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Posts posted by smallvoice

  1. I wore Egg Nog on Christmas Eve (which is when my in-laws did all the Christmas stuff).

    Think I wore Death Cap on Christmas, but I don't remember- heh.


    I wore The Perilous Parlor to Christmas 2.0 with my family, and I'm wearing Sugar Skull tonight, because I love it right now.

  2. Alice definitely smells like rose on me.


    I like Dorian fine and it was in my second bottle order ever.


    Bengal simply doesn't work on me, alas.


    I haven't tried it, but you might like Plunder- it's been described as being chai without milk and sugar.

    Lab description:

    tea leaf, cassia, cinnamon bark, clove, allspice, sandalwood, tobacco, peppercorn, and nutmeg.


    ETA: It's in Bewitching Brews.

  3. I was going to pop in to mention 51 and Yemaya, because those two sound perfect, but I've been beaten to the punch. Yemaya is more floral than 51, which is a fresh, crisp green. Embalming Fluid is another one that is in the same family as 51, for me. If you can get any, she might like Snow-Flakes, but Snow White is a decent alternative.

  4. So the first scent I try that is no longer available I end up really liking...go figure.


    Does anyone have any suggestions on GC scents that are at all similar to Mantis? For me Mantis is a lovely light green...with nice (almost vanillaish) creamy undertones.


    You might like The Unicorn or The Lion- The Unicorn for the herbs, and the Lion for the creamy amber. Leanan Sidhe is a beloved, green herbal scent, and I've seen The Apothecary and the Dormouse mentioned in the company of Mantis. Garden Path with Chickens is a very grassy scent, but there's not that creamy undertone, to my nose. Still, it could be worth a shot. 51 and Embalming Fluid are green scents, but they're not herbal like Mantis. I'm thinking the orange and amber are making it creamy for you, which makes me lean again towards The Lion, despite the lack of neroli. I'd suggest Black Hellebore, just because I like it and it's a lightly herbal blend, to me.


    A search for neroli brings up a few that I hadn't thought of off the top of my head: Zephyr, Desire, The Caterpillar and maybe Phantasm. You'll have to experiment and then update with your findings!


    ETA: 51 does contain neroli and is a very green scent. I highly recommend it.

  5. Hi all! I'm new to the forum and one of the few men as well it seems!


    I'm looking for a scent for my wife to wear for me (LOL, how awful is that?). She's got lots of great scents, but I want to find something that sultry, dark, and seductive that makes me sit up and grab her arm and drag her into the bedroom.


    We're not big fans of floral scents. Notes are fine, but preferably not the dominant scents. Also, nothing that's crazy strong. You know, one drop on, and you can smell it across the room.




    Carnal might be one to consider, and I'd also suggest Perversion, Blood (especially aged), Hunger, Scherezade, Shub Niggurath, The Great Sword of War and you absolutely must get her Dorian. And O.

  6. Soft, velvety fur and warm musk, brushed by forest woods and dusted by dry leaves.

    I totally get where the pickle smell people are mentioning is coming from, but for me it's totally in a background sort of way. Is it just me, or does this smell a little like Doc Buzzard? I might be crazy, but it really smells familiar to me. It really is a lovely, sweet musky scent. It is much like others have described; very sort of woodsy and musky and... I don't know what else to say. I wanted to see if anybody else had noticed a note in common with Doc Buzzard. How odd! I think this one will age beautifully, as well.

    UPDATE, from the Hidden Treasures thread:
    I'm also posting another LE that seems to be under the radar as far as buzz goes: Ivanushka. OMG. I have been really depressed lately-- to the point of wallowing, which I try to avoid in real life-- Ivanushka is like being wrapped up in a soft, warm blanket of loving love. It is like the universe has paused to wrap me up in all the positive energy it can muster. I can't explain it any better than that, folks. It just rocks.

  7. Okay, so I don't like lilies all that much, but dude. This is a-freakin-mazing. It really does have the same violets that are in Faith and do NOT be scared off by the listing of charcoal. This is going to sound strange, but I can smell it in a pretty way. It's there, but everybody should try this blend. I don't even have words for this, but if you liked Faith, you owe it to yourself to try this. I must have a bottle.


    Also, much love :P for the free-cant.


    UPDATE 1/3/08: I've tried Sugar Skull '07, and it smells very similar to this. :D


    UPDATE 4/7/08: I don't know if it's a "time of the month" thing or if it's an aging thing, but I have yet to get back that amazing experience that evoked the above review. It smells...... bad. Like, litter box bad. I'm beginning to suspect violet is a note that doesn't like me. I'll submit it to some more testing, though.

