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Everything posted by filigree_shadow

  1. filigree_shadow


    When I first got into BPAL for some reason I kept getting imps of Malice. I got several frimps from the Lab, and I got frimps in swaps too. At one point I had six imps of Malice -- and my entire collection was only about 70 imps at that point. I keep giving away Malice and it keeps coming back... I just wish I liked it more than I do. As much as I like patchouli, red patchouli doesn't seem to work on me very well. It smells a little sour. I do like the sweetness of Malice, and it's definitely not in the "must swap now" category, but it's also not in the "must get bottle" category. It's pretty much sitting solidly in the "meh" camp, with a couple of plus points for the myrrh.
  2. filigree_shadow


    One of the first BPAL oils I fell in love with. (Awwwww.) Normally I don't like pine, but I think it's perfect in this blend. It gives the whole scent a very grounded, earthy, and clean quality. I'm pretty much always going to like myrrh, patchouli, and vetiver in everything -- and all three in one blend is a definite sure-fire win for me. I'm really surprised that I can smell the vanilla at all in this, but I sure can. It provides just enough light creaminess to save the scent from being too dark. I think Voodoo is a masterpiece. I can't say enough good about it. It's a must-try for anyone who likes patchouli.
  3. filigree_shadow

    Nag Champa scent in a BPAL blend?

    Try Two Monsters!!!!! It's like a headshop in the ritziest and most exclusive neighborhood in town. Also I love it. It's one of my new favorites.
  4. filigree_shadow

    Grandmother of Ghosts

    Mostly a slightly sweet floral with wood undertones. I'm not usually a floral fan, but I like this one. The pepper makes it a little bit spicy, and the white musk is pretty. I would only be able to tell there was mandarin in this by knowing that note was in it ahead of time -- there does seem to be a fruit in there, but I wouldn't have guessed mandarin. Overall a floaty sort of pretty flowery blend with a little spicy kick to it. It doesn't have a tremendous amount of throw, but for this particular scent I would say that's a benefit. I think this could be a bit overwhelming if it were stronger. Very nice! It does smell more like regular perfume than most BPAL oils do, but it smells like a really good perfume.
  5. filigree_shadow


    In the bottle: Very green. On my wrist: Green floral. Soapy. Not sure what the culprit is in this blend, but something is making this oil smell like soap on me. Like Irish Spring. I think only about 5 or so BPAL oils have made me think of soap, but I don't know if they have any common notes. But yeah, definitely soap here. As it dries it gets a lot more floral (unfortunately not the kind of floral that I like), and then I can really smell the lavender (also not a favorite), but the soap part never goes away. Ah well. I guess The Salon was bound to have one scent that didn't work for me.
  6. filigree_shadow

    The Isle of the Dead

    In the bottle: Green. Woodsy. On my wrist: Woodsy. Watery. These particular notes are usually not my favorites, although I have to admit that the combination of the wood and water is interesting. This is the kind of scent I usually hand straight over to my hubby because it doesn't fit me very well. I think this will smell good on him, though.
  7. filigree_shadow

    Resurrection of the Flesh

    I'm not very good at picking out any notes in this, so I'm not going to try. The only thing I can smell for sure is ylang ylang. There's definitely something woodsy in there, and sweet. This oil smells expensive. I'm not sure how else to describe it. It smells like quality. It seems patient, gentle, and kind. Elegant and graceful. Well-mannered. It's quite soft after about 30 minutes, though -- not a lot of throw.
  8. filigree_shadow

    Two Monsters

    In the bottle it smells a little bit like ginger, but dark. On my wrist: I smell like I accidentally got into my husband's cologne. This oil smells almost singularly masculine to my nose. Many of the masculine BPAL blends are ones that I'd wear myself, but there are a few that I wouldn't wear. It's not that I don't enjoy the scents, but they seem like they would be more at home on my hubby. (And thankfully he looooves BPAL, so getting him to wear the oils is not a problem.) If I wore Two Monsters, I would feel like all the women I pass in hallways would be thinking to themselves, "Tsk-tsk, the poor thing doesn't know that's a men's cologne." That said, this oil smells absolutely fantastic. I am so thrilled to find a GC scent that can replace my hubby's Geek (his signature scent) when his stash runs out. This is exactly the kind of scent he likes -- the leather, black musk, and champaca seem to be prominent on my skin, and I can tell this will be earthy and powerful on him. So far this is my favorite of The Salon scents.
  9. filigree_shadow

    Hungry Ghost Moon 2006

    On me: Sugary grapefruit. It's cool and refreshing. Light and clean. I'm not getting a whole lot of herbs or woods out of this. But since it's not overly sweet or citrusy, I know something must be balancing out the sugar and grapefruit. And it definitely is balanced -- this blend doesn't go too far in any one direction. Very well done!
  10. filigree_shadow

