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Posts posted by mymymai

  1. ITB: I get lily and a light musk here.


    Wet: Very strong lily, diaphanous musk, and faint hints of osmanthus. I'd like to smell frankincense at this stage, but I'm just not getting yet.


    Dry: Well, the lily certainly steals the show here, although the frankincense and osmanthus are present, they are mere wall-flowers to the lily's show.

  2. ITB: It smells like damp cobblestones and a dark and dangerous men's cologne.


    Wet: It smells almost like a fougere with a touch of anise and something floral. However, it's dark and musky, fitting of stone and darkness.


    Dry: It really does seem like there in anise in here as whatever it is is stronger on my skin along with the dark musk. It's an intriguing scent.

  3. ITB: It's very floral in the bottle - lilac and dianthus with a touch of cedar.


    Wet: It's a bit more green on my skin and reminds me in some way of Mandrake Charm a little bit, but as it dries, the blue musk and neroli make the scent much more enticing.


    Dry: It dries to a lilac powder with a touch of musk, light herbs, and ozone. It reminds me of sweet whispering around twilight.

  4. ITB: It's effervescent, just like the champagnes, but with more lemon-lime.


    Wet: It's very much the same on my skin, although as it settles, the sugar kicks in. It reminds me of Mountain Dew (what I remember of it, anyway).


    Dry: It's an effervescent lemon-lime with something warm like caramelized sugar.

  5. ITB: I would have expected the aquatic notes to dominant, but it's the chocolate - warm, milk chocolate. There is a little sea salt underneath, but it isn't a bad combination.


    Wet: Warm chocolate, sea salt, and perfume-y sea plants (really more of a floral on my skin) underneath. Usually, aquatics turn wretched on even the faintest application, but this is really nice so far.


    Dry: Fresh sea water spray, chocolate, wafting incense - oh Cthulhu, you dashing knave!

  6. ITB: IT's pale pink roses, a little green, and vanilla that adds an interesting creaminess to this scent.


    Wet: It's very similar to what it smells like in the bottle, although the creaminess/vanilla is stronger on my skin.


    Dry: Ah, the rose comes back out. It reminds me of a younger version of Rose Red with it's vanilla note and the impression of pink rather than red roses.

  7. ITB: It reminds me of blueberry snow cones. Yum!


    Wet: Slushy blueberries with a hint of blackberry jam. Gosh, this is heavenly.


    Dry: The blackberry is a bit more distinct here, although the blueberry is still sweet. I'm also getting a lime and the snow note. It's a really delicious and fun scent.

  8. ITB: It's much more plum-centric than I had anticipated. There is a touch of vanilla sandalwood, but I can't discern the other notes. It's fruity, flowery, and feminine.


    Wet: There is really almost nothing, but what fraction of a drop I managed to eek out of the bottle smelled exactly the same on my skin, thank goodness. I'd love a little more of this.


    Dry: It's perfume-y plum blossom and a touch of sandalwood, but it is faint since I was able to get out so little in the first place.

  9. ITB: I get fizzy champagne, red wine that has started to turn (a little vinegar), fruit, and something that reads as soft and cloying, like vanilla.


    Wet: Whew, that cloying note isn't present on my skin. Now, it is aged wine, champagne, muddled orange soaked in the aged wine, cola, and one or two other fruits I can't place. This is sangria to a "T".


    Dry: It's interesting in this state because it becomes softly fruity and resinous with faint effervescence. I like this one so much more once dried.

  10. In the Imp (ITI): The effervescence of the champagne is immediately detectable on the first sniff. The lychee beautifully sweetens the champagne while the mango provides from roundness under the two notes.


    Wet: The mango is a bit more heady here and the champagne is a bit strong on my skin initially. The lychee is there, but it is rather light. The scent, however, is sweet, feminine, and ever so slightly tropical.


    Dry: Still very effervescent and just a tad sweet from the lychee and mango. After 11 hours, the scent was still detectable, although it was faint.

  11. ITB: I can certainly smell a few varieties of mint. One is pure and green like mint liquor, while the second I detect is a duskier mint, like those in natural cough drops. The Indonesian oil and vanilla rise up to meet the mint the longer I sniff.


    Wet: Indonesian oil, vanilla, tea, dusty mint, and bergamot with a hint of green tea. It's an intriguing scent.


    Dry: It's warm, slightly resinous, and minty now from the vanilla, bergamot, mint, and oils. There is a light foody quality to this, but the addition of the mint makes it very palatable and interesting.

  12. ITB: It's green, but not astringent, followed by the floral aspect of sweet pea...and there is also something pleasantly aquatic about it as well.


    Wet: It's more floral on my skin, then green, although the aquatic undertone is interesting and adds some depth to this single note.


    Dry: It reminds me of bath soap for some reason - I think it's because it's fresh, clean, and floral.

  13. ITB: It's absinthe, but much softer from the lace and the tobacco smoke.


    Wet: The scent is almost fruity when I apply it to my skin. I think this is from the green cognac, which is followed by the absinthe and then the tobacco smoke. I don't get the same softness from the lace as I did in the bottle.


