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Posts posted by nowxisxforever

  1. This'll be a short incomplete review, which if BPAL.org is unblocked at work, I can update throughout the day.


    Morning, sniffing: Hmm...smells a lot like Miskatonic University, which didn't work on me at all.


    Putting on wet: Cocoa! Yesssss, cocoa. At least it didn't turn "bad" on me right away like MU.


    Sniffing just before leaving: The cocoa is disappearing, and I'm really not quite sure what it smells like now. Will sniff and report back.




    Unblocked, yay!


    11AM - So, I'm still not sure what it smells like. It smells kind of like Velvet or Bliss, but kind of...nondescript slightly sugary scent with something dark behind it. Still reminds me of Miskatonic University.

  2. Yum! I just got this, my first actual bottle.






    That's pretty much it, but in the bottle and on my skin it's just...idunno. It's not a "Perfume" scent like most I've smelled, even the unconventional ones ... but it's something I think I'll wear on those days when I just want to curl up in a ball and cry, because it's comforting, like your grandmother baking cookies... It feels like loving family at the holidays, like a pleasant dream, like contentment, like peace. For me, it's the perfume equivalent of a hug from a loved one.


    I love this to pieces... and yeah, it did make me want to eat my wrist :D. I'm going to cry when it's gone!


    Ach, I hope this comes back this year! :P


    [How on Earth does she do it? :D]

  3. Oh, I'm loving this one. I'm not experienced enough to note much of a difference between in-bottle and on-skin, but all of it is beautiful - lovely, romantic rose. This smells almost exactly like the Sarah Michaels rose silk lotion, so far as I can tell. I love this! An anti-perfumes girl couldn't stop sniffing my wrist after I made her smell it =)

  4. I'm sick at the moment, so my ability to properly judge scents is somewhat disabled at the moment, but I can actually SMELL Dee much more today than I could yesterday. Yesterday it struck me as masculine, that's all I got out of it.


    Normally when I smell it in the imp it smells too much like Phantasm and those...too lemony, not quite sure why I get that as there isn't anything lemony in it that I can tell! Anyway, I put it on today and it smelled at first very much like a chemical-y female perfume, something a girl you dislike would wear...a bit later, into a slightly respectable older woman fragrance, and then *BAM* straight into masculine. It reminds me a lot of the cologne my father sometimes wears when he goes out with his girlfriend. It's masculine and refined, but very comforting. Not quite suitable on me or on my father, but would do well on a male scholar.. that's not to say that my father and I couldn't wear it- I might wear it just to smell, and my father might like it. I'll have to ask him what he thinks of it.


    Right now it's teetering between masculine and feminine...neutral, I guess. It seems to flip flop every few minutes. Interesting.

  5. I actually really didn't like this one... I read the reviews and decided to try it on, and it just didn't work for me. Far too dark and woody, I think... it screamed at me a particular "sort" of person- an older man, extremely passive-aggressive or even outright physically abusive, in a house decorated with a lot of wood and possibly results of going hunting [antlers, etc] and who [definitely] smokes pipe tobacco. Maybe 40-50s, very masculine. Maybe my not liking it is just me associating different parts of the scent to different things, but I simply couldn't wear it because of that scent-association.

  6. I just tried Jack, and it's... well, I like it, though it smells a tad more spice than pumpkin- more candle than pie. I thought "It needs vanilla!" so I put on some Antique Lace, and I'm not even sure what that did. If I smell my wrists I smell pumpkin, but sitting here typing I smell mostly Antique Lace and a very small amount of Jack. It's a nice combination though, to go from sweet to spicy whiffs.


    I hope Jack mellows down a bit later, though, because it's a smidge too strong for me right now.


    I'd use it a lot I think if it were autumn right now, which sadly it isn't. Probably won't wear it much any other season.
