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Everything posted by Foodie

  1. Foodie

    French Love

    Let me start off by saying this is not a review describing the scent of French Love... just how much I love it. I ordered this imp along with a couple others from the lab and I immediately loved it. It's absolutely gorgeous. Sexy but not too sweet or overtly sexual... the kind of scent, in my experience, that a lot of guys like. I find myself reaching for it multiple times a week and when I wear something else I think I miss my French Love. Ordering a 5 ml for sure.
  2. Foodie

    Wild Woman with Unicorn

    Blind bottle purchase for me because I love patchouli. Wild Woman with Unicorn did not disappoint. It smells exactly like the description, like wildflowers and patchouli. The flowers aren't the perfumey, sharp florals. They are sweet... dewy... I can smell the green leaf... are those bluebells? But the star of this show is the patchouli. Earthy, mossy, sweet patchouli. It is definitely the dominant note but does not in any way overtake the wildflowers. For anyone who considers florals to be "old ladyish", the patch converts this scent into something that is quite the opposite. Just like the beautiful, fragrant, colorful wildflower meadows that grow spontaneously, this oil is an earthy delight to the senses.
  3. Foodie

    Discussion of all things Amber

    Now all I have to do is find a bottle of L'Estate!!! (Good luck to me, right?)
  4. Foodie

    Discussion of all things Amber

    Coyote is a great amber scent which is what I think makes the Lion so lovely. Lion is amber with a hint of Cinnamon. Coyote is amber with sweetgrass and a hint of soft, brown suede. Is recommend Bastet as well. LEO is still available, I'd recommend you snag it quickly and thank me later. If you can find it, Sportive Sun is a wonderful, very leonine amber. Jacob's Ladder is beautiful, I am betting you love it and I don't find it masculine, it's quite gender neutral to my nose. Aureus is an imp I'd recommend trying, in the vein of the Lion, sunny amber. I'm getting quite excited thinking about all this amber! So I ended up buying a bottle of Jacob's Ladder... And you were right, I love it! I don't find it masculine. Very gender neutral. Very warm and cozy and beautiful. LOVE IT. Thank you!
  5. Foodie

    Beaver Moon 2012

    Just getting around to reviewing this now, I've had my bottle since 2012 and use it sparingly because I love it so! Gooey apple filling mixes with cheesecake to make this such a yummy scent. I don't get much crust in this one. My favorite foody scent by far. Literally almost every time I wear it someone says, "oh my gosh, what's that smell? Oh, yum! What is that?". And then proceed to sniff me with smiles and rolled back eyes. My coWorkers never fail to recognize Beaver Moon and say "you're wearing that delicious perfume again, aren't you?". My most complimented perfume.
  6. Foodie

    Discussion of all things Amber

    Thanks Sprout! Really want to try Leo, as I'm a Leo, but need the funds to support this growing habit of mine, lol!
  7. Foodie

    Discussion of all things Amber

    Thank you Anne mathematics! You're making me rethink not buying Jacobs Ladder.... So many posts on this amber thread say the same thing you did about JL, but then I go to read the reviews and like half the people say "this would be great on my boyfriend". Uggghhhhh, I wish I could sample those darn Etsy bottles!!!
  8. Foodie

    Discussion of all things Amber

    When first got into BPAL in 2012 I was only into foodie and rose LE scents. I literally never even tried Snake Oil. I've been gone for a couple years and feel like a total newbie all over again, trying all of these GC scents. I realized that my favorite scent ever in the world is The Lion. Words can't express how much I love it! I ordered a bottle and also a bottle of O, they're currently on their way to me! I considered purchasing Jacobs Ladder from Etsy, but reading the reviews it seemed a bunch of people said it was masculine. Masculine is not my thing. Just wondering if there any LE's I might want to be on the lookout for that are warm ambery goodness like The Lion. Would love some good recs! Thanks!
  9. Foodie

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    Haha Vetchvesper, that's my problem! I know I should be patient but it's so hard! And also I hate paying for shipping. Oh, well. I think I have an imp of Vixen that I haven't tried yet...
  10. Foodie

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    I'm not sure if this is the right thread, but here's my question... Snake Oil is out of stock at the lab right now. I'm going to order O and The Lion and I REALLY want a bottle of Snake Oil (I've been reading that a lot of people love it aged... I fell head over heels in love with the fresh imp I got!) but like I said, it's out of stock. What GC scent do you guys think is the MOST SIMILAR to Snake Oil?
  11. Foodie

    Voodoo Lily

    Voodoo Lily is definitely a morpher. I put a tad bit on my wrists and got ready for work. First impression... spicy lily. I like the scent of lilies and I like spices, so this was a good thing. Cinnamon? Nutmeg? Clove? I don't know, but I liked it. Not LOVE, but like. Ok, so I finish getting ready, I get in the car and start driving to work. I all of the sudden smell something wonderful. Like sugary sweet baked goods with lily flavored syrup poured on top. I realize that it's me! I really like how this smells after about an hour. Still debating on if I need a bottle...
  12. Foodie


    First impression:Morocco would smell awesome on a guy. Very masculine smelling to me. I was super surprised because so many people seem to love it... I thought I would at least kinda like it based on the description. But no. Morocco was an epic fail on me. To the point that I washed it off. It's very hard for me to describe, there is a yummy sweetness somewhere in there. But like the reviewer before me said, it smells like very traditional perfume mixed with cologne. Sooooo not my thing.
  13. Foodie

