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Posts posted by filigree_shadow

  1. Very sweet red musk and pomegranate. And something... spicy? I kid you not, that's what I smell. Not sure what that's from.


    I'm a huge red musk fan, and I have definitely liked red musk + fruit combinations (e.g., Mania & Hollywood Babylon). I don't, however, care for pomegranate, and I was hoping it would take a back seat for this one. It doesn't.


    Honestly, I think this is a well-done scent, and if someone sitting next to me for a while were wearing it, I'd enjoy it. But for me, the pom would drive me nuts over the course of the day. I can only take very small doses of that note.

  2. This is very light on me. Something in it reminds me of citrus -- I'm guessing that's the tea part. I thought it would be dark and smoky, but instead it smells like tea and frankincense. I think I can smell a little bit of the bourbon vanilla, but it's not very strong on me at all.


    It's a fine scent -- it reminds me of the Salon scents, which I tend to like. I think it'll age well. It's just so very light on me. The only part of the scent I catch any kind of waft from is the tea.

  3. A dark, mysterious red musk scent. Definitely some dark-smelling floral notes in there, along with some resins. Strikingly pretty.


    Gah, when am I going to get around to doing that side-by-side test of all the red musk scents to see which ones I like best. I like them all so much. I can't have like 20 bottles of red musk blends, though. Three would be sufficient. But which three? This one is a contender for sure.

  4. Grass for sure, and something that smells like aloe or cucumber -- one of those soft green scents. AND something harshly herbal that smells like bitter weeds OH CRAP is that spikenard? UGH spikenard hates me so much. I don't know if that's what that is or not, but it sure smells like icky acrid weeds, and on my skin that usually means spikenard.


    On me, this does not smell like the nice soft green grass you guys are describing. It smells like rotting weeds. Kinda gross.

  5. A scent evocative of poisonous family secrets: dry lavender-infused amber, battered leather, nicotiana, osmanthus, and jasmine tea.

    Yeah, the lavender in this reminds me of TKO's lavender. This one is more complex -- the floral notes make it smell more exotic than lavender perfumes usually do. It's pretty.

    I think I've been using TKO for too long, though, because when I take a big whiff of this I get sleepy. :zzz:

  6. Only the vaguest hint of leather-bound books in this -- mostly it smells like kind of a mossy basalm on me. Just a wee bit peppery, too. Honestly, it reminds me of a softer version of R M Renfield. I enjoyed the scent of that one a lot, but I felt like it was just a little too bold for me to wear much. This one is more wearable.

  7. Strong boozey almond syrup at first (and I do mean syrup; it smells thick and sticky) and then it turns into a really smooth pineapple scent with a pretty peach overtone. Really nice. I think it's my favorite of the Atomic Luau Lounge blends. Weirdly, most of the other Lounge scents have been fairly strong on me, but this one isn't. Light and sweet and pretty.

  8. I think I kinda like the blackberry and rum combination, but it's hard to tell because the ouzo stomps all over it. :(
    Unfortunately it goes to a chalky licorice scent on me.


    4 July 2015 ETA:

    I tried this one again, just in case, before banishing it to the swap box forever, and yeah, it's still chalky weird on me. Like that powder that gets on your hands when you eat sweet tarts.

  9. Smells like a fruit musk to me. It's sweet, and to be honest Good smells more neutral to me than Neutral does.

    I like them both. I think Good and Neutral are the ones for me.

  10. Definitely a nutty foody scent. Kinda reminds me of a graham cracker crust. It's dry like that.


    I put my wrist of Halfling next to my wrist of Neutral, and it smelled really good! I'll have to try layering them.

  11. Good

    Soft, sweet, slightly musky, and smooth. Exactly the sort of thing I like.

    One of my favorites of the RPG series. I want to try it with Half-Elf and see how that goes.

  12. Dwarf

    This smells very chemical on me. Astringent, like medicinal. It tingles my nose. And it smells like there's a smidgen of a dirt note in here. (Maybe that's the soot?)


    I'm mostly a fan of comforting scents, and this one isn't that kind. It's interesting, it's just not well-suited for me personally.

