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Posts posted by filigree_shadow

  1. I feel like everyone who reviewed Boober loved it. Am I the lone voice of dissent? :( I feel like a traitor.


    It smells really good when it's wet, but that only lasts for a few minutes, and then it just smells like laundry. I like the linden, but I like The Unicorn better. It's definitely not a bad scent, at all, but it's not knocking my socks off.

  2. My little decant is obviously super aged at this point, so I'm sure it's different now than it was when I first got it, but I liked it enough then to keep it, and I still like it now. This smells like a very comforting, kind of nutty, sweet fruit scent. It's that strange little nutty quality about it that gives it the comfort, I think.


    I used to have a bottle of Hearth back in the day, and when I say "nutty," that's what it reminds me of. That chestnut type of scent from Hearth. But with a distinct sweetness over the top. It's really nice. Definitely a comfort scent, to me.

  3. This smells like a very pretty sweet rose scent on me. I like for my roses to smell round and soft, not green and thorny. If you get what I'm saying. This is the nice soft kind. Pretty petals. It's quite feminine, I think, and I like it. Not sure it's my favorite rose scent ever, but it's certainly one of the good ones.

  4. I put some on, sniffed it, thought it smelled nice, did something else for 20 minutes... and now I can't really even locate the spot on my arm where I put it. I think it was mostly a sweet rice wine at first, but it settled into a really nice vanilla musk. Except that I can barely smell it. I mean it's super soft. I can only smell it if I have my nose right at my skin. That doesn't really work for me as perfume, because I like for people to be able to smell whiffs of my perfume without putting their noses on me. It is really, really pretty, though.

  5. I like copal and it doesn't show up very often, so I always want to try it. I thought it might be good with those notes -- sounds good on paper! But on my skin it smells like a very high-pitched floral. Lily of the valley often smells waaaay over the top on me. High-pitched to the point of almost smelling astringent. So this poor little guy isn't for me.

  6. Vetiver actually smells good on me, and is totally not a death note for me at all. I often like it. There are a few different kinds -- it can smell dank and musty, reedy and grassy, or kind of smoky dusty. I avoid the first kind but usually like the others. This is the dusty smoky kind, and it smells good with what definitely smells like a dark floral with it.


    But, red patchouli is a death note for me. :( It just never smells good on me. It's a weird pungent ick.


    So, no on this one.

  7. Weird. From the reviews, it sounds like some people got mostly tea and some got mostly vetiver. Mine appears to be the mostly tea kind. This is a fairly bright, definitely tea scent -- almost watery, actually. Very pretty and light. The sort of scent you could wear anywhere, for any occasion. I have only a barely-there tester, but I definitely wouldn't turn down more of it, based on my slight sniffing.

  8. I got this because with those notes, it either could have been great or it could have been pee-yoo, and I gave it a 50-50 shot either way. Well, it's not exactly pee-yoo, but the lavender is too strong for me. That's my least favorite note in the line-up, so of course that's what I smell most strongly. It's kind of a harsh herby lavender on me, and that's not the kind I like.

  9. I had a bottle of the 2005 version of this many years ago -- I didn't wear it so I swapped the bottle, but my husband liked it so I kept a decant. I don't think I ever got around to writing a review of it, so I stuck it in the back of my BPAL box until I could write a review and then send it on its swappy way. ...Aaaaand that was 6 years ago. Been sittin' there ever since.


    So here's my review: Smells like a sweet, high-pitched incense scent. A little bit powdery, a little bit woody (like balsam? a sacred sort of wood scent), and very lightly floral. It's nice, but not my thing.

  10. I have the 2011 version, so it's a bit aged at this point. It smells to me like a soft, powdery musk. The beeswax seems to make it just a little bit creamy, but none of the notes are particularly loud. I might maybe be able to pick out violet, but not really. This seems like one of those good skin scents, when you don't want a strong perfume, but you want to smell good when someone's close.

  11. I smell no lily or neroli or ginger. I smell purple fruit and frankincense. I feel like maybe I got a tiny whiff of lily in the beginning, but when it's dry it kinda just smells like purple fruit. It's not a bad scent, but it's not knocking my socks off. I have other purple fruit scents I like better.

  12. Oooo, a winner. I've had this sitting around in my BPAL box for a long time and haven't tested it because of the name. It has "moonshine" in it, which makes me think of a ceramic jug with XXXX written on it, and I'm not crazy about boozey scents. Duh, dork, not that kind of moonshine. More like moonlight. I wish I had known that and had tried this sooner, because now it's discontinued and I'm sad.


    It smells very nice. A little high-pitched for my usual type of scent, but I don't object to that in this one. It's a very soft, musky sandalwood scent with some pretty light florals circling over the top. "Delicate" is a good word for this. It's one of those scents you could wear anywhere and never worry that anyone would object to your perfume. Very pretty.

  13. LOL, why the hell did I try this? There's nothing in there that sounds good to me. I just don't like this sort of vegetal gardeny scent. Smells like weeds and plants, plus some sort of harsh floral scent. And it's strong. Well, the plus is that it doesn't have any dirt in it, which would put me straight into a scrub off situation. The minus is that it smells exactly like the description promises that it will.

  14. Odd scent. It does smell like a rather brimstoney aftershave. Is that lavender in there? Smells a little blue. And slightly powdery. It doesn't smell bad or funky to me, it just smells kind of like lavender to me, and I'm not a fan of that note.

  15. I don't know what's in this, but sadly it's not really for me. It smells green, and kind of cloudy/fluffy for some reason, like some kind of fluffy flower. And there's something in there like a kind of pungent wood note... it smells not quite right on me. Like almost slightly menthol. Strange.

  16. I love heliotrope, but the carnation in this is making it too spicy-floral for me, and the frankincense is making it a rather high-pitched spiciness, which isn't actually a plus. But! If you are a carnation lover, give this a whirl. It smells good, I'm just not a carnation gal.

  17. Orc

    I didn't really smell zucchini in this. I mean yeah, there's something green and cucumbery, but there's also leather and some very nice musk. I wasn't sure what to expect from this, and my only experience with orcs is with LOTR, and that experience was AWFUL because I HATED the orcs because they scared the crap out of me. But this? I like this. It's unusual but pleasant and intriguing, and I like it.

  18. Evil

    I feel like this should have worked on me, but it didn't. The opium is the strongest note on me, and unfortunately BPAL's opium note tends to smell like band-aids on me. There's the barest (and I do mean barest) whiff of plum, and something vaguely planty, and the band-aids. The whole thing is a festival of nightmares.
