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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by RavenVelith

  1. In the bottle: STWAWBEWWIES! And...floral...? .....what the...Oh. Maybe it's the green tea. But...but...I want jam. :P THIS PERFUME ENCOURAGES JAM WANTING.


    Wet: ...No it doesn't. Ylang Ylang HATES me. It now encourages soap and water. And a lot of it.


    Dry: ........yeah. Soap and water. Now.


    Good thing this worked for my sister.

  2. In the bottle: OHHHH MYYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOODS! LIQUID DUNKAROOS!!!! Yes! That's it! Oh gods it reminds me of vanilla frosting smothered cookies...now I'm hungry. ;_;


    Wet: ...Where did the Dunkaroos go? I wanted to eat them. It...smells...like...plastic now...Strange plastic. With nutmeg on it. Oh no. Nevermind. It smells like my room when I decided to melt a plastic cup. Ew.


    Dry: ...I don't want to smell like a melted plastic cup...It hates my skin. Sad. It smelled so good when it was a dunkaroo.


    ....wah. I want my Dunkaroos back...

  3. Bottle: WHOO! <--- what I said when I sniffed it. Smells like...almondy chocolate with a hint of orange! OOO! OOO! I KNOW! I KNOW! It's modified Terry's Chocolate Orange! :D YES! I GOT IT! I'm gonna strike it rich!!!!


    Wet: Whooooa....REALLY smells like Terry's Chocolate orange now. Scent to be worn in small doses. Also has a sweetness. Probably the cherry. I eat my wrist now. K? K.


    Dry: Chocolate went bye bye o.o; Now it's just...orange and cherry. But still nice! :P I like this. I gonna eat myself.

  4. Spices of the Orient mingle with crystalline musk, midnight flowers and cereus, jasmine, primrose and vesper iris.


    Bottle: ....I just got....stampeded...by flowers. Holy crap. I think the musk is hiding in there though. No spices. SPICEEES! HELLOOO?


    Wet: Hm...I dunno what this flower is but...it's not too bad. Kinda turned a bit sweet. But...this is hurting my head a little.


    Dry: Hey! This ain't too bad! Though I don't think I'd wear this often. Too floral for my head to handle...But I still don't hate it. ^^



    OH GODS.

    Nevermind. It went Psycho-Floral on me and is now beating me to a pulp. Not cool. X_x

  5. Bottle: Whoooooa. o.o; sweet. A lot sweeter than I expected. The perfumes mentioned kinda...give me nostalgia. I can smell it. I don't remember who's perfume it reminds me of...but it reminds me of something.


    Wet: This is so LIGHT. I have to squash my nose against my hand to smell it! I don't smell any florals really. Maybe the flowers really did die. Oh well! They were replaced by a light vanilla it smells like.


    Dry: WOOOOW! This is NICE! Really light, airy, and sweet. I think I'll share this one with my sister. ::.giggles.::

  6. Bottle: Bourban and buttercreeeeeeam...omg....so good. With a hint of tangy berry.


    Wet: ...oh boy..The buttercream is...turning strange on me. Oh gods. I can't stand this. Something in here makes me want to gag...I think the berries are turning rotten on my skin because it doesn't smell nearly as good as it did on my sister.


    That sucks! ;_;

  7. Bottle: Mint! MY LOVE! OH MY LO--....Pine? Oh no. Not you again. Oh wait. Are you juniper? I dunno I'm conflicted in the bottle.


    Wet: Smells like...minty cleaner. Like...Vim. The Vim oxy gel things...that you clean your toilet with. Oh! Dark water! :P MINTY CLEANER FOR THE WATER.


    Dry: Okay pine is slowly fading...and the mint is saying "Good morning starshine! The earth says hello!" Meanwhile, I pick up a sweetness. Probably the lotus. Though my darling mint is in this, I still don't like the pine-y lingering smell. Oh well.

  8. Bottle: Orange...and...PATCHOULI. It gives me a bit of a headache... X_x Oh boy. I'm kinda scared of Patchouli. Hey look! The description says terror expressed in Patchouli! For sure! I'm definately terrified! :P


    Wet: Still this little battle of guns with Patchouli and that orange...though I think patchouli is kicking some butt and stepping on the oranges making mad orange juice out of them.


    Dry: ...seems the Patchouli missed the orange and shot me straight in the head. Ow instant headache. And I do not like this. It's...Patchouli-ish on me. Patchouli = no.

  9. In the bottle: VICK'S VAPO RUB!!!!!!!!!!! Actually...the benelyn pluggy in the wall thing that makes your nose clear. That's what I smell. It's the eucalyptus. YAY CLEAR SINUS PERFUME! :P


    Wet: ::.CRIES.:: So much pine. I just rolled down a rocky hill and crashed directly into a pine tree. And then all the little needles fell on me and a couple pinecones and now I'm sad. No more eucalyptus. I smell not this orange.


