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Everything posted by draconix

  1. draconix

    White Rabbit

    In the bottle: Sweet vs. Strong. It's an intense battle. There's the honey, milk and vanilla which all make for a sweet side that smells a little like cake. And there's the black tea and pepper making for a strong, spiced smell. They're pretty equally balanced though, so it's difficult to say which side wins out. On my skin: Wet = *gag* Waaay too milk & honey for me. It's overpoweringly sweet... and it's not getting any better as it's drying. We'll see after a few mintues though. Nope. No better. Final Thoughts: I feel bad when I don't like something. But this is not working at all.
  2. draconix


    In the bottle: So. Very. Pretty. That's it, it's just a pretty smell. Everything about it is sweet (without being headache-inducing) and light. On my skin: Wet, it makes my nose crinkle at first, but then there's the smell of blossoms behind that, which is very nice. Dry, it's more apple blossoms that anything else (well, I'm not sure what ylang ylang smells like, so I can't make a call on that one). It's clean... but in an unfortunately soapy way. It smells a little like body wash; fruity, floral and just a tad soapy. Final Thoughts: I'm not really digging this one. The blossom smell I like, but it's not so nice when combined with the soapy smell.
  3. draconix


    In the bottle: Very pine-y and Rosemary-y... actually, it smells exactly like Vic's VapoRub. It's one of those really odd smells that isn't entirely pleasant, but difficult to stop smelling. On my skin: Wet, it's Vic's mixed with sap. No... wait... just Vic's. Dry, it's the same, but it gets a little spicy and lemony. It softens up quite a bit after a few minutes. Final Thoughts: The jury is still out on this one. I'll have to try it a bit more before making a decision...
  4. draconix

    The Black Tower

    In the bottle: Warm, something that sort of spicy-sweet... not sure what it is though. It's not too sweet, not enough to give me a headache anyway. I'm liking it in the bottle. On my skin: Wet, this is very spicy. A little like a good cigar honestly... Dry, it's softer and much nicer. Kind of smells like a man's cologne though. Scratch that, a lot like a man's cologne. It's very "Honey, I'm home from killing a few hundred large men on a battle field." Final Thoughts: I like it, but not for me. If a guy I date wears this though, I'll love it. I might keep it though... Gah! I love this, but it's far too manly for me.
  5. draconix


    In the bottle: Sweet, almost tangy. The kind of smell that gives you and instant headache (unfortunately). Massive amounts of Lavender. Hopefully it will tone down on my skin. On my skin: Oh, bad, bad, BAD. Not working at all. An acidy, tart, bitter smell. It reminds me of something almost medicinal... only I can't think of what. Whatever it is, it's not good. 1 minute after drying; it is still very medicinal, but also soapy. Not a good combo. After testing two others (approx 20 minutes later), I sniffed the area where I'd put this on and it was pure soap. It actually smells exactly like those little shell soaps people have in their bathrooms for when guests come over. Final Thoughts: Negative. This just doesn't work on me.
  6. draconix

    The Unicorn

    In the bottle: "Misty" is the perfect word for this. Very light, but potent. It's sitting in the window sill next to my head and when the breeze blows over it it brings this really soft smell of newly-blooming flowers with it. On my skin: Wet, it's very sweet smelling... almost to the point of smelling like candy. Dry, there are more florals coming through. It's a much stronger scent on my skin (oddly enough). Turns a little soapy fairly quickly. It's fading amazingly fast on my skin. 3 minutes after putting it on and I already have to stick my nose to my arm to smell it. Though, as it's fading, I am liking it more. Oh the irony... Final Thoughts: I probably won't wear this too much. After fading, it does have a clean scent, but not one that you can smell unless you're a quarter of an inch or less away from it. It fades to quickly and it's too light and airy for me. But I'll probably keep it around as a room scent.
  7. draconix


    In the bottle: *sniff* *cough* Woah. I'm not sure what the smell is... there's a certain spice that feels gingery to me, but the rest is a mystery. Very potent. On my skin:This is very gingery. That's all I can smell, it's very strong. I don't smell much jasmine, or any flower-type smell, but it is vanilla-sweetness riding under a wave of ginger-spiceyness. After a bit, it starts smelling like an Asian collectables store. Very incense-ish. Only sweeter. It's almost a candy smell after awhile. Actually, it smells a lot like those ginger candies, which makes sense. Final Thoughts: I'm undecided on this one. Unless I'm up close, it's a surprisingly (after what it was like in the bottle) light scent. Nowhere near as overpowering as I was expecting. The sweet and spicy smell is kind of nice... I don't know. I'll have to try it some more and see how I feel.
  8. draconix


    In the bottle: A little flowery, but so light that you almost don't notice it. Almost a kind of... clear smell to it. Reminds me of spring... which I suppose is the idea. On my skin: There's a flower, I can't name it... a lily or a tulip... maybe a daffodil. Not overpowering, it takes a good whiff right next to my arm to smell it. Nice and light. A little more drying and it begins to smell a bit like a spring garden. There's something else, like, fresh cut grass almost. Sort of smells like an early morning in May. It has a clean edge to it. Final Thoughts: Subtle and springy. I like it. Kind of on the pretty side, but I like it.
  9. draconix