    Et Lux Fuit

    On me: carnation and amber with a little bit of musk. No lemon peel at all, thankfully. Golden. Glowing. Warm. Womanly. Powerful. Smooth. Rich. Beautiful.
  11. filigree_shadow

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    CLXXVIII - 168 A cool, bright scent. I think there's an aquatic note in there, maybe ozone, but it's not twangy it's kind of round. It's sweet, but I'm not sure if that's a berry or a floral note. I guess I'm not very good at picking out notes. But I can say that it smells rainy, green, and sweet. The ozone note seems to fade out as it dries down, and it ends up smelling like a wet green floral blossom. (Apple blossom, maybe?) Clean, crisp, and very pretty... maybe a little young for me, though. Maybe a little too innocent for me, too. CLXIX - 169 When I smelled this in the bottle I thought "Ooooo, I got a GOOD one!" In the bottle it smells fruity but masculine. On, it smells like dark smoky resin... possibly vetiver. There's a smoothness to it. Definitely earthy, almost murky. Very dark. Strangely, as it dries it seems to be getting slightly foodie. That smoothness is becoming more prominent. It is starting to remind me a little bit of a heavy spiced pudding. I wonder if that fruity note I smelled in the bottle is fig. Or plum? Also I caught a waft of something that smells suspiciously like the "Irish coffee" part of Miskatonic University. I'm not sure I'm going to want to swap any of this one. And I can't wait until my husband gets home so I can try it on him. ETA: I know this is kind of dumb, but as I'm smelling this I can't help but think to myself, "Did Beth read that post of mine where I said I wanted a dark fruit like plum and something smoky like vetiver or opoponax?" I swear, this is practically like a custom blend. It's gorgeous, and perfect for me.
  12. filigree_shadow


    Smells like baby aspirin right at first. That chalky orangey smell. Then as it dries it gets to be more musky. Sadly not much civet that I can detect… and that particular note is the reason why I wanted to try this blend. Also it seems to get sweeter and sweeter as time goes on, and for me frankincense is usually the culprit for that behavior. Deimos is quite pretty but not a real stand-out on me.
  13. filigree_shadow


    A spark of citrus scent right at first, and then it settles into lavender. Kind of a fresh, crisp lavender. It's not bad as lavender goes, but I don't particularly like that note. So this one's not for me.
  14. filigree_shadow


    The curse of the discontinueds-you-cannot-have still haunts me; I like Torment a lot. My skin apparently adores vetiver and goes to great lengths to prove to me how wonderful vetiver is every time I wear it. Also I believe vetiver is one of those notes that improves with age. On my skin Torment smells earthy, dark, brooding, and ominous. As it dries down it begins to smell warmer and more inviting. And I can't smell any gardenia at all, which is good. It's maybe a little too heavy for me to wear here in the middle of July when it's 90 degrees outside, but this would be awesome in October.
  15. filigree_shadow


    A very woodsy scent. Is there mint in this? Or menthol? It's odd, the first time I tried Yggdrasil a few months ago I thought it was a very dry, light, wood scent, and I kept the imp around because I thought I might want to try it again later. I had in mind that it was the sort of light comforting scent I'd want to wear at bedtime. I definitely don't remember anything like menthol in it -- that is not comforting to me at all. After the wet stage dies down, that minty scent fades away. What's left is wood and herbs. This is much more herby than I remember. Also it gets a little powdery when it's dry. It's not the comfort scent I thought it was. Hunh. Off to swaps, I guess.
  16. filigree_shadow


    Woah. This scent goes straight through my head. It's white and sweet and so piercing it makes my teeth ache when I sniff my wrist. I'm not sure why this combination is so disagreeable to me -- the notes don't offend me individually. Frankincense often goes too sweet on me, but I can't really smell any frankincense in here. And oh great, I get the extra special bonus pounding headache from this one. Perhaps this blend is too angelic for me. 'Fraid this one's getting washed off.
  17. filigree_shadow


    When it's wet, this oil smells dark and powerfully sexy. It's almost all black narcissus with something deep and smoky underneath that reminds me a little bit of vetiver. As it dries I can begin to smell the orange blossom. The vanilla makes it slightly creamy. After about three hours it's not dark any more, it's just a bit powdery. The first time I tried this oil a few months ago I thought it smelled like a creamsicle. This time when I tried it, it was much darker. I like it this way better. Very nice blend. I think this imp might get upgraded to a bottle. ETA on 1/8/2007: I'm editing this to say that when this oil is aged, it smells like Snake Charmer with a little bit of orange blossom on me. I know it's weird, but I swear that's what it smells like. I think I need to get a bottle and let it age for a year or so. This is really nice.
  18. filigree_shadow

