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Rock Geisha

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Everything posted by Rock Geisha

  1. Rock Geisha


    In the bottle: Why hello, lemon verbena. Nice to meet you, orange blossom. Wet: Sharp lemon with a light orange Drydown: Lemon Pledge. Initial disappointment. With further drydown, it turns into...what is that? Spicy Juicy Fruit? Nope, Lemon Pledge. I refuse to accept these results! (Lolita is my favorite book.) I shook the imp and reapplied it. Much better results. Now it's sweet and spicy. There's the honeysuckle! It's not my usual kind of scent but I like it. Would I buy it in a bottle?: Possibly. I'd like to try mixing it with Demeter Honeysuckle first.
  2. Rock Geisha

    Snake Oil

    In the bottle: Something spicy like patchouli. A little vanilla. Wet: Mmm, spicy. Drydown: The vanilla is more present. The vanilla in this isn't the sweet vanilla sugar I'm used to--this is a grownup vanilla. It works well to sweeten the exotic spice and in turn, the Indonesian oils give the vanilla weight. This is a grownup scent and I don't mean as in old lady perfume (the bane of my existence!). It's very art of seduction, the scent of someone who regrets nothing. Would I buy it in the bottle?: Yes, most likely.
  3. Rock Geisha


    This was my frimp and sounds like one I'd be interested in so I was glad to get the chance to sample it. In the bottle: Hazelnut and almond. Wet: Strong almond, with a bit of buttercream. Drydown: The rum comes forward to battle the still strong almond. The almond backs down and it becomes a spicy butter rum. It mellows and turns lovely the longer I wear it--comforting, as many of the reviews say. This smells like it'd make a great room scent but it just doesn't seem like a me scent. Would I buy it in a bottle?: My initial reaction was probably not unless it was to use as an air freshener, but it's growing on me.
  4. Rock Geisha

    Hollywood Babylon

    The essence of innocence shattered: glittering Egyptian amber and heliotrope, infused with the sweetness of strawberry and vanilla - dragged into debauch by lusty red musk and a dribble of black cherry. In the bottle: Fruity candy. Fake fruit but intentionally so. Wet: Still fruity but the vanilla and strong amber appear. Drydown: Spicy musk, with a faint fruit scent. As this dries, the musk and red cherry overpower the more delicate scents. Fragrance as metaphor--I love that. It reminds me of Francesca Lia Block's descriptions of LA a lot, "opiate dazzle" and all that. Would I buy it in a bottle?: Signs point to yes. I'll get it but it's not a OMG have to order next! scent.
  5. Rock Geisha

    Juke Joint

    In the bottle: Strong whiskey, wild mint. Wet: Whiskey and mint with a hint of something sweet. Drydown: Complex mint--mint with whiskey and a hint of something woody and sweet. Upon drydown, the mint comes to the foreground but is nicely balanced with the other notes. This doesn't really smell like any juke joint I've been to, but then again, I probably wouldn't want to smell like malt liquor and barbecue. It does conjure up the feeling of a juke joint, though--humidity and sweat, strong drinks, and shaking your hips to the best music on earth. It made me really want a glass of ice water! It's a little strong for me, as in, I think it'd be better suited for a man to wear but I love the scent and am practically typing this with my nose on my wrist. Would I buy it in a bottle?: Yes, but for a man.
  6. Rock Geisha


    In the bottle--BUBBLEGUM!!! Specifically, Bazooka Joe. Wet: BUBBLEGUM with a lollipop back. Drydown: Just as it's described--candy smeared over a grownup's perfume. I love this one. The candy smell (well, the gum) turned me off a little at first, which is surprising since I'm a candy girl but once the smell settles, it's heavenly. The "heady womanly perfume" is kind of a spicy musk and it's perfect to temper the overwhelming sweetness. This would be perfect for ma vie en cerise, although I don't know if it'd be that wise to wear this with my cherry prints--sounds like trouble. Would I buy it in a bottle? Oh honey, yes.