    Dry: ...I'm still in the pile of pine needles....


    No. Not for me.

  10. Oh man oh man. I'm worried about them roses. Hopefully they don't have thorns. You know I once got stabbed in the hand by some roses at work--oh nevermind.


    In the bottle: Coffee. Smells like the house when Sean's up in the morning. ::.snicker.:: I dunno if I like this in the bottle though...It's...headachey. It's them damn roses!


    Wet: BLECH. Too much rose. Way too much. Rose + My skin doesn't seem to go well together. Bye bye coffee too. Oh gods. Maybe it's that jasmine too. No...I can't wait for this to dry. Off it goes. Stupid thorny roses and their prickings.

  11. HURRAY! NEROLI! :P I lovez neroli.


    In the bottle: Helloooooooooooooooo berries! I eat you, k? K.


    Wet: The berries are having a party! I don't smell any neroli yet though. ;_; I like this so far. Kinda reminds me of Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo. And that one I love.


    Dry: Yay! Neroli is fashionably late to this party! Kinda binds everything together. This is a scent though that I have to wear in moderation coz of the berry-ness.


    ...hee...party! :D

  12. In the bottle: Really...perfume-y...Probably all the plant scents. But I smell apples in there. I do smell the apple above everything else. Kinda confusing.


    Wet: Ugh. Makes me sick. Too many smells but the mulling spices and brown sugar is hitting me. Not happy. Not happy at all. Oh well...Can't win 'em all...I have to wash this off now.

  13. In the bottle: YUM YUM CINNAMON :D This makes Raven a happy panda, it does. Thankfully, no myrrh...yet. Please myrrh...don't ruin this happy cinnamon.


    P.S: I have no idea what copal is :D


    Wet: OO it even feels warm and tingly on the skin! Definately the cinnamon. Oh yeah. All that is cinnamon. And I'm guessing that bit of sweet floral is the honeysuckle. Oh honeysuckle. ::.serenades it.:: I love yooouuuuu....Oh this is so spicey and sweet. I adore this. Oh yes.


    Dry: Very little myrrh is there. Thank the gods for that. But that cinnamon is leading the way hardcore on my skin.


    I adore this scent. Happy happy. :P

  14. In the bottle: Whoaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaarm...And sweet! Oh! OH! I know what this reminds me of! There was this almond face scrub stuff I used to use! THAT'S what this reminds me of! I can smell the boozey notes. This also reminds me of a cake. :D Mmmmm caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake.


    Wet: Sweet almond. Straight up. And a bit of the honeymead I'm guessing. Nevermind. That's the oh-so-yummeh buttercreaaaaaam. :P Gods I love buttercream. Oh hello there rum! How are you? You're taking over, you say? Oh. Okay! You do that then. But...but...what are you changing into? I'm not smelling a strange floral note. Skin, stop being silly.


    Dry: Ohhhh really warm now. Comforting, really. Not as sweet anymore, but still really nice. But I want to know what the hell is turning floral on me. It's annoying. But still, I like this. ^^

  15. In the bottle: First off, that imp was REALLY hard to open. Ow. My poor fingers. Okay. Here goes. Kinda fruity. Really strange though. I think I'm really picking up the dragon's blood scent now. I dunno why it reminds me of the taste of the filling of this chocolate I had that made me sick years ago. Oh well. Here goes.


    Wet: Dragon's blood straightaway. I have finally pinned the scent. I...I don't know if I like this or hate it. I don't smell any mandarin...Though that may be what's making it smell appealing but the rose geranium is probably what's making it not. ;_; Oh no..help!


    Dry: Okay I think I pick up the dark amber...and...that's what's making not like this. Kinda sad coz I thought it could have had potential. Oh well.

  16. In the bottle: WHOA! ::.is slapped in the face by smell.:: I can REALLY smell the leather and smoke. And I'm guessing the undernote that's making the leather stronger is the dragon's blood. Since I still haven't smelled dragon's blood alone, I'm not sure. I think this may end badly.


    Wet: AGH! X_x Not for me. No no no no no no. I think I may be distinguishing what is dragon's blood now though after trying Dragon's Milk as well. The leather is very dominant I think. That smoke is taking a backseat. I just...don't like it. Waaaaah...


    Dry: ::.CRIES.:: LEATHER. LEATHER. LEATHER. That's all I smell! I do not like this leather thing! T___T It makes me boo-hoo.


    Sad sad sad. Oh well. TO THE SWAP PILE WITH THEE!

  17. Bottle: Laaaaaaaaaaaaavender X_x And a sharp herb. Not sure what though. Makes me feel lightheaded.


    Wet: EEUUUUUUUGH. X_x oh gods. I hate Lavender scents. No no no. I can't wait for this one to dry. It has to come off.