    Follow Me Boy

    Hmmm. An odd scent. I'm not sure how to describe it. It starts out smelling kind of floral and herbal. Green, but not sharp. It's not unpleasant, but it doesn't seem particularly enticing to me. After a while it starts to smell a little milky and floral -- kind of like sour milk. Still an odd scent. I wouldn't wear this as perfume.
  19. filigree_shadow

    Blood Countess

    Blood Countess is one of the blends I knew for sure that I would like -- the plum, opium, lilac, and berry sounded wonderful! The only listed note I don't get along with is gardenia. (I wore a gardenia-scented oil in the 90s and got burned out on the scent.) And guess what Blood Countess smelled like on me? Yep, you guessed it. Gardenia. A fruity gardenia, but still gardenia. I tested Blood Countess at least three times because I kept hoping that this time it'll be just plum and opium. You'd think I would have given up after three tries, but I refused to give up my imp hoping that one day my skin would play nice. And I am happy to announce that TODAY is that day! Today this is definitely a plum and lilac scent on my skin, and it's lovely! I'm thrilled that this finally worked on me. Now I can relate to the comparisons to Queen of Spades and Frumious Bandersnatch. I have discovered that this particular oil is affected by my hormones -- now that I know when to wear it and when not to, it's officially a keeper! Also, three hours after application the scent is still going strong. It's got some good lasting power!
  20. filigree_shadow


    Light and floaty, but extraordinarily floral. Like I just stuck my nose in a flower. It's one of those heady floral scents that would be cloying if it were stronger. (Luckily it's not very strong.) I'm not a floral gal, so I can't say which other flower this smells like because I'm not very familiar with floral notes. I can say that it smells kind of pale pink, rather than yellow or purple. I like this better than some of the other floral blends but not well enough to want to wear it.
  21. filigree_shadow


    Aizen-Myoo smells like stank on me. It is one of my least favorite BPAL oils. And it's weird, because the Lab has frimped me with Aizen-Myoo at least four times. I feel like Aizen-Myoo keeps saying "Try me again. This time you'll like me. Go on, try." And I try it, and it's horrible. It smells like the very worst bitter citric acid smell you've ever smelled combined with weeds that sort of smell like tomato leaf but four times sharper. And the scent lingers around for hours making me regret ever putting the damn oil on my skin. I know there are people who really love Aizen-Myoo, and I'm honestly glad that someone likes it. But I don't. Yick.
  22. filigree_shadow

