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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by jessiesquash

  1. jessiesquash

    House of Mirrors

    This was one of those last minute impulse buys where I had picked out the scents I was going to order and then I read the description again and realized that I HAD TO HAVE IT! I'm thrilled that I did because this is by far my favorite of the CN series and the only one that I really like on my skin. Initially it's pretty soft and I can definitely smell the aquatic notes and the citrus. As it wears, it does amazing shifts just like the light reflecting off of dozens of mirrors. It almost has a sweetness to it that blends perfectly with the aquatics. It's just one of those scents that mingles with my own chemistry to create the perfect scent. I can't stop smelling myself when I wear it and, while I may get weird looks, that is a very good sign!
  2. jessiesquash

    Projected Order List-just for my info :)

    Ima gonna be a baaaaad girl! [2] Chaos Theory 30.00 [1] AL-A-GA-ZAM 250.00 (!!!!!!!!!!!) by August 15 Total: 280.00 [1] Salon Imp Pack 82.00 [1] Panacea Imp Pack 42.00 Imps of: Lyonesse, Kumari Kandam, Cockaigne, Yerevan, Uruk, Tenochtitlan, Pontarlier, Manhattan, The Hanging Gardens, Gomorrah, The Jersey Devil, Leanan Sidhe, Tavern of Hell, Bathsheba, Les Bijoux, Queen of Sheba, Salome, Caliban [3] Imp Packs 58.50 [1] 5ml Eden 14.50 [1] 5ml Loviatar 14.50
  3. jessiesquash

    on the subject of obsession

    True Story: I was yet again waxing poetic on BPAL to a guy at work and like always, he was ignoring me. I knew that he was thinking of a truly fitting description of my insanity so I simply said, "Hey Robert. You know how you feel about those grass plugs you just planted in your lawn? Well that's how I feel about perfume." Suddenly the planets aligned, pure light rained down from the heavens, for a moment the world made sense and we understood each other. What a great moment. He still thinks I'm crazy though but I certainly don't blame him! P.S. My sister had a girl yesterday!! Yay! I now have two nieces and one nephew and I'm in Auntie heaven!
  4. jessiesquash

    feelin' arty-farty

    I've been a very bad girl today. I called in sick for work so that I could sleep all day. I guess we all need a break once in awhile but I still feel really guilty about it. I do think that it was necessary for my mental health. Now I'm just ignoring my phone and watching old episodes of X-Files. If it sounds like a slice of heaven, it is. I know that everyone else is in the same boat, waiting for any sign that the lab is sending out orders regularly again but I may really be going insane with the excitement. I'm also concerned about it making it here before I leave on June 7 since then I'll be gone until August 8 and won't be able to sniff the goodies. I was also counting on having my 10 ml of Alice to take with me. I can't even soothe my restless urges by placing an order because I don't want it to get here while I'm gone! Oh the unbearable pain of it all! /melodrama I have a few more signature icons that I made in a fit of photoshop-foo. Take them and enjoy with no credit needed but please don't hotlink. Back to avoiding the world for awhile longer.
  5. jessiesquash

    The Mock Turtle's Lessons

    I've been in love with the Mad Tea Party scents since I discovered Alice and fell hopelessly in love but I haven't had much luck with any of the other scents. The description of this sounded so yummy so I ordered it in an imp pack. In the bottle, it smelled fresh and green and very springy. Wet on I didn't really like it. It smelled a bit like fresh grass on me, which is a lovely smell but I don't want it ON me you know. After I awhile I noticed that the other notes began to emerge; apple and definitely the mint. I was still very unsure about it because, as others stated, it was kind of a muddy scent that kept morphing on me. It finally settled down and I really liked it. It was fresh and cool with a splash of salt water, just exactly what I imagine of the Mock Turtle! I especially like the Vodka because it keeps it from settling too much and gives it a lovely cocktail quality that makes me want to order an Appletini and sit on the beach reading trashy novels. Apparently apple is one of the few tart fruits that actually works one me and that makes me very happy! I'm going to try it a few more times and then possibly order a 5ml of it. My faith in the Mad Tea Party collection has been renewed!!
  6. jessiesquash

    what's that smell?!

    It's another dull and rather long day at work but it matters not when I'm wearing teh Underpants. The only thing that I'm sad about is it's quick-fade tendencies. I also don't feel like anyone can even smell it. I haven't gotten one compliment and gosh darn it, it smells fabulous on me! I know that I'm a scent addict but I'm always noting when people smell good and I tell them too. A delicious smell can totally make an otherwise yuckerific day and so I like to appreciate those that brighten my days. Eh...I'm sure it's just me that's weird. I was actually thinking about my obsession with smell the other day. I have the keenest sense of smell and I often associate different smells with moments in my life or places I've been to. I remember things based on their smell more so than what they actually look like. I know that it comes from my childhood. I had a super weak bladder as a kid so essentially I always smelled like pee which isn't all that great for making friends. Once I got over that phase, I became absolutely obsessed with being clean and smelling good. I also think it comes from my mom who is constantly remarking on how things smell. It's kind of interesting how your childhood shapes the rest of your life and how it can have such a huge impact on such seemingly natural things like how we use our senses. I think that's enough rambling, I just thought that you all would sympathize with my general whinning....or not but what can I do?
  7. jessiesquash

    bpal makes me do bad things.