    New Orleans

    In the bottle: Whew! That is strong... and it doesn't help that I flicked myself in the face with it either. Very flowery, it smells exactly like this kid's perfume my grandmother bought me when I was 11 (when she was still under the illusion that I could be turned into a girly-girl). I definitely smell the jasmine, but so much so that it's pretty overpowering, and the lemon... but just barely. I'm really hoping it isn't this strong on my skin, or I'll be knocking people out as I walk by! On my skin: Wet, there's much more lemon smell, still the same amount of jasmine though. Those two are making it hard to smell anything else going on. Dry, it's MUCH better. Still very strong, but I can smell more of the spicyness that I wasn't before and the jasmine/lemon combo isn't nearly as overpowering. After drying for a few minutes, it's more subtle, but not as much as I'd like it to be. I'm liking it more as time passes. Final Thoughts: Opening this one up, I didn't like it one bit. Way too strong for me. On, it's not as bad though and if I only use a little bit of it then it won't be an issue. Very flowery though, I can only smell the spices when I get close. Not sure I like the flowery smell, it's bad (actually, it's very pretty and works well with my skin chemistry), but it's not really me. I could see me wearing it to something a little more formal though.
  10. draconix


    In the bottle: Oddly, I'm smelling a flower in this one. I'm not sure what it is, but it's a general flower smell and almost a musk underneath that. There's a certain... something. A tang that gives it a bit of an edge. On my skin: Wet, the tang is more evident, and the flower is there still as well. But it's not a floral flower... if that makes any sense. Dry, I'm beginning to smell the more marine aspects of this one, the edge is nice... gives it a bit of a kick. It smells like... like a garden just after a rain storm. I'm still smelling a bit of flower, but it's covered by this rainy-fresh scent. A very clean smell. Unfortunately, that clean smell kind of goes overboard after awhile and starts smelling a bit like a bar of soap. Final Thoughts: This time of year, I could see myself wearing this one fairly often. It's not overpowering, very subtle (in fact, I have to get pretty close to my arm to get a good whiff). The breeze coming through the window occassionally hits the right spot and I can smell it. But the soapy smell... well, that's not so good.
  11. draconix

    Leanan Sidhe

    ... Her perfume is a crush of Irish herbs and flowers, Gaelic mists, and nighttime dew. In the bottle: Flowers mostly, with something else that I think is herbs... yes. There's a kind of freshness to it as well. On my skin: Wet, I can't figure out what it is, but it's very clean and clear. The herbs possibly, because it's still slightly floral and earthy almost... but sweeter. Dry, there's something very fresh and feminine about this. It's oddly calming. It's a little floral and slightly powerdy/soapy, but only when I get too close to it. Just a passing sniff weilds a fresh scent with floral undercurrents and a bit of herbal smell every now and then. Final Thoughts: A very pretty scent. Would I wear it often? I'm not sure. I like it, but I don't really think it's a "me" kind of scent.
  12. draconix


    In the bottle: Hmm... interesting. Strong, something that sort of smells like new plants. Something woody. Warmth with a sharp, almost bitter, edge to it. But there are all these underlying scents too, ones that I can't pick out long enough to identify, it's a little chaotic. On my skin: Wet, this is very woodsy. It's an almost spicy smelling kind of wood... reminds me of camping or hiking. This is a pretty masculine scent (not surprising, Jupiter is a more masculine kind of planet), but there's some kind of sweet something underneath the woody smell. I can't place it, but as it dries on my skin more it's gaining a sweet kind of spicy kick to it that's very intriguing. The smell is very... grounding. It gives me this nice homey kind of feeling. Warm and inviting. 10 mintues after applying: Cedar! That's the wood. It smells like a freshly chopped block of cedar just after a heavy rain. Final Thoughts: I think, on days that are just not going my way or days that I need more of a down-to-earth attitude, this would be perfect. After wearing it for a little while longer, I'm loving it more and more. It's very warm and lovely smell.
  13. draconix


    In the bottle: First thing's first; it's is hard to open those imp bottles without spilling everywhere. I actually got a bit on my laptop, not to mention all over my hands. Anyway, in the bottle it smells very... manly. But flowery. O___o Huh. On my skin: Wet, it's very musky. I can't really even smell anything else underneath it. Dry, I start smelling the violet much more. After a few minutes the strong musk smell fades almost completely and it's mostly just violet with a bit of lavender underneath. But it's also a little powdery/soapy smelling. Final Thoughts: I wasn't wild about it when I opened the bottle and sniffed, but after letting it dry for a little while I like it a lot more than I expected to. It's not overpowering, masculine smell, but there are the underlying florals that give it a bit of femininity. Not entirely one for me though. It feels... heavy.
  14. draconix


    In the bottle: Very sharp. Lemony like whoa. It's not overly pleasant in the bottle. Gives me a bit of a headache to be honest. Minty. On my skin: Minty and lemony. The mixture is creating a definite tang... but when it's not concentrated in a bottle it is better and a little less overpowering. I don't really like the way this is reacting on my skin though... after letting it sit for awhile, it fades to a lighter mint-lemon smell. There's something about it that reminds me of something... but I can't figure out what. Final Thoughts: Probably reserved for the days I'm feeling a little adventurous. It's a little overwhelming for me, but used very sparingly it would work.