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Posts posted by HennaFairy

  1. bottle:

    chocolate and orange peel



    same - not sweet though



    yummy gourmet but somehow not too foody! Chocolate dies down a little, still smells desserty but not sweet. Really nice!



    I like it, gourmet foody!


    rating: 7/10

  2. bottle:

    spicy, incensey



    same - with cinnamon, some amber… I guess that's actually nutmeg not cinnamon.



    hint of orange, spices mellow but are there still. Yum! Gentler version of seraglio


    actually smells christmassy! But I like it.


    rating: 8/10

  3. bottle:

    sweet fruit



    a little melon, a little mango, peach… very sweet!



    oh my all the fruits you can think of. Like that bubblegum in willy wonka! Sweet but not sickenly so, fresh. Waiter? I need a tiny paper umbrella for this drink!



    I do like fruit, but I don't know if I LIKE like something this fruity. I mean I love this, but not sure I'd wear it often. We'll see!


    rating: 7/10

  4. bottle:

    green floral



    not very strong, nice floral, a little musky



    really nice - understated (hard to smell right now I have 3 others oils on too!!) but I think I really like it!



    I really like it but need to try it alone soon!


    rating: 8/10

  5. bottle:

    lavender & incense



    ylangylang and lavender, and a touch of incense.



    sandalwood, stronger incense, with the herbs in the background. Spicier than I imagined but still nice, and relaxing! Later, much more incensy than I prefer for a bedtime scent - still nice though!



    nice, but very incensy towards the end. Not what I want for bedtime.


    rating: 8/10

  6. bottle:

    oh yes peony, this is what I hoped it smelled like!!



    lovely lovely peony. What does this remind me of? Why is it so nostalgic? Why did I only get an imp?



    now there's some more depth to it… but still glorious peony! Oh it reminds me a little of lily of the valley (maybe the pink variety that grows at my grandmother's?)



    nosegasm. Seriously. Must have more. Right now.


    rating: 10/10

  7. bottle:

    slightly minty, herbal, lemon... very clean.



    very light scent. Lemony - wait I guess it's lime, and a little minty still. Very fresh



    a really clean light scent, great for summer!



    love it! get a bottle!


    rating: 9/10

  8. bottle:

    woody and incense and vanilla



    some almond, woody and incense…. Touch of sweetness



    hmmm this almost smells like I hoped Underpants would! So far I love it - it's right up there with samhain for a halloween/camping scent!


    overall:another winner!


    rating: 8/10

  9. bottle:

    sweet incense, orangey



    same, with almond



    reminds me of an orange & clove pomander! With a warm incense/sandalwood/touch of almond, oh my. This is delicious! Eventually the orange and clove recede, and it's spices and a mild rose… well it disappeared really fast… wow.



    for half an hour I was drooling… and about to give it a 10. with the rose & disapperaing act? It's not bad, but I'll have to try it again.


    rating: 7/10

  10. bottle:

    sugar and vanilla



    same, foodier than I hoped it would be…



    sweet vanilla and sandalwood, getting slightly less sweet… I don't smell rum, but it is buttery…



    undecided! Nice, but can be too sweet at times.


    rating: 6/10



    *eta: i may keep an imp for myself, but the rest of the bottle is promised, with several people getting first sniff this weekend, and one definite buyer if there is any leftover. sorry!*

  11. bottle:

    fruity floral



    light sweet floral, slight ocean/marine scent. Soon the sweetness dies down slightly and the herbal notes come out - an interesting mix of masc/fem notes.



    dry, the notes oscillate between a marine scent (almost too masc.) to an herbal scent with a hint of floral. Less girly than before, but still a really nice blend! A cross dresser of a scent that doesn't know who it wants to be at any given time.


    love it!


    rating: 8/10

  12. bottle:

    I wanted to say patchouli, but I guess that's jasmine.



    sweet and spicy jasmine, some fruit too?



    considering I just put tarot: the moon on the other wrist… this is similar, without the musk, and a bit on the lighter/sweeter side. All the good stuff! Ah yes, ginger is there. What a great blend! Eventually it's mostly ginger, but the soft girly side of ginger.



    great summer scent! I love this one!


    rating: 9/10

  13. bottle:

    musky, a little fruity



    musky. Spicy jasmine (or magnolia… a floral)



    still musky. Still hints of florals, fruit, and spice underneath. But I can't get past the musk.



    I don't like the musk (or whatever I'm "reading" as musk) in this


    rating: 3/10

  14. bottle:

    trong floral musk. Not what I'd go for but I'll give it a chance!



    musky floral… strong rose



    the muskines goes away - I can smell the orange blossom and roses. Still a stronger floral than I prefer. Eventually the rose takes a back seat, and it's much more pleasant.



    I like it a half hour later, but it's just not me.


    rating: 6/10

  15. bottle:

    fresh green, herbal



    tea notes, light and fresh



    lovely light clean scent! Yum. Reminds me of the good part (non soapy meaning!) of shanghai.



    Love it, grab a bottle if possible!


    rating: 8/10

  16. bottle:

    herbal and green



    same - with a touch of a wood.



    yum! Not fluffy herbal (cooking herbs) but green, like leaves and stems. A hint of cedarwood… yum! A very light neutral (almost masculine) scent, drydown a little like kathmandu's!



    one of the top of my list! A lighter greener version of the drydown for kathmandu. Love it!


    rating: 9/10

  17. bottle:

    fruity floral



    there's a hint of something menthol in there… a stronger white floral/fruity scent



    dries into jasmine and other floral notes. Where midnight and evening star are light versions of a moonlit garden, this is the stronger version, in an exotic location!



    the "menthol"ish note at first is strong and not entirely good, but it morphs into a nice floral blend. Maybe a little strong (jasmine) for me, depends on the mood.

    rating: 6/10

  18. bottle:

    floral (strong) and musky



    floral with a touch of fruit/sweetness, and incense/patchouli



    what started off as too strong has mellowed. Not sure how to describe it, but it's a nice sexy blend. A little like shadow without the lemon. It's an incense with depth and character. Eventually, it gets VERY slightly soapy.



    I liked it until it got soapy. sigh.


    rating: 5/10

  19. bottle:

    green and woody



    green/fresh wood, and white flowers… really nice and light



    same - very nice green floral, with some grounding wood notes behind it. Very fresh for summer!





    rating: 8/10

  20. bottle:

    sweet, vanilla & candy…



    smells familiar… like a yankee candle shop or baked goods & crafts shop in autumn... ah looking at the listing, it's the caramel. That's all I can discern, although there is a depth/spice to it, and I think I can sense the amber.



    smells like a craft barn at an autumn fair, caramel apples, potpourri, and scented candles. Doesn't seem nearly as exotic as the description. Good for a room scent, but seems sooo… artificial to me. Like a yankee candle. (which are great, but not the same class as BPAL!) gets better with time, but i'm not sold.



    eh. Would be ok for a room scent but it's just not my thing.


    rating: 5/10

  21. bottle:

    light honey, touch of floral



    very light scent, almost a lemon edge to it…. And honey, but not as prominent as I expected.



    Faint lemon which fades, then light honey, with some florals in the background a VERY light scent, unless you slather I suppose (but with this hard to find one, no slathering here)



    Not quite what I expected - very lovely, but I won't be paying an arm and leg for more, I'd rather have O.


    rating: 8/10
