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Posts posted by filigree_shadow

  1. Striking. A chilly, sweet, wood scent. Yeah, try to imagine that. I couldn't, until I smelled it. Snowy citrus and sleek black tarry pine.

    A surprise stand-out hit for me. I don't usually go for scents with those notes at all, but this one grabbed me immediately. I like it a lot.

    I can see how someone might see this is masculine, but if definitely smells gender neutral to me. I'm a fairly feminine woman, and I can wear this no problem.

  2. Lavender and fruit, kind of equal parts of both. Also a little hazy/fizzy over the top, I'm guessing from the opium.

    Unusual scent, and in no way offensive. I think that people who like those champagne scents should maybe try this one -- it really does smell a little fizzy/bubbly to me, and fairly complex. Like I said, I can't imagine that anyone would find this scent offensive. Safe to wear anywhere. Quiet, pretty.

  3. Sweet mercy. Why in the hell did I wait so long to try this? I like Lust a lot, and with added smoky cacao... marvelous. Man, I love this. Dammit. Probably won't be able to find any more of it. Well, that'll teach me for being an idiot.

  4. I kept this decant because I thought I liked it. I am dumb. I liked Mole. Not this one. Achingly sweet dirt and cedar. Very rooty and a little musty. If you like that sort of thing, this is awesome. Very evocative. For sure not your standard dirt scent. I actually like the cedar in this, and I'm usually not super fond of that note. There's something about it, though... I don't know, I usually hate dirt scents, and I wouldn't actually say that I hate this. It's interesting.

  5. I like all those notes except that "honey wine" would be iffy on me, and it does seem like the honey wine is the strongest. Like how that usually works when there's one death note in the whole bunch and sure enough, that's what it smells like. Buuuut, actually... not bad! I'm not super crazy about that wine scent, but the rest of it is pretty. No celery. Sweet, vaguely leafy lilac, that smells strangely fresh and almost green. Not quite green, though. Kind of a blue-green. Hard to describe. You know, I actually like this. I'm surprised. It's one of those pretty, sweet, fresh scents that I like wearing in the springtime.


    And, just as a note, this decant I have is from 2009. So it's for sure not fresh, it's aged and blended at this point. It's very nice.

    I just looked up through the reviews and noticed that Ishtar had the exact same experience. Aged = fantastic. Probably something to keep in mind!

  6. I don't like dirt scents, grass scents, or weed scents. At all. Not really sure why I tried this, but I did, because somehow I got a tester of it. Guess whether I like it. :run:

    Smells like sweet pungent dirt with a bitter weedy smell. I understand that some people like this, but it's really not my thing.

  7. I expected this one to be heavy on the wood notes (and cypress an pine aren't usually my favorites), but it's not. Soft, clean cotton. Maybe just a little bit of soft woods as well, but nothing anywhere close to pine air freshener scent. Possibly a bit of a soft musk in there too. It's surprisingly pretty. Can't believe I've had this decant sitting in the back of my box for like 6 years because I figured it was piney. I am going to wear this now.


    And I just noticed I used the word soft three times. Hey, guess what kind of scent I think this is?!

  8. Most everyone else seems to really like this one... why is it bad on me? :(

    It shouldn't be bad on me. I don't have any death notes in there, except sometimes sage. I like patchouli and oakmoss and saffron and vanilla quite a lot.

    But on me this is kind of a bitter/sour patchouli scent with maybe a tiny hint of vanilla. Possibly a slight whiff of clove if I sniff really hard.

    I was getting excited to try this after looking at the reviews, so this is pretty disappointing.

  9. I like this scent -- mostly cranberry and woods on me, and the cranberry seems especially juicy, probably from the red currant.

    However, it doesn't stay. At all. I've put on three generous imp wand doses, and I can still barely smell it. No point in wearing perfume you can't smell.

  10. After I got over my initial shock at sniffing this (not at all what I was expecting), I realized that I do like it. It smells like sweet lemon sugar at first, and then when it dries it softens up a little bit and loses that super-sweet edge. It's a cheery, sweet citrus scent that's not overpowering at all and is fairly light and definitely pleasant. I like it.

  11. I have tried quite a few Pumpkin Patch scents over the years, but not too many recent ones. This one barely smells like pumpkin at all to me. It mostly smells like a spicy (like cinnamon) coffee scent, with a little bit of wood to ground it. I guess the pumpkin adds some sweetness, but honestly I'm not sure I would have even guessed this had pumpkin in it if I didn't know it did.


