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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Mordath

  1. Have you ever walked into a department store and been viciously attacked by three or more different pushy perfume-weilding salespeople? Privilege is what you smell like in the aftermath as you try to figure out where you went wrong.

  2. This one was kind of like being mobbed in a dark alley by three different kinds of fruit salad all at once. But in a good way. Or like a fruit-only farmer's market - not just the fruit, but a little hint of the greens as well. On my skin it manages to be fresh and fruity without either going rancid or smelling like something a five year old should be drinking.

  3. Sweet, fruity bubblegum, with a little bit of pepper lingering on the skin to prevent it from being too aggressively foody for me to get away with wearing it to work. Very sweet - this is a playful, feminine scent. Not something I see myself wearing frequently, but it's the sort of thing that'll be just perfect at certain times.

  4. I get a little bit of pine in the bottle, but on my skin this dries down to a beautiful spicy vanilla, with something almost like black tea lurking in the background. Actually, it smells exactly like the chai I like to make in winter - definitely a comfortable cold-weather smell, like a favorite sweater.

  5. In the bottle, this is definitely a stormy, almost smoky smell, beautifully complex.


    On my skin, it smelled much the same, then started taking on a soapy edge. Once dry, it smelled like I had rolled in a bottle of fabric softener from a room away. I may try this again in a scent locket, but at the moment, You Are Not A Winner.

  6. Lavender and vanilla and sugar - you wouldn't think something this sweet would knock me out so much, but it's amazing the way this just...wraps you up and helps you drift off to sleep. This is a top-ten favorite for me.

  7. I don't like chocolate scents - been burned too many times by icky fake-smelling chocolate scratch-and-sniff scents. At least, I didn't...until I tried this one. In the bottle it didn't wow me, but once it dried on my skin...OM NOM NOM NOM. It's like warm dark chocolate - the way hot fondue smells. No cream at all - nothing but straight chocolate. This has become my craving scent - when I want something comforting, or when I WANT SOME DAMN CHOCOLATE ALREADY, I put this on to make everything better. Maybe there's something to this foody thing...

  8. In the bottle, this reminds me a little of seaweed - a slightly salty green aquatic scent, but more like an idealized version than what seaweed actually smells like. On my skin, it smells much the same way when wet, but when it dries down it switches back and forth from that beautiful salty aquatic to a sweet herbal melon scent, and back again. I'm not sure why or how it's doing the scent switch, but I absolutely love it.

  9. In the bottle and wet on my skin, this smells like frozen tart green apples. As it dries down the overwhelming apple fades back a bit, letting more of an icy (glass?) scent come to the forefront. It didn't morph much after that, and lasted forever - my skin drinks up everything, so it's rare for something to last more than a couple of hours on me, but this lasted nearly all day.


    In summary? Amazing, and a new top-ten scent.