    One of my better ones

    I really could have used that phrase about 4 months ago, before I quit my job.
  23. Cross-posted to the reviews forum. cordia #1 package: Aizen-Myoo, Asphodel, Blood Countess, Follow Me Boy, Hunger, Seraphim, and Yggdrasil. I have all these imps, so I didn't have to use any of the oil from the swap package. Aizen-Myoo - Yuzu, kaki, and mikan with cherry blossom and black tea. Aizen-Myoo smells like stank on me. It is one of my least favorite BPAL oils. And it's weird, because the Lab has frimped me with Aizen-Myoo at least four times. I feel like Aizen-Myoo keeps saying "Try me again. This time you'll like me. Go on, try." And I try it, and it's horrible. It smells like the very worst bitter citric acid smell you've ever smelled combined with weeds that sort of smell like tomato leaf but four times sharper. And the scent lingers around for hours making me regret ever putting the damn oil on my skin. I know there are people who really love Aizen-Myoo, and I'm honestly glad that someone likes it. But I don't. Yick. Asphodel - The grey and ghostly flower that fills the fields of Hades. Light and floaty, but extraordinarily floral. Like I just stuck my nose in a flower. It's one of those heady floral scents that would be cloying if it were stronger. (Luckily it's not very strong.) I'm not a floral gal, so I can't say which flower this smells like because I'm not very familiar with floral notes. I can say that it smells kind of pale pink, rather than yellow or purple. I like this better than some of the other floral blends but not well enough to want to wear it. Blood Countess - Corrupted black plum, smoky opium and crumbling dead roses covered by a deceptive veil of Hungarian lilac, white gardenia and wild berry. Blood Countess is one of the blends I knew for sure that I would like -- the plum, opium, lilac, and berry sounded wonderful! The only listed note I don't get along with is gardenia. (I wore a gardenia-scented oil in the 90s and got burned out on the scent.) And guess what Blood Countess smelled like on me? Yep, you guessed it. Gardenia. A fruity gardenia, but still gardenia. I tried it at least three times because I kept hoping that this time it'll be just plum and opium. You'd think I would have given up after three tries, but I refused to give up my imp hoping that one day my skin would play nice. And I am happy to announce that TODAY is that day! Today this is definitely a plum and lilac scent on my skin, and it's lovely! I'm thrilled that this finally worked on me. And now I know for sure that this particular oil is affected by my hormones. Now that I know when to wear it and when not to, it's officially a keeper! Follow Me Boy - No notes listed. Hmmm. An odd scent. I'm not sure how to describe it. It starts out smelling kind of floral and herbal. Green, but not sharp. It's not unpleasant, but it doesn't seem particularly enticing to me. After a while it starts to smell a little milky and floral -- kind of like sour milk. Still an odd scent. I wouldn't wear this as perfume. Hunger - Evokes sheer, unadulterated carnal lust. An undeniably warm and sensual scent. Black narcissus, orange blossoms, and vanilla. When it's wet, this oil smells dark and powerfully sexy. It's almost all black narcissus with something deep and smoky underneath that reminds me a little bit of vetiver. As it dries I can begin to smell the orange blossom. The vanilla makes it slightly creamy. The first time I tried this oil a few months ago I thought it smelled like a creamsicle. This time when I tried it, it was much darker. I like it this way better. Very nice blend. I think this imp might get upgraded to a bottle. Seraphim - A perfume sacred to the highest of the angelic hosts: calla lily, wisteria, white sandalwood, Damascus rose and frankincense. Woah. This scent goes straight through my head. It's white and sweet and so piercing it makes my teeth ache when I sniff my wrist. I'm not sure why this combination is so disagreeable to me -- the notes don't offend me individually. Frankincense often goes too sweet on me, but I can't really smell any frankincense in here. And oh great, I get the extra special bonus pounding headache from this one. Perhaps this blend is too angelic for me. 'Fraid this one's getting washed off. Yggdrasil - The World Ash. Nine woods, nine leaves, and three herbs each for Ratatosk and Vidofnir, with three final herbs to placate Nidhogg. A very woodsy scent. Is there mint in this? Or menthol? It's odd, the first time I tried Yggdrasil a few months ago I thought it was a very dry, light, wood scent, and I kept the imp around because I thought I might want to try it again later. I had in mind that it was the sort of light comforting scent I'd want to wear at bedtime. I definitely don't remember anything like menthol in it -- that is not comforting to me at all. After the wet stage dies down, that minty scent fades away. What's left is wood and herbs. This is much more herby than I remember. Also it gets a little powdery when it's dry. It's not the comfort scent I thought it was. Hunh. Off to swaps, I guess.
  24. filigree_shadow

    Imp of the Perverse

    I finally got to try Imp of the Perverse! After reading the reviews I was expecting a puke-inducing assault of disgust. Not so. At first I thought that cognac was a bit too strong, then I thought the roses were too strong, and then it went back to cognac. But at no time did I think it was rancid, yucky, rotting, etc. I think it's not bad! The rose is a little bit green and harsh for my taste, though. It smells like a mean, bitter, jerk of a rose got himself sloshed on top-shelf booze. But the drydown is nice. I'd wear this (for more than just a test) if I had more of it. But I have to admit that I love cognac, which is probably why I don't think this blend is icky. See, here's what happened: About 7 years ago I realized that I can't spend my entire life drinking vodka tonics. I'm one of those people who never developed a taste for alcoholic beverages, and vodka is one of the few things I could drink that didn't make me cringe and shiver and gag. I decided I would force myself to get used to another kind of drink. Something more posh than vodka. The only thing I could think of was how in the TV show Bewitched it seemed like they were always drinking brandy in the afternoon and it seemed rather sophisticated to me, so I decided I'd acclimate myself to brandy. I forced myself to drink a shot of brandy every single day for a month until I got used to it. And then, horror of horrors, I discovered that no one drinks brandy any more. Apparently cognac is the thing to drink now. So I tried a cognac. And I'll be damned if it wasn't three times as good as brandy. (Three times as expensive as well, but that's another story.) It's like if you've been eating hamburger your entire life and then suddenly one day you have a filet mignon and you think "Ohhhh, this is how it's supposed to taste!" I love the taste of cognac, I love the smell of it, and I love to savor it after a satisfying dinner. But I don't have it often. So to me, the scent of cognac is comforting, indulgent, and a wee bit decadent. And that's probably why I like Imp of the Perverse more than other people do.
  25. filigree_shadow


    OK, I originally wrote a story here, then I felt embarrassed so I deleted it, and then I wrote it again, and now I deleted it again. It's just too personal. Sorry. However... it works, and it definitely smells rosy.