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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by ariansdreams

  1. This oil probably doesn't need another review, because it's so awesome, but I promised myself that I wouldn't buy any more BPAL until I reviewed all the scents I currently have in my possession. We'll see how that works out. Anyway:


    First Sniff (in imp): vanilla and incense and YUM!


    Wet: I smell like a sexy cookie. Vanilla and spices. Seriously, this oil is...heaven.


    Dry: I love Snake Oil. It's probably my very favorite "going out" scent. Definitely in the top three, which it shares with Dana O'Shee and O. I get compliments on this scent *every* time I wear it. When it's dry and meshed with my skin chemistry, it smells just like a sexy vanilla cookie. It was among my very first *must have 5mL OMG* orders! :P

  2. First Sniff (in the imp): It smells...wet. And sweet. I am not picking out any one note. It kind of reminds me of this Dial body wash I used to use. Not in a bad way, though.


    Wet: It smells more flowery now. Very sweet, in a good, and not cloying way. I'm also getting a very small hint of musk. Still has that "wet" smelling quality to it. Maybe that's because I associate this smell so strongly with the body wash I used, I dunno. :P


    Dry: Eh. This doesn't smell bad at all. Actually it smells nice. But it's not knocking my socks off or anything. It is a very understated, flowery, moist smell. Exactly how you'd expect "Empyreal Mist" to smell, I think. Very elegant. Not for me, though. :D

  3. I got this as a frimp in my last lab order.


    First Sniff (in the imp): A mixture of lemon/citrus and patchouli.


    Wet: Whoa! Lemon. But not in a Pledge way, more like...a sweet lemon candy sort of way. The smell reminds me of these hard lemon candies I used to eat as a child..they had this white dust on them. This smells like that. Lemon candy. Or throat lozenges. Interesting.


    Dry: A lovely soft lemony-incensy smell. It's really very nice and clean smelling.



    Firstly, let me say that I do not like lemon. Citrus blends are just not my thing. I would, however, recommend this oil to someone who likes lemon or citrus. It is very unique and does not go all Pledge-like on me, like the some of the Lab's other lemony oils have done. So, anyway...not for me, but still nice. :P

  4. Magnificent three-faced Goddess of Magic, the Dark Moon and the Crossroads. She is the Mother of Witches, and the midnight baying of hounds is her paean. Her compassion is evidenced in her role as Psychopomp for Persephone, and her wrath manifests as Medea’s revenge. Deep, buttery almond layered over myrrh and dark musk.

    First Sniff (in imp): that cherry-like almonds smell, and a little something spicer, or incense-like.

    Wet: Almonds with something smoky. This is pretty cool!

    Dry: I am getting a clean smell of incense. This blend is really interesting. I do not think I will be buying a full bottle of this, but I will definitely keep my imp!

    EDIT: I have worn this a few times, and I must say: I *love* Hecate. And I hate it at the same time. It's very strange. I have gotten...*so*...many compliments when I wear this oil. Even more than when I wear snake oil. I can't inhale it straight from the imp for too long, or I feel kind of drunk. It's very strange. But on my skin it turns to soft powdery almond smoke. I will definitely be getting this as my first 10mL!!!

  5. First Sniff (in imp): men's cologne + amber. Not bad.


    Wet: Wow this is really surprising me. I smell the amber right away, and there is a subtle background of woodyness. Lovely!


    Dry: Wow. I was not expecting this to turn out so lovely on my skin. I thought it would be like a "meh" manly cologne-smell. No. Its...like...what you'd smell like if you stepped out of the shower and then directly through some smoking incense. It's a very clean, skin smell. I love it! Definitely not trading my imp, and considering a 5mL.

  6. First Sniff (in the imp): it smells like these lemon sugar cookies I make to eat with tea. Very sweet and lemony, but not in an offensive way. Looking at the description, there's no lemon in it. Weird.


    Wet: It smells similar on skin, but less lemony and more spicy-ish. It still is a very innocent, lovely smell. :P


    Dry: I really like this scent. It is a pretty floral, without being too sweet. The only problem I have with Alice is that my skin sucks it up. No throw whatsoever. I am contemplating getting a 5mL, but I'm not sure yet.

  7. First Sniff (in imp): it smells kind of like what I use to polish my furniture with. :P


    Wet: still smells like Pledge...mixed with cloves.


