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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by FormerViking

  1. If you're bored and have a tv handy , Drag Me to Hell is just starting on SyFy . It's a lot of fun , give it a try .

  2. Interview went well . It sounds like a very interesting place to work . Will have to wait a bit to hear back from them though , so I continue to look elsewhere in the meantime .

  3. Just got back from getting 3 kittens their rabies shots . And now I need a shot too :)

  4. Just hanging out watching the cowboys stink the place up. And Romo threw a interception. Lol. Few things please me more.

  5. Just watched the new , cleaned up dvd of The Yellow Submarine . And it made me realize how long it's been since I last watched it . The animation really was pretty cool for the time it was made , hard to believe it's by the same folks who were doing The Flintstones . And when the musical numbers start , the sound is amazing .

  6. Listening over & over again to the Storm Corrosion cd. The most atmospheric thing I've heard in years.

  7. Listening to Storm Corrosion , new cd from Steven Wilson of Porcupine Tree , and Mikael Akerfeldt of Opeth . Very mellow mood music . Liking it so far .

  8. Looks like we're going into Philly tomorrow for someone's birthday meal , a little early . Only issue is deciding where to go . Too many great places to choose from .

  9. Man , new Haagen Dazs ice cream . Cranberry Pumpkin Spice . Just amazingly good . Much better than you may expect it to be .

  10. Much nicer in the 80's instead of the 90's of yesterday . Got the grass cut , now to apply some applications ...

  11. My new car averaged 43mpg today . Sweet !

  12. New car photos coming soon ...

  13. Nice. Windows are open. A light rain falling. Ready for Fall to arrive any time now.

  14. Not sure who's worse , the replacement refs or Weedon at QB for the Browns . Watching both of them makes me feel none of them should be on a NFL field .

  15. Nothing like typing out a long update on your phone only to have a " cannot post at this time " message come up . And the long post disappear into the ether .

  16. Now something I NEVER thought I'd say . I'm watching the latest D&D movie on SyFy . And it's actually not bad . So far . 45 minutes into it . They had a party fight a dragon , and the dragon actually looked good . And the fight sort of made sense . And I really like the half dead mage . Not sure if he's some kind of Lich or what , but he's funny .

  17. Oh Southern Tier Pumpking, why are you so tasty?

  18. Ok , flipping from NFL network to ESPN for pre game coverage . And they're going into dueling Tebow coverage . So I'm done . Will wait for the actual games to start .

  19. Ok , had more than enough of life this weekend . Gonna go hide in my bed until I need to get up for work . F it .

  20. Ok , I'm officially excited about the Phils . I said I wouldn't allow myself to get carried away unless they got within 3 games . And damned if they haven't . I just still can't believe it .

  21. One thing . In PA , they were going to enact a voted ID law . But it got blocked so now they're saying " you may get asked for one , but you won't NEED to show it to be able to vote " . So , when I voted today , I got asked for mine . I thought I showed great restraint in not asking " what if I don't have one " . Instead , because the lines were long , and I didn't feel like making anyone who'd been working all day just to stand in another line for too long more bitter about life , I showed m...

  22. Really nice out , but grass cutting = sweaty mess here . Bleh .
