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Posts posted by marraskave

  1. I have little to add about the scent itself. It's deep, heavy and intoxicating. A natural, velvety, DARK rose. The musk balances the sweetness of rose out. Sharp in a sense, and even though I love this I found myself wondering if I can actually pull a scent like this off. It's sensual and sophisticated, but I find this commanding at the same time too. (Somehow I associate this to the sound of violin, hmm!)


    However... I purchased this at the end of the year 2012. I got a shipping notification on 1.12.2012. That's less than 9 months ago. I have kept this in a cool (and obviously dark) closet all the time. Today as I sniffed this, the scent had changed already? It's a slight but very noticeable transformation. It's not as "fresh" and sharp anymore, but it just smells like something in it has just started to spoil. Should I have had expected this? I thought that I would notice aging (in a negative sense) when I would have had a perfume oil around 1,5 years...

  2. In the bottle: Grass, and mostly just that. A little soapy and somewhat artificial, a little like an air freshener. Something floral on the background, and I can detect an aquatic note as well. Perhaps it assists in that air freshener association..


    Wet: The grass note gets a little gentler, but it's still very dominating: now it reminds me of the smell after lawn mowing. Definitely there's a floral note, but I don't really recognise it as lilac - to me it's nothing like real lilac blossoms anyways. It's more like lavender soap. Yeah, more soap.


    Dry: It gets softer, drier-smelling and more pleasant. More musky, I think. The prominence of the grass reduces, though it's still mostly soapy and grassy. I can't find new notes anymore, or another changes in their essences or proportions. I think this just doesn't behave on my skin.


    I was hoping for a lot of lilac combined with woodsy notes (a woodland in spring -kind of scent! Must try Arkham and Ulalume next.), so I was somewhat disappointed. I can't even find any wood in this one, and to me/on my skin that lilac note is hiding as well... oh well.

  3. In the imp: The strongest association to me is definitely an oat-cookie with a cream filling. Warm and comforting, very sweet but the pastry-ness kind of calms the sweetness down. Plus something buttery (hm, this could almost be dough instead of a cookie) and something... somewhat paste-like fruity, like a plum pudding, yes.


    Wet: Plumminess, raisiness and spicyness get a little more exposed, but very similar to what it was in the imp.


    Dry: At first I thought it to be rather linear, as it barely changes while being on my skin. On my friend's skin, though, it gets a lot more raisin-y and spicy! I detect something like ginger and cinnamon, while on my skin, those notes are pretty much nonexistent.