    You tell yourself that you won't do certain things. You draw the line and swear not to cross it. I learned, however, that some scents will cause me to throw all of my principles out the windown and turn me into a raving slobbering maniac bent on obtaining it at all costs. I don't know how else to justify paying 3X what an oil was originally worth. *sigh* Well, at least I will use and enjoy it. I did it all for the Underpants. Would you have done the same? I'm still waiting patiently for my Dragon Moon order, t-shirt and oil! Well okay, not so patiently but I'm trying to restrain myself from checking my e-mail every 5 seconds. It's difficult but I'm managing. And now I must do a little cleaning because I'm currently living in a pigsty. And I'm going to have a diet coke and think long and hard about what I've done........
  8. jessiesquash

    jonesing from some undies

    It is quickly becoming very evident that one bottle of Underpants is not enough. I totally slathered it on today and then gazed in horror at what is probably only a microscopic change in the level. I actually panicked! I don't really know why I get all weird like that. I fell in love with Red Lantern and then scrambled around for more. I now have 4 bottles! Because of the limited quantity and my limited funds that is probably not an option this time. I'd be conservative with Underpants to keep it as long as possible but I love it and I want to wear it everyday! Ahhhhhhhhhh! I'm sure that all of you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about! Haha, I think that I've officially becoming a bpal fanatic. Do I get a pin or a certificate or something? Now I just wish that some of my local friends would get into it. It'd be fun to order together and swap locally too. I think they're wary of things that I recommend because invariably, they fall in love and spend tons of money. I don't know if that's a compliment to my personal tastes or just kind of pathetic. I'm expecting a CnS for my Dragon Moon tee order any time since I noticed that they're starting to come in. This is my first BPTP order and I'm so excited! I don't know if the shirt will fit but I'm steadily loosing weight so it will eventually. I'm hoping that I'll be able to get into it for my study abroad program this summer and spread the bpal love everywhere I go. I'm waiting impatiently, yeah who isn't, for my Dragon Moon/CN order. I have a ton of bottles coming to me with that one and my first GC 10ml! Yay Alice! It will be the perfect scent to wear this summer, along with Enraged Bunny Musk of course. I'm totally just aimlessly rambling right now so I'll stop. blah blah blah G-night all!
  9. jessiesquash

    signature icons

    I know that I've become obsessed with something when I start making things in Photoshop. I made a few signature icons of my favorite scents and I thought I'd offer them up to whoever wants them. They're all 100x50. I'm not really concerned about credit and whatnot. Just enjoy them. I'll probably make more because they're kind of fun to do. I really want one for Underpants and Enraged Bunny but I have to decide on the right picture. So yeah, just please upload them to your own image host. (There are a ton of free ones like photobucket.) Just say no to sucking my bandwidth. Thanks.
  10. jessiesquash

    agressive florals of doom

    I really really have trouble with straight up florals. Peony Moon is a great example of this. It smelled fantastic in the bottle, spicy and lightly floral, but when I put it on it turned into the evil floral headache from hell. My chemistry was like, oh hell no and smacked the bitch down. Oh well, not meant to be and apparently Beltane isn't either. It's not as angry but it's not pleasant either. I suppose two out of four is not bad for an LE order. That seems to be the trend with me anyway. My skin seems picky and rather elitist I think. It drinks up the LE scents that if I want more I'll have to sell my first born for but rejects nearly all catalog scents...okay not most but a ton! It did really like Enraged Bunny but that has other stuff in it. My skin does like roses though and that's kind of a surprise since I thought that I didn't like roses. Beth's roses though, are fantastic and non-migraine causing. In other perfumey news I wore Underpants out for a brief time and while I didn't have people throwing themselves at me, how gauche of them I know, I thought I smelled rather delish. That's what counts anyway....although I'd like other people to acknowledge my fabulous smell once in awhile. I'm human after all. Okay, now I seriously need to go wash off Beltane because my head is starting to throb. Damn flowers and their nasty ways! By the way, I mentioned a livejournal last time but I neglected to give my user name. That's not because I'm hiding from you all...... It's 'jessiesquash' and I always welcome new friends. Just be warned that I'm a little crazy. It might be safer here where I'm restrained by board rules and such.
  11. jessiesquash

    Enraged Bunny Musk

    Extracted directly from the twitching nether-regions of the wild Eastertime bunny rabbit: a snarling, slavering, buck-toothed, fluffy, floppy-eared, horny-as-hell Springtime beast. Soft cotton blossom, white musk, baby's breath, clover and pale powder notes. In the bottle it smells like sweet lemonade. Yummy! First on my wrist it smells very lightly lemon, not like lemon pledge thank god. Is that the clover or is there a touch of lemon in it? The musk is starting to emerge as it dries, along with an almost cinnamon-like spice. It's soft but it has a spiky center. I really like how clean it is. This would make a fabulous soap scent! If I had more than one bottle, I'd try it. Ooh now it's developing a bite but it's still very soft and I have to bury my nose into my wrist to smell it. Farther away from my nose I can smell the white musk. This is really pretty! I think that I like it. It totally reminds me of a cute little bunny who can really bite if you get too close. As it finally melts into my skin it just creates that lovely well blended effect that my chemistry makes when it's happy with a scent. Love it! And the bottle...hilarious!! I've really gotten really lucky with this order! All have been definite keepers so far!
  12. jessiesquash

    cake or death.....?

