subtle aspect of sweetness from the amber. It's definitely a bewitching scent at this point.


    Wet: On my skin, the dragon's blood becomes even more potent, but there is that touch of sweetness that I can get on deeper sniffs. It feels a bit heavy / indulgent to wear right before I go to the gym though.


    Dry: Dry and post workout, the scent is now balanced in terms of the dragon's blood and the amber. It's sultry and attractive, but be prepared for a strong scent when wet and the first stages of dry-down.

  3. In the Imp (ITI): I get something sweet on first sniff, which might be the shea, followed by herbs and the pungent aspect of sprucewood. There is a slight aquatic quality to this scent as well.


    Wet: On my skin, the scent suddenly morphs to a lemon base surrounded by strong herbal qualities and a little wood. There is a faint cleaner undertone to this, so I hope that goes away quickly.


    Dry: It’s much more floral once dried down, but splashes of spruce and lemon still remain. It’s a well-suited scent for a spring day as it is light and clean, but I’m not crazy over it like I have been over some of te others I’ve tested recently.

  4. In the Imp (ITI): Sweet sandalwood and amber waft out of the bottle as jasmine tries to join the fray. It's a little too sweet for my nose as is. Hopefully it will tone down.


    Wet: Overtly sweet amber with what I could swear are hints of vanilla and honey. After 10 seconds, the pepper and sandalwood come out, but not enough to dull the tooth-achingly sweet nature of the amber.


    Dry: The scent is much more palatable when dry as it shifts to vanilla amber, myrrh, and sandalwood. It's a sweetly feminine scent, but I'm not sure how often I would reach for it.

  5. In the Imp (ITI): Hmm, honey, tea, and linen are the first out to meet my nose. It certainly does remind me of afternoon tea outside. On second sniff, I can discern a bit of ginger and white pepper, which gives the scent just a hint of the topsy-turvy nature of the mad tea party.


    Wet: Hmm, white pepper, Earl Grey tea, vanilla cakes with dashes of honey, and just a pinch of ginger for kick. I’m shocked that the ginger is playing nice, as is the honey. Hopefully it stays that way during the dry down.


    Dry: Once dry, I smell vanilla, linen, tea, and a bit of honey. It’s not too foody…I like it!

  6. In the Imp (ITI): It smells like cherries and almonds, although I know cherries are not on the scent notes.


    Wet: Very strong almond extract note with a bit of sweetness, which must come from the myrrh.


    Dry: Lightly musky with myrrh and just a hint of almonds; again, this is another scent I like much better after 10 hours.

  7. In the Imp (ITI): Whiffs of tamarind, apple, fig, and just a touch of cinnamon.


    Wet: Sharp, crisp apple with bits of fig, some grape, although the cinnamon is a strangely lacking on my skin. It’s ever so slightly sinister.


    Dry: Delicious still – warm apple and fig muddled together with the enticing scent of cinnamon and the mysteriously lovely tamarind.

  8. In the Imp (ITI): Juicy apple emerges as soon as I open the imp. I can’t smell much after that though.


    Wet: Ripe Pink Lady apples with opium winding its way around the luscious piece of fruit. The hemlock comes in about 60 seconds later with a very faint hint of greenness at the end of my intake of breath.


    Dry: After a brisk walk and some errands, not much is left on my skin save the faintest hint of apple and opium.

  9. In the Imp (ITI): While apple is one of the notes, I’m greeted by notes reminiscent of men’s cologne, king of like an oude, thyme, and some other medicinal greenness. It smells wonderful and I can’t wait to wear it.


    Wet: I tried this on and the first response was, “Oh goodness, yes!” It smells delightfully foreboding yet very alluring at the same time. I want to bathe in this scent. I still get the masculine qualities, but the tartly spiced (warmed clove and cinnamon) apple is emerging and is balancing out the herby oude.


    Dry: Gloriously tart apples that have soaked in spices of nutmeg, cinnamon, and clove with a hint of smokiness. Oh yes, this scent will be mine in larger quantities.

  10. In the Imp (ITI): Yep, that’s banana ester…not my favorite note in the world. There is a little floridness to the scent as well.


