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Posts posted by filigree_shadow

  1. Despite Blood Moon 05's awful failure on me (smelled like moldy grains), I wanted to give this one a shot. This smells like musk and incense, and it has an outdoorsy feel to it. I wonder if one of the musks is white musk because I'm getting an ever-so-slight whiff of dryer sheets in here. I think this is one of the musky-outdoorsy blends that does not smell masculine to me. This one would feel right at home on a woman. It goes through a phase where it even smells like a rather haughty perfume. But mostly it smells calming and relaxing and comforting to me.

  2. On me, this smells like a HUGE wallop of honey, with maybe something soft and powdery behind it. Probably some sort of amber -- ambers often turn powdery on me.


    I know lots of you guys are crazy for the BPAL honey note, but my skin chemistry has never been fond of it. It tends to smell more like play-doh than honey on my skin. So... although this is honestly one of the few honey perfumes I actually like, I'll pass it along. I'm sure someone else will adore this when she wears it.

  3. Definitely a favorite of the Halloweenies from this year. I think this was the only 5ml I ordered straight from the Lab from this update, and that was a great decision! I love BPAL's pumpkin, and I almost always love foodie scents unless they do that weird burnt plastic thing or the dreaded play-doh thing. This one does neither -- it is cute and fluffy and adorable, with not so much pumpkin that you feel like you're drowning in buttery pumpkin. It's pretty much perfect.


    I've worn this many times since October and plan to keep wearing it! I have no qualms about wearing pumpkin scents outside of the rigid restraints of autumn.

  4. This is supposed to smell like "grave-cold phantasmal iron links"? Hunh. Okay, well, it does smell chilly, but I'm not getting a ton of metal out of it. It smells more aquatic than metal to me. There's something else in there that smells like one of the sour citrus notes -- more likely lime than yuzu. Smells rather fresh and clean to me, and not horrifying and oppressive at all.

  5. Not much wine in this for me, but sweet cake, a little bit of Snake Oil, and the sorts of desert flowers that smell like some of BPAL's Mexican inspired florals. From the description I was worried this would be boozey and tobacco-smokey, and end up smelling like stale smoke in a bar. Nope! Not at all. Sweet, sugary, sexy.


    I did not order a bottle of this but I wish I would have. I've worn it at least 6 or 7 times from my decant, and I've loved it every time.

  6. Smells like leather and tobacco on me. Hint of coffee. Nice, but definitely masculine. My husband is a fiend for BPAL's leather notes, and he wears scents like this a lot... which is very likely why this smells definitely masculine to me. Doesn't smell like me at all -- smells like my husband. I will pass the decant over to him.

  7. I got this one because all those notes sound great except pomegranate. Aaaaaand guess what it smells like most strongly? Yep. See, the thing is, pomegranate smells like bathroom air freshener on me. That's not something I'm looking for in a personal fragrance. I keep trying oils with pomegranate in, though, just in case at some point it's so soft I can't really smell it. Not this one, though. I can tell it smells nice underneath there, but I just can't do the pom.

  8. Kind of a dusty violet scent on me. Not super strong on the violets (which is surprising because that note tends to amp a lot on me), but it smells like a watery violet... except it also smells dusty. It's a little bit of an odd combination. It's not bad, and I don't object to it -- I'm not rushing off to wash it off or anything. It's nice enough. Just not really my thing.

  9. Red musks blends almost always smell very similar on me because that note is so strong on my skin. I always end up saying the same thing in my reviews: "Yes, this is really nice, but one of these days I'm going to have to do a side-by-side comparison of all the great red musk blends so I can pick just one or two that I want to keep." I swear, I say that every time.


    Same thing this time. This smells great, and the clove with the red musk is a nice combination. This seems sweeter than red musk blends usually are on me, too. I like this one and will keep it in the running for the eventual side-by-side.

  10. Very, very pretty. Soft shimmering musk with just a hint of cocoa and vanilla and dry sweetness.

    I like this one a lot.


    ETA: Well, I have to edit this. :(

    I did a full wear of this one today, rather than just a test, and the "dead dry leaves" aspect of it came out waaaaay more on my throat than it did on my arm. One of my wrists smells sweet and sort of like a cocoa musk, and the other wrist smells like it has spikenard on it. Spikenard is a note that will very definitively KILL any perfume for me if I can detect it at all. I hate it. "Dead dry leaves" don't smell exactly like spikenard, but close enough that whenever I get a whiff of it I crinkle my nose. Really not what I want to smell like. So... off to swaps after all. Dammit. That one had some promise.

  11. I've worn this one four or five times since I got it. I keep putting it on thinking that I can't remember whether I liked it last time, but based on the notes it should be a good one. I put it on, give it a sniff and think Sure, that should be fine, and go on with my day. And as far as I can remember, that's where it ends. I can't remember ever wearing this scent and thinking Hey, something smells good -- oh, it's the Changeling! Apparently I put it on and then instantly forget I have it on and don't interact with the scent at all. Kinda odd. That doesn't usually happen with me.


    I like it -- it has the squashy pumpkin scent to it rather than the buttery pumpkin scent, and I do like that. It's less foody. I like the blonde wood and the linen. Basically there isn't anything about this scent that I don't like. It smells nice. It just doesn't seem to be knocking my socks off for some reason.

  12. These days, rosewood is one of the only wood notes I'll wear. I've liked it for years, and it feels very comforting to me. I definitely like it in Kostnice, but the combination with frankincense (which tends to be a little too high-pitched for me) and geranium rose (geranium is a little too herby-harsh) is not my favorite. Don't get me wrong -- it's not bad at all. It's just that I really only need one rosewood scent, and Seance is my favorite. This one is a close second.

  13. I'm not usually a fan of green or lemony scents, but I actually kinda like this one. Lemongrass is often pretty blechy on me, but it's kept in check here. The anise gives it a bit of a twang -- smells like a tangy lemon scent. Greener than lemon usually is. It's kinda cute.

  14. Squishy, fruity, summery fun. I don't really smell the herbs very much, but the pomegranate and mango appear to be front and center. Just a wee hint of red musk -- I amp red musk like crazy and it doesn't overwhelm in this blend at all.


    Smells delicious. Now I'm hungry for fruit salad.

  15. The red ginger & caraway seed are pretty strong. If you like spicy (without being HOT spicy), this is one to try! The orange peel comes in after a few minutes and sweetens up the spice... I don't know how to describe it, but it's very interesting. The florals show up after 10 minutes or so, and they basically just soften up the scent. They aren't super noticeable.


    This smells exotic and fascinating to me. It's not the kind of scent I usually wear at all, but I find it so intriguing.

  16. Hey. How come this doesn't smell tropical on me? I guess it smells a little bit like orchid, but it's distorted a bit (possibly by the geranium?) and winds up smelling more like a soft generic floral than a lush tropical paradise. It doesn't smell like one particular flower -- none of them are too strong -- but it's also not really a standout for me, personally.

  17. I expected a smooth, possibly syrupy resin scent from this, and that's pretty much what it smells like. It's a sweet resin with some smoothness to it, but it also smells just a little bit sticky. The verbena isn't very strong on me, luckily, because that's not my favorite note.


    Resin fans, give this one a try!

  18. This is a lot softer than I was expecting. I thought that maybe with the coffee and wood notes it would be dry and possibly bitter -- but it's not. At all. It smells smooth and warm, and the mallow makes it smell oh so soft. Very comforting and lovely.


    Definitely on the lookout for more of this one.
