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Posts posted by Miss_Trisha

  1. This is the strangest scent I have tried from The Lab. I wanted frankincensy roses but ended up with a smell that I have never experienced. I have nothing to compare it to because it is so strange on me. It's almost an eccentric tree smell. It's just so....bizarre.


    Frankincense has a habit of doing strange things on me and that might be why. I'll keep the imp because it intrigues me....but no big bottle for me.

  2. Unfortunately, Psyche did what most musk scents did to me....turned to dust. Literally. The musk smells like dust. Like I just cleaned curtains or something.


    I wish musk liked me better. I wanted this one to work so much.

  3. I'm not sure what to make of Phantom Queen. I don't get any floral or apple scent, which is sad because those were the notes I was excited about. I pretty much have grass. Strange musky grass. Almost like mantis. Only muskier. It's so bizarre on me. I still don't know if I like this or not.

  4. Bathsheba reminds me tremendously of Blood Countess, but Bathsheba is much spicier.


    Out of the bottle, Bathsheba is very fruity floral to me. The plum is very dominant. I really like plum so I was anxious to put this one on.


    On my skin, it stays plummy floral for awhile then WHAM! spiciness. The carnation comes through very strongly and gives the plum an edge. It had great staying power too. 3 hours after application it was still going stong.


    All and all, I love this scent. It's not as devious as Blood Countess, but Bathsheba is so much more sultry. This scent is my perfect "mysterious date" scent.

  5. I had high, high! hopes for this one. Vanilla does wonders on me and I was excited about trying this out.


    But yuck. Yuck yuck yuck. It smelled like Vanilla flavored urine. And went completely urine on my skin. I don't know if the spicyness didn't like my skin chemistry but ick. I had to actually wash it off. I was so disappointed. :P


    I don't want to deter anyone else though. It probably works wonderfully on most everyone elses skin. Too bad my chemistry sucks though.

  6. In Imp: A sharp floral. Very strong rose scent


    Wet on my skin: The rose is prominent with the lily peeking through. My body chemistry loves roses so this is a soft, powdery, lovely rose on me. The lily is very....sweet?


    Drydown: Definity rosey. The rose is so soft and delicate and the lily is delightful. It's becoming a very beautiful floral scent for me.


    3 hours later: This scent doesn't have a whole lot of staying power for me. After 3 hours, Ophelia turns more aquatic, with the faintest rose. The lily has disappeared entirely but it is still quite feminine and soft.


    Summary: This is a lovely spring scent, light and sweet and blooming. It reminds me of a bouqet of white roses that are freshly watered. I really love this scent. I recommend it for people who enjoy light florals with a prominent rose note.

  7. My first review ever! Whee! :P


    Out of the imp, I can get a strong amber with vanilla floating in the background. It's sultry and warm and delicious.


    Dry down, the amber dies down a little bit and lets a sweeter, yet bold scent break through. It must be the honey, a very robust honey. The vanilla is still noticable, but plays as a side note to the honeyed amber.


    An hour later, and I feel like a powerful, sexual creature. The smoothness of the honey and deepness of the amber play so well off of each other and the vanilla adds the most subtle, yet gorgeous layer. I am positively in love with this! Usually amber doesn't like me too much but this is devine! I smell delictable and my boyfriend agrees!


    For first time users of BPAL, I would totally recommend O. It is sweet, yet sultry...not too cloying, and scrumptous! I'm on my way to order a 10mL of this!