  8. I got to try an earlier version of this, though I thought it was the '05 version, this topic only lists '04 in the title. At any rate, the version I tried was buttery and thick and smelled of curdled milk, thanks to my chemistry. It was a little overwhelming even without that.


    The 2007 version is LOVELY. It is spicy and creamy and noggy... but it is SO light. My skin just eats it up. I will have to play around with how much I apply. If you're a fan of gourmandy/spicy scents, this one could work out well for you! I am so pleasantly surprised, and will be scouting out a bottle of this in swaps, if at all possible.

  9. Let me start off by first giving much, much love to the person who free-canted me this. :P You know who you are!


    I'm also going to say how much I love it, right off the bat. It really does smell exactly how I hoped and expected it would. The notes are balanced really well. I feel like it isn't as complex as some scents are; like this might be really good in a lotion, but I felt that way about Bliss. I think this one will deepen beautifully with age, however, and that will be breath-taking indeed. I am so glad I swapped for a bottle already!


    This is coffee and chocolate and cinnamon. That's just what it is. If you don't like foody scents, this probably won't work out for you- then again, the cinnamon could totally ground it for you and make it gourmand, so don't take my word for it!

  10. For ozone/aquatics, you might try Danube or Szepasszony. I haven't tried Szepasszony, but I've heard it raved over again and again.


    You might also think about something like Shattered, Dirty, Whitechapel, Aglaea or Embalming Fluid, for clean. Hope that helps, at least some!

  11. I got this as a gift from a lovely, lovely forumite. :P


    Huh. I wasn't sure about this, because of the nicotania and black musk, but I didn't review the notes when I first put it on, and here's my initial response:

    Creamy and nutty. That's odd. VERY smooth.

    Then I went and checked the notes. Creaminess and smoothness must be the carmel. The nicotania must be doing the nut part, I guess. I never, ever got ANY mint out of it, and the sage was very mild. It's an intriguing scent. I'll have to be brave and see how it wears over the course of a day.


    I'm glad I'm not the only one without mint!

  12. I sniffed the imp, and promptly put it back. I wrinkled my nose, because it was sharp. SHARP. That didn't seem right at all- so I looked up the notes, swiped it on my skin, and wrinkled my nose again. UGH.


    Wha-huh? This has all the elements of a scent I could love, except for the sandalwood- citrus, white musk, fruits... yum, right? That must be why it was starred on my wishlist. It's a white musk blend. So I left it on my skin for just a bit.


    It calmed down into this creamy, orange-y delightful scent. The sandalwood grounds it, and nothing else, thankfully. I'll have to try really wearing it before I leap into a bottle, but I certainly like it more than I thought I would. It isn't similar (on my skin) to any other blend, either.

  13. Once I got over the fact that this is not the original formula, I was able to be a little more objective about it.


    I kept asking my husband if I smelled like strawberry shortcake dolls, to which he replied, "Uh, not that I can recall, but seeing as how I didn't have one of those..." Heh. I get a plasticky scent that really does remind me of those dolls, though. It's sort of like fruity hard candy, when it first goes on, and then plastic. I have a feeling that this will age well, and I can't smell the plastic unless I'm huffing my wrist. Otherwise it smells like creamy berries. I'm hoping it gets cheesecakier as time marches on. Hoping!


    The label is so cute, and it's a very pretty scent- it will be wonderful in the springtime. I will be holding on to this one.

  14. I am SO behind on reviews, but how did I miss this one? I love this scent! I love the Snake Pit! I'm not a fan of Snake Oil, but almost all the little variations (that I've tried) are crazygood on me. Seriously. Crazygood.


    This one is sexy on me, but it's not so sexy that I can't wear it lounging around at home all day in my sweats, or at school with people around me. The leather is SO good. It makes the Snake Oil... fantastic. The sandalwood doesn't go dusty, and the sage is barely noticable on me. The tonka smooths things out and adds a bit of sweetness to the leather, in addition to the wonderful spices from SO.


    :P :D :D


    I can only imagine what aging will do to this scent!!

  15. I like rose scents and have been looking for the 'perfect' one for me. I bought a bottle of Rose Moon and I just love it, but once this bottle is gone I will need something new. I have read some of the reviews of Tarot: the Empress and thought it sounded like it might be similar. Since it's a GC scent I thought I had all the time I needed to think about it. Now it's going to be discontinued and I better grab a bottle if it has a chance of being 'the' rose I am looking for. Has anyone compared the two? Or does anyone have a suggestion for a GC scent that is similar to Rose Moon?



