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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by ArwenNightstar

  1. 5:05 Popped the top and stuck my nose down into heaven. I mean HEAVEN. I am from Louisiana. I spent many of my summers canoeing down bayous, swimming in bayous, chasing boys and girls by the bayou.... bayous figure heavily in my make-up as a human.


    This is heavy floral green knock you upside the head yumminess in the bottle.


    5:07 On wet... floral more now... with something sharp lying in wait like a cottonmouth lurking in the trees. Uh oh. There's that band-aid smell. What the heck is that? I have smelled it in another BPAL.


    5:08 Musky, humid, but still sweet to it. I really like this one.


    5:09 Now I am getting a hint of citrus... orange maybe? Lovely lovely lovely!


    When I rub my wrists together to heat it up, it releases a potent fragrance that makes me want to grab a mint julep and a book and float down the bayou. Too bad I live in Denver now. :-)


    Thumbs up on this one. Way up!


    ADDED Feb. 15:


    I tried layering this with The Peacock Queen. Oh my. Just oh my. Peacock Queen's roses go hiding amongst the green and citrus and played peek-a-boo with my olfactories. It is just lovely! Had to dip back in to share!

  2. Review




    In bottle: floral, sweet, light, made me think of apple blossoms and roses. 10:33 am


    On wet: Still floral but crisper..appley still. I am loving this. 10:34 am


    There is something a bit green in the background. Smells like a walk through a flower garden in full bloom, I think. 10:35


    Very light. Very girly. Ultra feminine. Oddly enough, I like this very much. I tend to wear heavy scents that are earthy and dark. Who knew I would like something so romantic!


    10:36 Rubbing between my wrists to heat it up. Lovely... there is a spice here to the flower that makes it sassy. I can absolutely live with this one!



    10:39 Now it is moving into a slightly masculine scent that I adore on me. :-) I have always preferred men's colognes!


    All thumbs up! :-)

  3. Gypsy Queen


    9:13 In the bottle - Musky, sweet, tuberose maybe? Myrrh, I think as well as some amber. I am liking this ALOT.


    9:14 Strong, something minty coming out but still sweet and dark.


    9:16 Sonj says she smells chocolate but I smell orange now. Sweeter than I like, but not bad.


    Ok, now I am getting some powdery smell to it.


    When I run my clean wrist to the scented one to heat things up, oh heavenly!! I want to bury my nose in my wrists and run around like that all day.


    This is a definite yummy one. When I get more scents under my belt, I may try to layer this with something.


    Ok, on the wrists, behind the ears and in the cleavage and I am out the door. Will see what responses I get from this!

  4. Wow! I just got a huge amount of imps. I am a happy girl! But I will be doing reviews on each of them carefully. Still not positive I am doing this right, but, grin, I suppose someone will "edumacate" me.


    Tarot - Star


    MINT and sweet and something medicinal that I don't like at all. Licorice or Vanilla maybe?


    7:46pm MINT still but not so medicinal. If I sniff deeply, I don't like it. If I wave my wrist back and forth in front of my nose, it is different. Vanilla again.... But real vanilla.. not the fake stuff.


    Ouch my nose!


    7:47 Not so much mint as vanilla now... and coconut. Oh that's the problem! I despise coconut! LOL! I smell like a minty pina colada.


    Ok, I give. The coconut is gonna kill me. hee!


    7:49 Scrubbed with soap. Now it smells GREAT! A bit lemony-minty. I could live with this.


    So... do I put it on and then take a shower? :-)

  5. Tarot - Death


    I've never done this before so any corrections would be welcomed.


    I just got my very FIRST imp from Alicia_Stardust for a Tarot reading swap. I stalked the poor mailman until he went LOOKING for any package from me.


    I opened the imp and took a deep sniff.


    DIRT! Spicy dirt and yummy things. Patchouli, pepper, tickle the back of the nose. 2:43pm

    Then I put it on. Hmmm..Floral something and a bit sharp still. I like it better in the bottle but it is not bad right now. 2:44pm

    Two minutes later the patchouli/dirt is mixing with the floral in a really nice way. I adore patchouli so this is a great scent to me. 2:46pm


    2:47pm.. a bandaid aroma is now coming from my wrist. Which is interesting since this is Death. I work with the Tarot and want to use this scent for meditation with this card. I will post on that as well. Bandaid smell is subsiding.

    2:50 (seven minutes into this first sniffing episode and my co-workers are staring!) Mostly spicy flowers now. Still a bit ...mossy maybe?


    Over all I like it very much. I will have to run it past the nose of Sonj though. I like to wear scents that attract her. :-) Wonder if Death will do it for her. LOL


    ADDED Jan. 12:


    Well pooh! Sonj's nose ran back up inside her head and swatted at my wrist furiously. Death did not do it for her! :-)
