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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Rouge

  1. I'm incredibly pleased with this scent. It's clear and cold and glassy; in short, everything I was hoping R'lyeh was going to be and wasn't. That one unfortunately turned into rotten grapefruit and pond weed as soon as it touched my wrist.


    In the bottle - Spearmint and grapefruit are the dominant notes. There's a mixture of sweetness and sharpness that I find very appealing.


    Wet on the skin - More mint, partnering with something aquatic that I can't quite identify. It's a very clear and cold scent - literally, in fact - the mint has a genuine cooling effect on the skin.


    Dry down - The grapefruit note is the first to vanish, leaving behind clear, green notes and understated florals that sweeten and warm considerably as time goes on.


    My one disappointment with Shattered is that it doesn't have the dark edge that I'd expect from a scent inspired by heartbreak, so to me the concept and name of the perfume doesn't marry happily with the finished product. This doesn't, however, detract in any way from what's going to become a firm summer favourite.


    I'll wear this scent when I need waking up! It's like a cool shower, a cold drink and a clean white top when it's sticky and humid outside.

  2. A very pleasant scent but unfortunately also a very faint one.


    In the bottle - Warm, dusty orris with a slight overlay of musk.


    Wet on the skin - Much the same as in the bottle. I find myself having to use an awful lot of the oil before I can actually smell it.


    Dry down - There's been little development in the scent itself except for a faint sweetness as the coconut begins to emerge.


    If Blood Pearl were any stronger I'd perhaps call it piratical, but as it is, I'm reduced to gazing into the imp with a faintly puzzled expression and slurring "Where has the rum gone??"

  3. I'm learning to never write off a BPAL scent before trying it on the skin. Tezcatlipoca in the bottle is scarily pungent, but on the skin it mellows into something dark and rich and luscious.


    In the bottle - Dark, bitter cocoa, but it's swamped somewhat by a thick, earthy note. Intriguing, but not altogether pleasant. Much like the lord of the smoking mirror himself, I would imagine...


    Wet on the skin - The cocoa becomes the dominant note. It's flanked by dark spices and the dry heat of leather. I imagine the ritual drink of spiced chocolate used by the Aztecs smelled very much like this! It's the perfect marriage of concept and content.


    Dry down - Smoky, earthy and delicious. It's a very powerful, enigmatic, dark brown scent that demands eyecatching jewellry, a low-necked top and dark, smudged eyeliner. :P

  4. A fascinating scent!


    I wasn't at all sure of this one in the bottle, but like Saint Death herself, the perfume is far more comforting and solicitous than it would appear when approached with preconceived ideas.


    In the bottle - I want to like it. I really do. The description on the site and the name are just so perfect, but the florals are a little too overpowering for me and they make my hose hurt. Persevering with it, though, there's a soft, almost sad note here below the strong smell of the flowers which intrigues me.


    Wet on the skin - what a difference! A lovely mossy note emerges when on the wrist. It softens and warms the florals and creates a comforting blanket over the sharp notes that my nasal passages were protesting against.


    Dry - A few minutes into wear, vetiver mingles with the rose to add depth. There's still a note of sorrow here; this is a scent I would wear on those melancholy days. Later still the wet and hopeful scent of cactus flower comes to the fore, adding an exotic and brighter tone and very successfully evoking the geographical roots of Santa Muerte herself. Afer grief comes joy, she tells us, and without one we cannot recognise the other.

  5. A very rich, spicy, warm scent. I love this.


    In the bottle - The first thing I notice is almonds; it smells like marzipan and frangipani blossoms. I'd go so far as to say that the almonds overpower every other scent; but not unpleasantly so.


    Wet on skin - More almonds, but they're not as overpowering as they smelled in the bottle. Warm spices begin to emerge after a few minutes.


    Dry down - Absolutely heavenly! The honey begins to make its presence felt and a sweet edge becomes more apparent as time goes on.


    The perfect scent for long summer evenings when you're dressed in something golden and silken. Very highly recommended!

  6. Hello all from a new reviewer :P


    I'm not ordinarily a fan of jasmine but this one's just gorgeous!


    In the bottle - A distinct zing of citrus gives real body to the predominant scent of jasmine. It's multilayered without being too complex.


    Wet on the skin - The tuberose starts to emerge but again it's given a sharper and cleaner edge by the lime.


    Dry down - A new floral note emerges which I presume can only be the lotus. It's a unique and indefinable soft waft of scent, something evocative and faintly ghostly. Like the moment when the muse departs her worshipper, leaving behind the work of art or academic piece she has inspired.