    So how many blogs does one girl need? Well apparently if you're me, you need at least two. I am a livejournal fiend but I've found that very few of my friends care about my obsession with BPAL and even if they did, I'm sure they don't want to me to talk about it ALL the time! So, new blog hidden amongst other blogs of my fellow bpaladdicts. *group hug* So today I FINALLY received my 4/1 order and it was delicious! It contained Underpants, Beltane, Enraged Bunny Musk and an imp pack. I tried Underpants first because I was desperate to know if the sandalwood and I would finally make peace with each other. Amazingly, yes! It smells scrumptious!!!!!!!!!! How about a few more....!!!!!!!! Fantastic! I just keep crushing my nose against my wrists and all in my cleavage like I'm starving and there's is a piece of moist carrot cake hidden there somewhere....ooh that sounds good! Okay, I get distracted I know. I think that's part of my charm. I'll just leave you with a quick thought: Does anyone else get the urge sometimes to just slather themselves in bpal and roll around naked until you're covered from head to toe with it and then run around screaming, "smell me I'm tasty!".......just me, huh? Oh well. I will now end this ridiculous and pointless post and let you get back to your regularly scheduled sanity. Au Revoir!
  13. jessiesquash

    Monster Bait: Underpants

    I second the bottle love! It's awesome and so cheeky...pun intended. The first sniff was buttercream frosting and some sticky sweet rum. I figured this would be pretty foody but I had to try it. (I'm not a foody scent person.) I was a bit wary since I have a rather dismal history with sandalwood BUT when I put it on I want to lick myself. It starts off creamy sugary buttery goodness with just a hint of musk. The sandalwood actually rears its head but instead of turning instantly nasty, its behaving itself. Perhaps nicely restrained by the saffron? Actually I'm rather surprised at what it actually smells like. I'm not even sure I like it yet. It's soft and musky and almost crystalline but with a burnt quality. The more I sniff it, the more I really like it. It's defintely not foody in the traditional sense but rather a sweet and seductive musk. I'm not quite sure if this is something that I'd wear but I'm going to keep it for now. I think it would make an excellent evening scent, especially on hot summer nights. About a half an hour later it's settled and the sandalwood has emerged as the dominant scent with just a hint of sweetness. It reminds me a bit of my beloved Red Lantern but it's gentler and more subtle. Ooh I just love it! I'm so glad that I gave it a chance.
  14. jessiesquash

    Lucy's Kiss

    I'm torn! There's something about wearing a perfume called Lucy's Kiss that is so seductive but I can't justify keeping it since it smells pretty generic rose on me. I like it but, like someone else said, it smells like fancy soap on me. Like the kind my grandma uses. Pretty but not me. Traded away to someone who can do it justice.
  15. jessiesquash

    Red Lantern

    My first sniff made me want to drink it right out of the bottle. Sweet incense, dripping with melted caramel. I can't stop smelling it. On, the caramel scents fades a bit to the background and it becomes rich and smoky. It reminds me of that gorgeous amber incense you find in small import stores. Dry down it fades to a more mellow earthy scent and the caramel comes out again. It's a bit too rich for everyday but this would be lovely to wear when I'm feeling decadent. It smells EXACTLY like it's described.
  16. jessiesquash


    First impressions: I opened this and immediately knew that I would love it. In the bottle I smelled a sharp floral, like fresh incense freshly opened. It instantly reminded me of something I couldn't place. On: The balsam and herbs start to emerge. The more it dries, the sharper the balsam gets but the sweetness of the myrrh keeps it from being too acidic. Gorgeous scent and not what I expected. I don't sense any sort of funereal aspect but rather it smells like a lazy afternoon lost in a small book store. I haven't tried a lot of scents yet but this is by far, my favorite. I can't stop smelling my arm! Definitely a keeper.
  17. jessiesquash

    Mata Hari

    Even though this has been reviewed to death, I wanted to add mine since this is my first BPAL scent ever and I'm excited about it. On first sniff I didn't like it. It smelled like the finished product of a scent kit I had when I was little. The one I messed up by overusing the jasmine and completely obliterating the heliotrope and lily-of-the-valley. Holy jasmine, batman! On: Still the jasmine overwhelmed but I continued to give it a chance and wore it to an interview. It mellowed to a lovely floral that, while still smelling heavily of jasmine, is divine. A keeper! And I got the job. A warning! This is strong. Don't go overboard!!