    Wet: Close to overripe bananas with an astringent quality from perhaps the woody aspect of this note combination. There is a very tropical floral in there fighting to be acknowledged next to all that banana.


    Dry: After 1o hours, I smell narra and palm and a subtle sweetness from either the banana or the blossoms. I like it dried much more than wet or in the imp.

  11. In the Imp (ITI): Oh, thick greenness of moss and herbs meet my nose. There is not even a hint of ginger and I'm so thankful already. It's so green -yum!


    Wet: Hmm, I think the ginger may be coming out because there is an unsettling quality to the greenness. It does remind me of what the apothecary in Romeo and Juliet would smell like.


    Dry: Grasses and moss with a hint of poison from the ginger. I liked it much better in the bottle than on my skin.

  12. In the Imp (ITI): Dusty musk, sandalwood and nutmeg emerge first. Hints of bergamot begin to overpower the subtlety of the previous scents on second sniff.


    Wet: Think and sumptuous amber hefty swaths of saffron musk and rose. Lovely!


    Dry: More amber and musk than anything else. That’s too bad as I had such high hopes.

  13. In the Imp (ITI): It’s really sweet right from the bottle. I smell sweet currants steeped in faint red wine enhanced by the lush fullness of the plum. Very decadent.


    Wet: Wow, it smells like those candies that are purposely designed to imitate wine, but are too sweet to actually mirror that flavor. There certainly is the sweetness of the currant and the almost heady aspect of the plum that makes the scent a bit more unusual.


    Dry: Slightly soapy and powdery with splashes of wine and dashes of amaretto. It’s luxurious but almost cloying.

  14. In the Imp (ITI): Orange blossom and nerloi are strong one first sniff. There is a faint sweetness that I think comes from the mimosa as well.


    Wet: Orange peel and neroli are strong enough to waft from my wrist every time I move my arm while talking a morning walk.


    Dry: Sweet but slightly buttery orange blossoms (it’s lost the zest aspect) and hints of warm clove. It’s feminine, pretty, and slightly exotic. Too bad it’s been DC’d.

  15. In the Imp (ITI): Very strong notes of white, fluffy cake infused with vanilla. I don’t smell the currants, yet.


    Wet: Hmm, the cake has turned a bit like fruit cake for me, and I think that might be due to the currants. There is a little undertone of toasted coconut for some reason as well. I think I liked it better in the bottle.


    Dry: The fruitcake aspect has died down and now I smell vanilla and a hint of white cake. It’s sweet and foody, but not my style.

  16. In the Imp (ITI): White tea, grapefruit, and the slightest hint of sweetness from the apple blossom. While I like the scent, I start to feel pressure in the front part of my head while sniffing it. Sadly, I think this scent still may not agree with me.


    Wet: The grapefruit now is tinged with spiciness from the ginger, but to the point of overwhelming me. It’s such a pretty scent, but I’ve concluded that ginger and I are not friends.


    Dry: As it dries, I want to sneeze every time my wrist gets close to me. Very strong ginger and grapefruit, but it really doesn’t work for me.

  17. In the Imp (ITI): Strong pine and juniper, but with hints of moist soil. I don’t smell the musk yet at this point.


    Wet: yes, lots of juniper, hints of freshly picked pine needles, and a faint dusting of much are a melodious symphony for my nose. I adore smelling like this.


    Dry: It’s a sweet wet dusty mingling of juniper and pine. I liked it wet as I enjoy the pungent aspects of the green notes, but it isn’t bad.

  18. Pinot noir, dark myrrh, red sandalwood, black patchouli, night-blooming jasmine, and attar of rose.


    In the Imp (ITI): Wow, the wine is so strong here, but it’s an overly sweet pinot. IT smells like raisins with a little bit of spice, but I can’t find much else.

    Wet: The fruity aspect of pinot noir comes out first, followed closely by patchouli and rose attar. At this point, the scent is a bit unsettling – very reminiscent of a black widow.

    Dry: More powdery version ofthe wet cent – light wine and rose, but not much else aside from that.

