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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by bacca

  1. When wet, I tought that was definitely boysh.

    Now is still masculine in some way, under the flowers courtain... but I really like it.

    It ispires me something melancholic, heavy and sadly powerful... a cimiterial mable statue. Gorgeous.

    I definitely won't wear it to seduce someone, but I think it will be precious to make me believe more in my male, calm and strong, side.

    It's delicate, but really "complete"... every time I sniff it I like it more and more.





    (yet, another "good girl scent"... I'm still longing for the evil one)


  2. I'm soooo disappointed :D

    Wanda seemed to be exactly the evil scent I was looking for... but then my body chemistry spoiled it all...

    Ewww :P

    Wet is... uh... bittersweet, berrylicious, poisony

    Then it dries, and a "medicinal" note comes to dominate. Somenthing tangy and... rotten

    That's it: Wanda stinks on me


    Why???? :D

    I feel so unlucky

  3. Oh...

    is angelic and precious and...


    smells exactly like my beloved granny did :D

    wise and simple

    powerful and fragile


    and that's the point: I adore fallen, but I definitely wouldn't wear it

    I couldn't, it simply isn't me




  4. As green is absolutely my favourite colour, and "la fèe verte" the nickname my friends gave me, I had to try this.

    I'm not particularly keen on green scents, as I'm already "phisically and mentally sharp", but I really had to try this.


    In the bottle is... ewww, sanisbury's pine foam bath... awful

    Then on my skin... uh?... something artificial, too minty and definitely too sweet

    I was just joking with my disappointment, when it dried on

    Oh la la

    Dark green, round and, yes (thank god): bitter

    Still, it's changing... more like it has two sides...

    I love this

    That's definitely not an everyday scent, but sure I'm longing to find some special occasion to put it on

    Unfortunately, it doesn't last that long on my skin... and that's reeeeeeeeeally a pity

  5. I ordered a bottle just knowing I wanted a perfume referred to the Strength card... I consider BPAL oils as luxury dresses, something to cover and discover myself in public... so I made the bet, and put it on...


    At first, there was orange, and something earthly like chocolate and/or coffee... edibly, definitely warm

    Then amber, with something sharp in the bottom

    Oh... and there it goes: soft, smooth, warm... golden brown

    Light but present indeed

    It made me walk smiling, slowly, with a slight sensation of power along my spine

    (ewww, I'm insane! perfumes act on me like psichotropes!)

  6. I desperately love this one!

    A friend gave me a 5ml bottle as birthday present, in spite of my hate for jasmine (it gives me headache, but fortunately this doesn't)... and I have no enough words to thank her.

    On me, dragon's hide is simply gorgeous. It make me think of strange black hibrid jasmine flowes in a poison smoke cloud.

    It's not an everyday perfume, for me... more a psychotrope, I have to confess.

    I wear it when I want to feel a powerful, misterious (and evil :P ) allure around me.