    Dry: Still Pledge. :D


    I wanted to like this one so much, but alas, it was not to be.

  8. I wish I could review this one properly, but as soon as I put this on, my skin turned bright red and itched like crazy! :P


    I had to wash it off and take some benadryl. :D


    The first BPAL allergic reaction...somewhat expected (I have sensitive skin), but still sad. I ended up giving the imp to my mom.


    Does anyone know what the "spices" are that are included? I *know* I'm not allergic to the "honeyed almonds" since I wear Dana O'Shee almost every day. Any ideas?

  9. First Sniff (in the imp): This smells very similar to Sherezade.


    Wet: Oh wow. This smells like a combination of a library and a church. Maybe a church library. It is so lovely. I was raised Catholic (now a Pagan), but this is bringing back some major memories for me...of masses where they used the incense. It smells almost *exactly* like that incense. I seem to remember our Priest saying that the recipe for the incense was some sort of big secret...well...Beth must have found it out! It's a very warm, comforting scent. :P


    Dry: The scent got more woodlike and less churchlike as it got drier, and mixed with my skin chemistry. Now it is kind of reminding me of opening up an old chest full of blankets...I'm not sure exactly what I'm getting at, but I really like this scent.


    Overall: Soooo comforting. Aureus lives up to its name. I don't think I'll get a big bottle, but I will keep my imp for those days when I feel like I need a big fat hug from the divine. :D

  10. My very first LE! :P For a BPAL newb, this was exciting, lemmetellya.


    First Sniff (in the imp): It reminds me of this sandalwood soap that I got at Whole Foods. Yummy! Very fresh and clean.


    Wet: I think I smell the bamboo pulp. In any case, it's something I've never smelled before. I'm fairly familiar with lavender, chamomile, and ylang ylang essential oil smells, so this is either the bamboo pulp or the opium poppy. Whatever it is, wet on my skin, it's strong, but not unpleasant. It is still a very fresh, clean scent.


    Dry: Dry, I can really smell the sandalwood. My skin really tends to amp up sandalwood smells (this I know from non-BPAL perfume oils). I really don't mind :D. Sandalwood is awesome!


    Overall:I really like this. I wore it to bed the other night, and it really helped me to get to sleep (I have insomnia). I also think I might wear if if I'm feeling slightly grungy, as it does have a *nice* soapy scent to it. Very fresh and clean! It also has amazing staying power, I put it on before bed, and can still smell it the next morning. A little goes a long way! Definitely keeping my bottle. :D

  11. This is my first Wanderlust scent review. :P


    First Sniff (in the imp): Minty and sweet. For some reason, everything I've tried today smells like gummi bears to me. No idea why.


    Wet: This is the first BPAL I've tried that seems to smell a little like alcohol...hmm. I also almost think I smell cinnamon, but from the description I don't think that's it either. Well, there's definitely something spicy there. *looks at description* Yeah I have no idea what I'm smelling. Maybe the "alder leaf." I have no idea what that smells like, maybe it's somewhat spicy.


    Dry: Sweet/spicey. It reminds me of...the smell of someone's house I know. Like they've been burning some sort of spicy thing in their tart burner. I dunno. This didn't smell anything like I thought it would.


    Overall: I think this would be really nice as a room scent. It definitely is not something I'd wear. It's a nice smell though. Not off-putting, just not..."me."

  12. This is my first review for a perfume oil from Rappaccini's Garden. Whee!


    First Sniff (in the imp): it smells kind of like stale gummi bears. Okay seriously...It smells very green, but with a bite.


    Wet: Urgh. Very medicinal. Kind of like Vick's vapo-rub or something similar. I am getting a cool smoky-ish note, though. There is something in there that reminds me of a Christmas Tree. Or pine woodsmoke. Hmm.


    Dry: This is much better upon drydown, but it's really faint. It becomes more smoky and less...vicks. It almost dissapeared into my skin, but if I push my nose right up next to my wrist, I get a sweetish, smoky, pineish smell. I might wear this camping or something...if I could get past the gross vick's smell that it has when it's wet.


    Overall: This oil is interesting. I think I'm going to swap/sell it though. I can barely smell it on me, and the wait for the drydown is torturous. The oil itself is green (in color) though, which is pretty cool! :P

  13. First Sniff (in the imp): Very fresh and sweet. I can definitely smell something aquatic.


    Wet: It really does smell like what I thought it would. Like flowers and water. It actually did make me feel a bit wistful when I smelled it. I can also pick out the ginger quite readily.