  19. In the Imp (ITI): Even though these are not listed in the notes, I smell orange and a dash of lemon mixed in with myrrh and frankincense. I already like this and I’m eager to see if the citrus actually manifests as such on my skin.


    Wet: Florid orange, like orange blossom greets my nose first, followed by myrrh and other incenses. There is just a little of an odd note from the ozone, but I think this is what is causing me to smell the citrus.


    Dry: The scent has become slightly powdery, but I still get the impression of smoldering incense and orange blossoms. It does remind me of a ritual offering, so this scent really does its namesake justice.

  20. In the Imp (ITI): I smell just violet when I inhale, which is certainly something that I would not complain about since I like that note n my perfumes and essential oils. I don't smell any of the brusquely pungent aspects that gardenia can take on in an oil. It reminds me of the Lotte violet candy.


    Wet: Oh wow, violet and vanilla. It's sweet, feminine, cold and floral. I like it!


    Dry: Oddly enough, the vanilla is amping with the faintest hint of violet. It's still lovely and the perfect scent for the first inklings of spring.


    Other Impressions:Husband says it's nice, but isn't really super into it. Once dry, however, he says it smells like good powder and flower. He's much more positive about it.

  21. In the Imp (ITI): I could tell immediately that it was leather and something else, something dark before reading the notes. The leather was much lighter than previous leathers, so it makes sense that I would be responding to the white leather.


    Wet: Leather and sandalwood, but there is also a smokiness to the scent on my skin. It's very alluring.


    Dry: While there is a faint smokiness, the leather combined with the sandalwood harmonize sweetly on my skin. It's beautiful and I do want more of it.

  22. In the Imp (ITI): I smell patchouli and a bit of soil (similar to the same patchouli smell of #occupywallstreet). There is also a bit of faint sweetness, like a drop of honey, in the background.


    Wet: I get patchouli, a bit of moss, and a woodsy incense-based note hidden in there. It’s dark and mysterious and reminds me of being deep in the redwood forests after a brief rain.


    Dry: Musky dark patchouli with a little woodiness. This is lovely and I would certainly reach for it again.

  23. In the Imp (ITI): Stargazer lily jumps right out from the bottle and assaults my nose; however, the moss and buttonweed soothe me with their lush greenness.


    Wet: Mmm, wet and lush greenness (thank you moss and buttonweed for becoming the star players). This reminds me a little of Velvet Cthluhu and Lush's Jungle together. As it's drying, the flowers' notes come out to play, but I wish they'd stay in the background.


    Dry:IT gets very faint, very quickly. There is still a bit of greenness left from the moss and myrtle, but I don't smell any flowers. It's nice, I just wish it had more staying power on my skin.

  24. In the Imp (ITI): I smell strong ambrette, cabreuva, and Spanish moss on initial sniff. It's clean, tropically green, and faintly woody. On repeated sniffs, I think I can smell the khus, but there isn't the warmness I would expect from the other scents like tobacco.


    Wet: The cabreuva is really strong (and just as in note descriptions, it is woodsy and soapy at the same time). I still smell the hibiscus; however, I think I can discern the blonde tobacco, but just barely.


    Dry: Sadly, the soapiness has overcome most of the other notes. There is just a little moss and tobacco left, but I wish I could smell the rest of the notes.


    Other Impressions: Powder and sex, as in sexiness, from my husband. That's surprising.

  25. In the Bottle (ITB): It’s calmed down from when I first smelled it right after shipping (it was cinnamon all the time). However, cinnamon is still incredibly strong, but now I can smell some oakmoss, musk, and a bit of patchouli.


    Wet: While I know cinnamon is not one of the notes, cinnamon here is super strong. Mixed with the other notes, it’s not appealing to my nose. I can smell some of the musk and perhaps the hedoine or costus accord.


    Dry: After several hours, the cinnamon is behaving itself and playing nice with the other notes, specifically hedoine, oakmoss, costus,and a bit of tonka and musk. It’s warm and exotic with a hint of spiciness; however, I just feel ill smelling it in the previous stages. Too bad.