    The Lion

    The Lion is the first amber scent I've tried and if this is amber, I LOVE AMBER. The Lion is a cozy but spicy scent. The notes I can pick out are a very yummy vanilla and a little cinnamon, not overpowering at all. It does bring to mind a warm, golden, lazy sun. My bottle list is getting pretty darn long, but The Lion is definitely going on it. Edited to add: It has been 7 hours since I applied a very small amount to my wrists. Still going strong! And this smell is addicting to me... after a whole day I will say again The Lion is just lovely.
  14. Foodie

    Seven Word Story: Lust

    Whoa, Seven Word Story Lust is VERY incensey! In the bottle It smells super fruity pomegranate. But when I put it on my wrists it smells just like I am in this crystal shop by my house and took a big whiff of a pomegranate scented incense stick. It is a beautiful scent that has a real sexy, free spirited Bohemian vibe. I'm glad I have a bottle!
  15. Foodie

    Snake Oil

    Well, there isn't anything that I can say that has not been said about the wonderful and glorious Snake Oil. I will tell you that the reviews are all well deserved... Snake Oil is just as sexy and awesome as everyone says it is. Strong vanilla with some indescribable spiciness to it. I feel super sexy and confident wearing this. Also, this was the only scent that, when testing out all of my new goodies (thanks lab!), all of my kids said they loved and was their favorite! So not only a hit with men and women... children like it too! I can't not buy a bottle of Snake Oil. I need this in my life.
  16. Foodie


    Oooooo wOw! O is sooooooo gorgeous and sooooo sexy! I get absolutely no play doh, no plastic. Just a sexy snake oil vanilla mixed with honey. If you like Snake Oil, you'll like O for sure. Words I'm associating with O... Close Skin Sex Comfort Snuggle A bottle of O will be in my next order.
  17. Foodie


    Wow! I can't believe that I've had this stored away for three years and haven't even tried it until today! Got this as a frimp from a generous swapper, full and only sniffed once. I tried it today and... HEAVEN! Heaven for people who like foodie, cakey, fruity goodness that is! Smells exactly like Christmas to me. Lovely, yummy smell. But I will swap it because I have a problem with hoarding tiny amounts of oil that I will never ever be able to get more of. I adore it but would love someone else to be able to experience this one-of-a-kind foodie's dream!
  18. Foodie

    Eve, To Adam in Paradise

    The First Love: Moroccan rose, white fig, honey, hay absolute, vanilla, chamomile, white musk, pomegranate juice, and morning dew. I'm not the best about picking out individual notes or even describing scents very well, but I will say that this stuff is absolutely heavenly. I can definitely smell the rose, but it does not completely overwhelm. It's also fruity, I can smell the pomegranate. I don't usually like fruity scents so don't let that scare you away. There is something... natural in there too. I don't know if it's the hay or what but it makes this scent not at all "perfumey" and very organic. Ok, enough technical stuff... on to the gushing! I can't stop huffing my wrists. I love this scent with a passion. Eve, to Adam in Paradise is the perfect name for it because like the Garden of Eden it is beautiful and perfect. I have been hoarding rose scents and this is right up there with my favorites. I can see someone who doesn't usually go for rose scents loving this one too though. Seriously, get it while you can people.
  19. Foodie

    Les Fleurs du Mal

    Les Fleurs de Mal is, to me, exactly what it says it is. A dark mysterious floral. I smell all three flowers, rose and lilac especially. But these aren't spring flowers. They are flowers your secret lover brings you in the dark of night. I don't get any powder or soap. Just a beautiful "old-fashioned sexy" scent.
  20. Just thought I would post here, because I recently acquired a bottle of London and, on me, it smells identical to Peacock Queen! So if you're looking for something similar to PQ, check out London, it's just gorgeous!
  21. Foodie


    London, on me, smells exactly like The Peacock Queen. I mean identical. I LOVE Peacock Queen, so this is a good thing. I'm overjoyed to have a GC equivalent that I can turn to when/if I run out of Peacock Queen. So happy to have a bottle of this beautiful scent! :love!:
  22. Foodie

    Elizabeth of Bohemia

    Elizabeth of Bohemia is awesome! To me, it smells just like a mix of Peacock Queen and Rose Red. It has a bit of that green stem that Rose Red has a lot of, and it has that lush dark Peacock Queen rose. It's gorgeous and it lasted quite a few hours on me! I only have a decant and will definitely be on the lookout for a bottle!
  23. Foodie


    I loved the smell of Eve when in the bottle. I thought this might be the spring scent for me. But then I put it on... Nail polish remover!!! I mean so much like nail polish remover I swear I wouldn't be able to tell one from the other. Really chemical smelling on me. I had to wash it off.
  24. Foodie


    When I sniffed Rakshasa in the imp, I got excited. I am a big rose fan and it smelled very rosy and I could definitely smell the patchouli (which I also love). When I put Rakshasa on, however, I immediately knew it was a NO. Soap, soap soap! Soap is all I could smell, nothing else. Not rose, not patchouli, not sandalwood, nothing but strong sharp soap. The soap smell stayed around, too. I mean it lasted hours and hours. Although I will say that after about 6 hours it smelled more spicy and a little less like soap. It is the next morning and I can still smell Rakshasa on my wrists, so it has staying power for sure! Which is a good thing if this scent works for you, not so good for me.
  25. DJ Sin, Miss Jessel is not boozy at all. I think it smells exactly like roses and fresh tree sap.