    Dry: I can smell gardenia. Lovely. :P


    Overall: I liked this oil. I don't think I'll swap/sell my imp, but I'm not IN LOVE. It's a somewhat innocent scent, and I tend go for more...spicier smells. :D

  14. First Sniff (in the imp): There is a sweetness there that reminds me of the honey in O. I'm not sure what it is though. Otherwise, there's nothing similar. It's floral/incense/honeyish. Hmm.


    Wet: Wow, this is nice. I keep sniffing my arm trying to pick out specific notes but I am failing utterly. *looks at description* Nope. Maybe the sandalwood, but it's blended so that I can't pick any one thing out. Also, I'm new at this, so that probably doesn't help. :P


    Dry: This is a lovely one. It is feminine without smelling Grandma-like. It gets warmer and spicy dry, and the flowers are there almost as an afterthought.


    Overall: I like the way this smells, it's pleasant. It's just not "me." This is the first BPAL I've smelled that has no qualities that make me want to even keep the imp. So...yeah. My first swap imp. :D

  15. First Sniff (in the imp): It is very sweet and very green at the same time. It reminds me of something, but I can’t put my finger on it….I also smell white flowers of some sort. Is that jasmine, perhaps?


    Wet: It gets greener and less sweet when I put it on my skin. I am also starting to get a slightly spicy note, which is perhaps the “medieval incense”. It also strikes me as a “young” scent, which I definitely wasn’t expecting. It’s also starting to smell more purple and regal.


    Dry: Oh wow. This is truly amazing. I don’t think this smell is a “me” scent, but it’s so complex and astounding. How can a perfume oil smell like “purple”? I dunno, but I’m impressed. I had a friend at one time who adored the color purple and would adore this scent. I think I’m really starting to appreciate BPAL’s scents as experiences, and not just mere smells.


    Overall: This is one you have to smell just for the experience of smelling it. This was part of my second imp order, which was much more varied than my first (my first being lots of amber and honey notes), and I’m just starting to understand the depth of Beth’s talent. Although I probably won’t wear this scent often, I will definitely be keeping my imp!

  16. First Sniff (in the imp): it smells like men’s cologne...but better. It’s also a very green smell.


    Wet: It’s a very manly smell. It's almost like a sweaty man mowing the lawn. In a good way. I do immediately smell an animalistic note. The sweaty smell isn’t bad, it’s just interesting.


    Dry: I am now smelling the “forest-like” smells that everyone else is describing. The “sweat” smell has gone away. There is a warm spicy scent in there too. Sorry for my lack of technical terms, I’m a BPAL newbie! It’s a lovely scent, but I think I am going to get a guy to try it, I don’t feel feminine enough while wearing it.


    Overall impression: I really do like this scent, but it doesn’t leave me with a warm feeling. Actually, I think it unsettled me a bit. This is only the second BPAL that gave me an emotional reaction to smell. I think I would like to smell this on a guy, but when wearing it I have that feeling of “otherness.” If that makes any sense at all….:P


    New Info: I gave this to a guy friend last night, and he tried it on...it was really amazing on him! It morphed into something more resinous than piney. I kept making him let me sniff his arm. So, if this doesn't work on you, perhaps try it on a guy friend!

  17. Okay, my first review. EVER. (I don't know perfume-lingo very well, you've been warned)


    Dana O'Shee came in my very first imp order. I had picked it especially, I was pretty sure I would like it.


    First Sniff (in the imp): it kind of reminds me of a cherry tootsie-roll pop. There is a really sweet note in there that kind of numbs my nostrils a bit.


    Wet: still the cherry tootsie smell, but there is a bit of spice in there.


    Dry: it's lovely and powdery on me. My mom says I smell like clean baby skin. Depending on when/how I smell it, I alternately get a creamy smell, an toasty almondy smell, or a cherry smell. I'm thinking the spicier smell I was getting earlier was the toasty almond. Some people smell honey in this, I didn't smell that.


    I really love this one. I ordered a bigger bottle, for sure. I am not usually one for sweet smells (I love greens and orientals), but this one appeals to me anyway. I wore it on Imbolc and it was a very appropriate scent!