    I like it (I almost always like the Lab's coffee scents), it's just not quite what I thought it would be. My husband, who has probably smelled me wearing about 500 different BPAL scents by now, and only comments if he really likes something, said that he really likes this and wanted to know the name of it. So, vote of confidence from him, too.

  12. I'm very picky about rose scents (my grandmother used to use a rose-scented lotion, and anything that smells similar to that automatically reminds me of old ladies) but this one is pretty nice. It does smell like all three things: rosey, fruity, and musky/resinous. The rose was for sure the strongest when it was wet, but now that it's dry it's pretty evenly all three scents. Not bad!


    btw, I've got Snow White nearby as well, and the two of these scents together actually smell really good.

  13. Oh, no. No, this isn't working at all. I smell no rose or flower or amber. I smell something horrid and green and weedy and awful. Whatever it is, it is very very similar to spikenard, which is my Worst Note of All Time and an absolute killer in every instance.


    If you like that green weedy vegetal scent (some people seem to enjoy tomato leaf, for example), give it a whirl. For me, a definite no.

  14. OMG. Why the hell did I have this sitting in my BPAL "to test" box for this long. I should have bought a bottle of this. I am very, very dumb.


    This is a gorgeous, lush, orchid musk. Like, super sexy and feminine at the same time.

    And for what it's worth, smells nothing like Snake Charmer on me, like a couple of other reviewers mentioned, so maybe there were batch differences. The orchid in this is way too strong for it to smell like Snake Charmer.


    If I had a bottle of this I'd wear it all the time.

  15. This one was never a favorite of mine from the Salon, and I think it was because it was a little powdery on me. I liked the green mossy aspect of it, but it is a very dry floral on me. I'm iffy on florals anyway, and although I sometimes do like a dry floral (Mum Moon is very nice), I generally lean toward the bright round soft-petal ones. This one isn't for me, but I do appreciate the artistry of it.

  16. This is pretty nice. I'm not sure if I can pick out a single particularly strong note. It's really well blended and very harmonious. Light, pretty, sort of a peachy amber with tea over the top.


    It's one of those scents that would probably smell great on everyone and be appropriate in every situation. If you like light tea scents, try this. Really.

  17. What a delightful surprise. This is really nice. I had no idea what to expect, and a couple of those notes are often really bad on me (frankincense is an asshole). This smells great, though. A very nice, smooth, super lightly spicy (clove) musky scent.


    This is one of those scents that's not like "oh, that's so unusual" but very definitely "ooo, that smells good." I could totally see this being someone's signature scent. Great in any situation, and different enough to be noticeable.


    I like it. Did I not make that clear? I like it.

  18. I like patchouli, a lot. I'm not sure about the orange, lemon, and lime with it, but the other stuff should have been good. I think, though, that the citrusy notes make the darker notes smell a little sour, and that's not really my favorite thing of all time. So I think I'll pass on this one.

  19. Usually DBR overpowers everything in a scent, but for sure not in this one. I wouldn't have even guessed it was in there. It basically smells like tobacco flower and linen, as most of the reviews state. It's a clean scent, but not straight up laundry detergent. Definitely reminds me of some the the "Lace" scents. Actually I think I like this one better than most of those I've tried.


    I don't usually wear "clean" scents, but I definitely don't object to this.

  20. I remember this Inquisition, and I know I was hoping to get this one, but I didn't. I can't remember now which one I got! But a friend of mine gave me a decant from her bottle, so I was happy that I got to try it.


    It smells like a clovey red musk on me, with a little bit of smoke to it. Sultry. Not a daytime scent. Not something I'd wear to work. But I certainly do like it a lot. I still only have that one little decant of it, and I've only worn it a couple of times. It still smells great after all these years, though.

  21. With those notes, this should have been a sure-fire win on me, and it's not, and I'm not sure why. It's not bad at all, but I expected to be kind of bowled over and in love -- those notes are all ones that I often/usually like, although I'm iffy on some honey because sometimes it goes to play-doh on me. This doesn't do play-doh at all, but it does smell strangely perfumey. I don't dislike it, but I'm sure I don't need a bottle.

  22. I wanted to try this because with those notes, it might have worked? Maybe? Worth a shot, but no.

    Definitely smells like a dry rose incense. If that's what you're looking for, look no further! But it isn't right for me.

  23. This scent is very cute and pink, and is definitely my favorite of the four scents I'm currently testing. It smells strongly of strawberry and cream on me, with a bit of tea. The sweetness of it reminds me a lot of something very familiar -- I think maybe Comforting Plush Companion? There's a little bit of a plastic badness if I get my nose right up close to it, but from normal distance I can't smell that. It's a cute happy strawberry, and I really like it.