    Dry: The tobacco now emerges as the primary note, which melds beautifully with the green cognac, light absinthe, and sugared lace.

  14. ITB: It's rather spicy, actually. It smells almost like sweet cinnamon, but I know it's clove mixed with cognac, vanilla blossom, and myrrh.


    Wet: Dusty clove is still the top note, followed by frankincense. I really can't smell much else right now.


    Dry: It's beautifully and sweetly resinous once dried - myrrh and frankincense followed by oak and vanilla blossom...and faint clove.

  15. ITB: It's cognac, opium, and frankincense fresh from the bottle.


    Wet: That's lovely. Bourbon vanilla, opium, cognac, tea, frankincense, and something that does remind me of silk.


    Dry: It's warm (bourbon vanilla), feminine (silk and coconut bark), and deliciously resinous from the frankincense and opium.

  16. ITB: I had to put this off for a few days while I waited for my cold to dissipate as this is not the strongest scent. It's leaves, linen, cognac, tobacco, and sugared lace in the bottle.


    Wet: The cognac is much stronger on my skin and the laudanum is now present. I get a little black tea with the linen, sugar spun lace, and thick tobacco.


    Dry: It is certainly party of the lace family. The linen and tobacco reign supreme, but are followed closely by the sugar spun lace and Indian musk. It's a lovely scent.

  17. ITB: It's light, buoyant, and fruity - guava, cherry blossoms, and lemon balm.


    Wet: Yum. Lemon balm, lemongrass, guava, hibiscus, and grapefruit. I love how tropical this smells.


    Dry: Once dry, it's somewhat faint. The scent is primarily lemon balm, lemongrass, and pink grapefruit. I really enjoy the fruitiness of this one.

  18. ITB: Yum. Resin and lychee. Of course, lychee is my favorite note in the world, so this is made of win so far.


    Wet: Lychee is still strongest, witch which I'm absolutely fine, then followed by starfruit, snow, and some carrot seed.


    Dry: It's gorgeous, simply gorgeous. This will be my lychee-lavender-snow go-to from now on. It's fruity and cool.

  19. ITB: It's a bit hard to smell, but I can pick up the copaifera and a little lavender, but it is super faint in the bottle.


    Wet: Gosh, it is still hardly detectable even on my skin. I have to concentrate, but when I do, it's all lavender. I think my cold or whatever it is is catching up with my nose.


    Dry: Ok, now I'm getting something gloriously sweet, like warm honey mixed with amber and vanilla, plus the edition of lavender. It's sweetly soothing.

  20. ITB: Whoo! That's very green. It's like freshly cut grass and the bitter scent of broken poppy stems.


    Wet: It's really bitter in its greenness. I can discern the parsley, acanthus, belladonna, spicy chrysanthemum and the sweetly floral iris. The jury is still out on this one.


    Dry: It's a bit more floral from the iris and mellow from the manioc, although the belladonna and acanthus are still just as present. There is a little loam tone to this, but not much. This is much prettier once dried, although if you love really green scents, give this a try.

  21. ITB: This is green and pleasantly earthy from the mandrake and basil linalool. There is also a disquieting floral after the initial scent that is discernible, which must be the hyssop.


    Wet: Earthy and spicy in it's herbiness. The scent seems to amp the mandrake the most on my skin. Other notes are harder to pick out, but I think I get a little basil linalool, lemongrass, and a faint impression of olibanum, but it's mostly a mandrake show.


    Dry: The mandrake is still dominant, but it settles down some with olibanum and a little lemongrass. I wish the myrrh was more prominent, as it would add a wonderfully resinous tone to this green and eathy scent.

  22. ITB: Ooh, a very lovely and almost light lilac fougere with a touch of styrax.


    Wet: It's very similar on my skin when compared to the oil in the bottle. The only different is that the frankincense is discernible.


    Dry: The frankincense and musk are strong once it has dried, but the lilac and styrax soften it and lend a bit of powderiness to the scent. I enjoy this one!

  23. ITB: Bourbon vanilla, ambrette, and champaca flower. The combination smells like a floral banana smoothie to me.


    Wet: Champaca flower...oop, there's that banana again. Okay, now that I concentrate, there's bourbon vanilla, ambrette seed, and the tiniest dab of leather. It's somewhat spicy if I had to categorize this scent.


    Dry: Okay, less banana now and more champaca flower, ambrette seed, bourbon, and light frankincense. It's nice, but not awesome.

  24. ITI: It's soft and gentle like the rain, but I can also pick up on the playful rice wine and bourbon vanilla notes.


    Wet: Grapefruit, rice wine, and subtle vanilla orchid make this a delightfully playful choice. This does remind me a bit of my beloved Fresh's Sake scent from the Memories of a Geisha collection. It figures that this one would be limited edition as well.


    Dry: Rice wine and grapefruit, primarily. It's wonderful and I'm pleased to have found something with a rice wine note that works so well on my skin.