    Another for the swap pile. Definately not for me.

  18. In the bottle: I can definately smell the mandarin in it. Ohhh I can almost taste it! Reminds me of a body wash I once used and loved. There's another fruit-like sweetness there. Must be the fig.


    Wet: That sweetness is dominant and the mandarin is taking a back seat ride at the moment. Oh! Nevermind! There it is! That bodywash smell is definately gone now. I like this combo of the sweet-like fig and the citrusy mandarin. Currently, both are battling it out but in a nice blended way. I like this so far.


    Dry: DING DING DING! Mandarin wins the battle! :P Oh...nevermind. Fig came back and smacked it with an oversized trout and took over. Oh I like this smell. Are all fig smells like this? It's nice. :D Reminds me of a candy I used to like. Kinda sweet, kinda tart. Not very carnal though. ::.giggles.::



    Overall, I like this scent :D Hurray!

  19. Bottle: I definately smell peppermint. But...there's this weird..almost sour milk smell with it. It's not definately pleasant to me...but I'll try it anyway.


    Wet: Oh gross. This one makes me sick. It does not like my skin at ALL. Oh dear. The peppermint with the milky smells is not not not not liking me at all. I don't think I like it either.


    Dry: I smell a bit more peppermint, but that milky undertone really turns my stomach. Ugh I want it to go away. :P;


    I'm kinda sad. It sounded so good but...it's not really what I expected. Oh well.

  20. Bottle: Oooo....I love how thick and syrupy it is. Like blood! :3 Kinda sweet with..a hint of a strange floral? Is that the dragon's blood? Hard to determine.


    Wet: Oooooooooooh. I like this. Sweet, kinda light, hint of floral still. The honey smell seems to be coming out a bit more now. And I think I smell the vanilla! Ohh this is nice. :P


    Drying: Oh oh oh oh! More sweet! MORE MORE SWEET :D I am loving this. The strange undernote...what are you? Are you dragon's blood? I have never smelled it before, so I'm not sure.


    Dry: A mix of strange strange scents. I smell the vanilla and honey, but there's that odd undernote still. Not odd in a bad way.

    I think this is a scent meant to be worn in small doses. At least for me.


    Dry after 15 minutes: Very sweet now. This is a scent that will be worn in small doses, I think. I like it, but too much may give me a headache.

  21. I smelled this - and couldn't even put it on my skin.

    The peach and the vanilla lone in the imp were combining in a way that made my stomach lurch.

    Very sweet.

    Very candy.

    Very sickening.


    That's all I can write about this one...

    It was just too sweet for my nose. X_X

  22. Bottle: floral-y…kinda green. Don’t smell much berry at the moment. At least not noticeble berry. There is a sweetness though.


    Wet: Rather light. Must be the green tea. A light slightly floral scent knocks me in the face when I smell it close up. No sweetness. Oh! Nevermind. There’s some sweet coming through. There is a dark note in here. I kinda like this.


    Dry: EEEEEEGGGGGGH! Bad bad horrible cough syrup. Bye bye nice green tea smell.


    Dry after 10 minutes: OH NO! Wanna…vomit. The smell is not pleasant on me anymore. Smells…rotten.


    This makes me very sad. I wanted to like it. Now I can’t. ;_;

  23. bottle: bubble gum. exact bubble gum. it of a cherry note too.


    wet: Sort of smells like bubble gum children's cough syrup. But not too much. More bubble gum. I actually like it. I think I'm picking up an orange note too.


    Dry: Bubble gum is gone. Now I smell a strange candy. Not quite cherry, not quite orange.


    10 Minutes: ....ew....what happened? Now there's...some odd mixed smell that just doesn't smell good at all on my skin. Pity. It's pure cough syrup to me.


    20 minutes: Maybe it's that womanly perfume that doesn't like my skin. It doesn't like me at all.


    Overall: I'm disappointed. I wanted to like this one. You can't win 'em all I guess.

  24. Bottle: Very nice floral with a sweet note. Perhaps the fruit?


    Wet:Oh dear...floral that has a bit of a laundry detergent smell on my skin. It does not like me right now. The sweet note is pretty much non-existant. Please fix up when you dry. You smell so nice in the bottle. X_X


    Dry: Waaaaaaaaahhh....sooooaaaapp. :P; It smells like soap. Horrible horrible floraly soap that my mom likes. This makes me sad.


    After 20 minutes: It's giving me a headache.


    30 minutes: ....EUUUUUGH X_X Oh gods it smells so bad on my skin. Something a little metallic has come through but it still smells like horrible soap.


    Overall: I'm sad. It smelled so good in the bottle. And it hated my skin. Oh well.
