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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by jupster75

  1. Vampire Diaries, no other words needed.

  2. I would like to get some feedback from folks. What do I need to do about a constantly complaining seven year old? I love my child dearly but she complains or whines about almost everything. We don't do that around my house so I don't understand where it comes from.

  3. Time for bed. See ya on the flip side!

  4. Hope I feel better tomorrow. Slept until 1:30 today and still not feeling good. Sleep well, everyone.

  5. Cleaning up house for company. Tonight, we will be watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition. You may see Dana Smith, Kay Ridling Potter or Scott Carswell. Be sure to look for Norma Lee, Brandy Stephens and me behind the designers at the reveal.

  6. Improptu karaoke party at Cathy Rogers Johnson's house. Of course, she sang Air Supply. Love ya, bestie!

  7. Almost Pampered Chef party time. My wish list keeps getting bigger.

  8. I just looked at my make-up in the mirror when I got home. Seriously girls? My mascara is all jacked up. Tell me next time!

  9. Blackberry sangria at Carraba's. Yummy!

  10. At Earth Fare for kids night, one of the best in town. I'll be eating sushi tonight.

  11. I may need someone to watch Audrey on Friday night.

  12. Doc's office called while I was reading in my car during lunch. Lupron, here I come.

  13. I am still up waiting on laundry and stalking the Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab website. I am hoping for a mediocre update as my wallet cannot take an update of EPIC proportions.

  14. I am never home to watch Oprah. Today is her favorite things show and these fools in the audience are going crazy.

  15. Two hours to take a shower, finish cleaning and make apple dumplings. All my Augusta ladies should be coming by my house later for some time without husbands and children.

  16. I can feel the anxiety creeping in. I registered on the Extreme Home Makeove Augusta site to be a photographer. Nobody understands how far this takes me out of my comfort zone and the uneasiness it gives me. I may give myself an ulcer at this rate, but I think this would be a great opportunity and a very enjoyable experience. Getting to possibly see Ty is an incentive.

  17. I need someone who can do refrigerator repairs. Mine isn't working properly and I think it is a minor fix.

  18. Does it bother anyone else when you hear someone say they are married to their husband or wife? Who else would you be married to? Your cousin? The family pet?

  19. Don't forget to set your clocks back tonight.

  20. Hey YOU! Yes, you reading this. You did a great job on your Halloween costume. The make-up is so convincing. Don't scare too many people today.


  22. Thanks to Kellie Wolcott Gray for reminding me about Earth Fare coupons. I just bought 4 burgers and a whole cored pineapple for a little over six dollars. We will also be eating there on Family Night on Thursday so I can have some sushi. YUMMY SUSHI!

  23. At the library playground to meet my new friend her daughter for a picnic play date.

  24. Chocolate overdose. Dove Chocolate Discoveries is great!