    IMO, to my nose, Empress and Rose Moon are very different. Unfortunately I don't have Rose moon, I'm remembering from memory, but it was a sweet rose? Empress is almost all rose (I don't know what kind, but I know it's not tea rose as in London), and there's a slight men's cologne on the drydown (I'm thinking Bergamot, I'm not sure what the note is).

    I think a closer similarity to Rose Moon is Hope from CD. Hope is much sweeter but I remember thinking they were very similar.

    Just my 2 cents. Happy hunting!


    I find that Stardust's Victoria is really similar to Rose Moon - I know it's not strictly GC, but it's something on which you can stock up a bit. Victoria is a little less green and a little sweeter, but they're very close to my nose.


    The Gaiman scents are GC, from everything I've read. They often get lumped in with LE's on swaps pages because of the cost, much like the Salons do.

  16. You ask for fruity but it doesn't look like people are mentioning the great citruses BPAL has. The sweet citruses go icky on me so we might have similar tastes in citruses.


    Enbalming Fluid - I didn't try it until they frimped me with another order, because the name doesn't sound yummy, but it is my favorite citrus in the catalog. Very refreshing and energetic.


    Shanghai - Very similar to EF but less tart. They are both very good.


    Aizen-Myoo - More fruity, more tropical than either of the others. I also detect a floral that the other two do not have.


    I love Fae. I don't get oakmoss from it at all. I didn't even know there was any in it. It's all honeysuckle and fruit punch to me. Yep, I keep trying other fruities but these are still my favs. Good luck :P


    ETA: Yemaya! It's sweeter than some of the others I mentioned but it's melony so in a different way.


    Embalming Fluid is one of the scents that enchanted me from the get-go! My favourite uncle is a mortician, and I keep thinking I ought to get a bottle for his wife.


    I didn't mention citrus in mine, because the first post mentioned warm, juicy and deep fruits. However, my favourite fruity florals are Whitechapel and Katharina (which I know you don't like). If you like lilacs, though- Whitechapel is lilacs and white musk and lime, and it is SO good.


    I would second Yemaya, because it has a musk that deepens it and cuts the sweetness, at least on me. (I was allergic to something in it, and would've preferred it stay the wet honeydew it is when I first apply it, because it was fantastic, as my tastes run, heh.)

  17. First of all, y'all are making me really want to try Thalassa.


    If you like aquatics, Thalassa is simply magnificent. You must try this one.


    Woods -- Pulcinella & Teresina is quite woody. Read the reviews to see if that one appeals to you.


    Resins/Spices -- Mme. Moriarty is probably one to try. It didn't work on my skin, but a lot of people absolutely love it. As people have mentioned, there's the Snake Pit -- if you like Snake Oil, possibly check out a few of these. There are varieties with fruit, with leather, with seamoss...the only one I've tried and liked is Green Tree Viper, which is not what you're looking for (spicy mint), but they're some interesting possibilities.


    I don't like Snake Oil, but I loooove most of the Snake Pit, so even if you're iffy on SO itself, I'd suggest trying scents from the Pit.

  18. I concur with the rec for the Snake Pit, and specifically for Western Diamondback. I do want to point out that it may not be ticking as much as you think. The original date the Carnaval was set to leave was September 2007, but at the last CD update, the announce post said the Carnaval wouldn't be leaving town until January 2008... and we're on act 3 of 7.

  19. You might like Aglaea, but I'm thinking it'll be too sweet- I found it to be in the same scent category as Katharina. Still, it's worth a try. If you liked Fae, except for the oakmoss, I'd also recommend Thaleia. Other scents to consider: Purple Phoenix, Fire Pig, Yerevan, Tintagel, Bordello, Dragon's Heart, Cheshire Cat, Gomorrah, Strangler Fig, Oya, Venice, Hymn to Proserpine, Sundew, Baneberry, Eden, and maybe Tamora.


    Of the above, I'd recommend Yerevan and Hymn to Proserpine the most strongly.

  20. This is really pretty! It's a musky grapefruit on me, and I can smell some of the currants, as well. It's a beautiful, soft fragrance on my chemistry and seems really versatile- not offensive for day wear, unusual enough for nighttime. I think, however, that the musk must have some red in it, and the lavender has crawled into my sinuses to incite a riot. I'll test again another day, to be sure.