  13. Strangely, this smells like it has patchouli in it, to me. One of those sweet, resiny patchoulis. Not sure what in this is giving me that impression, but it's there for sure. I definitely like the sweet, earthy (but not like dirt), dry aspect of it. It's very well-blended and difficult to pick out any one note.


    Definitely one I'd like to test some more. Really liking the initial test.

  14. Elf

    This kinda smells like a dry leafy evergreen and soap. It smells like a nice-smelling clean man. Except also foresty.


    I wanted to try this because I kept seeing so many ISOs for some Elf prototypes and I figured this one must be just totally amazing or something. Have to say this just really isn't my kind of scent, though.

  15. I had high hopes for this one. I like rose a lot better now than I used to, and I really like the idea of this one. I think the coconut is just a little too strong for me, though. It kinda smells like coconut + rose + powder on me. It's not bad at all, but I'm kinda just now getting over my dislike of rose and I'm still very picky about that note. I don't usually like coconut notes all that well, so I think this combination is a little too much for me at the moment. In case my newfound "rose is okay" attitude continues, I think I'll come back to this one later and see how it is. It's interesting and certainly not simply rose. At some point I'll have to do some side-by-side rose blend comparisons.

  16. Definitely smells like one of BPAL's Asian fruity-florals. A little more floral than Fire Pig et al, but sweet and fruity like that. I think one or two of the floral notes aren't perfect for me -- whereas Peony Moon, Budding Moon, and fruity ones like Kitsune-Tsuki have no disagreeable notes on me. So although this is indeed a wonderful scent, I already have a couple that I like even better than this one. It is very pretty, though.

  17. This is strong on me and has a significant amount of patchouli in it. It's not a scent for someone who likes "just a touch" of patchouli -- it's for someone who really wants to smell it. It's fairly evenly vanilla and patchouli when it dries, which is dreamy, and there's a dry, almost green haze over the top of it. I guess that's the hemp.


    I'll be particular about where I wear this, but I will definitely wear it. I know some people who got tired of the scent of patchouli a long time ago and don't want to smell it anymore. Personally, I've been smelling it for 20 years and I'm not tired of it -- as long as it's good patchouli. This is for sure a good one.


    ETA 4/29/2012: Got this out again to do some side-by-side patchouli death matchin', and whoa!!! The vanilla has emerged as super strong on aging! Very smooth sweet vanilla. Overpowers the patchouli. Honestly I might want to layer some Voodoo with this now to balance out the vanilla a bit.

  18. It goes on kinda planty, but then it blossoms. Reminds me of soft, sort of dewy petals. I would like this a lot except that something in this (one of the pale resins, maybe?) is going powdery on me. I like davana and was really hoping this one would work for me, but I don't think this is the one for me.

  19. Very realistic, outdoorsy leather scent. I like the moss note with that rugged leather. This smells like very new leather to me, not like worn-in leather.


    Must-try for anyone who likes BPAL's leather blends!

  20. I wasn't sure about this one when it came out because I have trouble with white chocolate, and raspberry often smells kinda chalky on me. I should not have worried. This smells delicious. I only smell a little bit of booziness right at the beginning, and after that it's all sweet chocolate-dipped fruit. Black raspberry seems to smell darker on me than other raspberry blends I've tried, and I really like it. The chocolate isn't going plastic-y at all, and the apricot smells divine, just like BPAL's apricot always does.


    I've worn this probably 10 times since I got the decant, and although I definitely want more, I never seem to see it on swap/sales posts. So now I'm kinda protective of my little decant. I'm getting to the point where it has become a "special occasion" perfume rather than a "I'll wear this because it makes me feel happy" perfume.

  21. Hmm. It's that soft musk that smells like what Ivanushka smelled like to me. I can sorta tell there's almond in it, but it's not as overpowering as almond usually is on me. The other notes aren't yelling loudly, either. The wood notes and the resins are blended together wonderfully.


    The best word I can use to describe this is soft. I'm not amping anything in it, there's no distinct prominent note, and even though I put more than the usual amount of oil on for a test, it's not very strong.


    The thing is, I like it. I like it a lot. It smells lovely. But I really can't smell it at all until my nose is about two inches from the place where I put it. I like to be able to smell the perfume I'm wearing, especially when it's something as beautiful as this one. I guess my skin eats it up or something. I'm kinda bummed about this.
