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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Quillifer

  1. For ages I've said that I love the smell of horses, but figured I didn't want to smell like one. Now I'm not saying this Lion smells of Horse, but there's something about it that reminds me of a part of that smell, and I love it. I think the imp I've been given is aged, which might make a difference, but either way, it's lovely. This is the sort of smell that, when combined with florals or whatever, I find far too heavy, but on its own, I love it.


    Edited to add: On me this is really strong! All the more surprising since many scents that last well on others, don't on me.

  2. In the imp this seemed strongly orangey and cinammon, perhaps with a hint of greenery.


    Wet, it's cinnamon and green. Not hot cinnamon to me. Very very nice.


    Dry, it's delightfully fragrant; possibly like orange-flower, slightly creamy.


    I absolutely love this, so it seems a bit churlish to say that I really don't find it all matches the purpose the Lab gives for it. I find this - as others have said - comforting, homely, and calming. When I want to break through difficulties I'm more likely to wear Bloodlust or Brusque Violet; when I want short sharp courage I wear Pain; when I want deep inward imagining I wear The Great He-Goat. This I would wear more at the end of a hard day, than at the start.

  3. I thought this oil was a dead cert for me - I love all the notes. But no :( It just won't "fly" for me. It feels heavy and ploddy on me, weighing me down. I will keep the imp to see whether this changes, since I now love Anne Bonny and didn't like that one at all at first. But I am disappointed at the moment - but I have found loads of new scents I love in the last couple of days. This isn't sweet enough to be sweet or tangy or edge or - I guess it's just not me. Interesting. I can't find a duff note, it's not that, it's just... It feels like the notes I love in other scents but in the wrong order, or someone you see in a crowd who looks like a good friend but is a stranger.


    (In case anyone's interested, the oils I love that made me think I would like this are Bloodlust and La Petit Mort.)

  4. A frimp from the Lab.


    Ooooh yum yum yum! Bingo! Mmmmmm, now we are talking. Mmmm. Definitely best imp of this order. I do hope I continue to like this as it dries. To me this is - not actually very green, despite the description, but it smells of.... a herb I can't quite get, sage maybe, and a little like the foliage of a choisya shrub, and very slightly like lavender, and like a geranium graveolens. And more. oh it's gorgeous. Right up there for me - top 3.


    I hope I like it later - off to bed now.

  5. I ordered this because I had an urge to find a scent with orange in it. This does have that, but it also has... something that I want to call white sandalwood but I bet isn't, I bet it's just me getting the wrong end of the olfactory stick. It's probably the incense or something. Anyway, it's not something I hate but it's currently not pleasing me. I wouldn't put this in a swap pile yet though; I'll try it again because I usually need to get to know things. I find I like it - kind of at a distance - as my arm wafts past me, but not when I sniff my wrist. Maybe I should just slather a bit less!


    Three days later - liking it more.

  6. Not a purchasing answer, but depending on when/how long you will be in the area, there is a Meet & Sniff planned for 9/16 at Tyson's Corner Mall - the thread is here. Tyson's Corner is in Virginia, outside of DC - don't know where you will be but we would LOVE to see you there!


    You would get to sniff lots of things, including unimpables - and I'm sure if there are any you are interested in sniffing in particular, someone would be able to bring them along! (I know I could bring War and Countess Willie for you to try, for example - at least you would able to know if you want to order them!)


    xo, L


    Oh that would have been marvelous! But sadly we're not going till October. I'll be in the Bavarian Alps on the 16th though, as Eibsee, so it's not all sad :)

  7. (I'm sorry if this should have been posted elsewhere or is a silly question)


    I live in the UK, but in a few weeks time I will be going to visit relatives who live in Virginia, near DC. Is there anywhere around there that I could find BPAL oils for sale in a shop? It would be amazing for me to be able to even just see them like that, let alone try a few things that aren't impable (War, Countess Willie, the Potter's Field etc).

    Thank you :)

  8. I luuuurve this :) Just as well since I have a bottle of it. In the bottle it's an earthy, foodie mix; wet, I get butterscotch, strong and fairly pure; as it dries I get patchouli. I don't get any really clear or strong aniseed at all. I adore foodie and patchouli notes so it's pretty much as if it were custom-made for me! Having said that it's a very characterful scent, so I think I'd need to be in the right mood for it. Also I'm not inclined to wear foodie blends when having a special meal.

  9. This was another star imp in my recent order. In the imp it smells a bit disjointed - rum jumps out, and sea air, with a lot of space in between. On the skin though it pretty much instantly smoothes out. I find this to be similar notes to Jolly Roger but smoother and subtler, and less of a morpher. I think it has less throw, which is useful since JR is pretty masculine on me, and this is also blending very well into me but staying detectable, if that makes sense.

  10. I so love this. It reminds me of holding a pot of my favourite early spring crocus up to my nose, sniffing, holding it far off, and sniffing, again and again, and being so happy. It's exquisite - and it was a frimp! I would never have ordered it because for some stupid reason I tend to think I don't like florals. But this morphs and dances - it's delightful.

  11. On me this is just rose, plain and simple. I'm very disappointed, but at least it's only an imp. I'll keep it - I like it as it is, but where is the blackened, twisted, wickedness in this? I love BPAL's way of working and I'm determined to hunt down something more here - I'm not great at detecting notes so I will persist.


    I would say that this is more the idea of a rose, rather than the reality. A city person's rose, not as they buy it from a florist but as they think of it; a person you think of as a Fair Rose perhaps. I put a lot on but it's blending in with me very quickly.

  12. I really wanted to love this because I loved what I perceived as the idea of it. But it smells exactly like what it says it does, and - like Highwayman - it was an oil that made me re-think my ideas a bit. Highwayman smells of danger, fear, and violence. This smells of serious herbs and things I'm not really familiar with. So there... that's me told.

  13. This reminded me of something and it took me ages to remember what: it's Arpege by Lanvin, the original formulation before 1993 (I haven't smelled it since). I don't know whether the perfume itself smelled like this because I only had a scented lotion - I might be picking up the lotion itself I suppose.


    ETA, by the way - I don't like this scent. I gave away my imp and will be happy to part with the one I've just received. One of the notes doesn't appeal to me but unhelpfully I can't identify it I'm afraid.

  14. I'm a keen reader and tend to haunt old bookshops and libraries. I'm looking for something that - well maybe doesn't really smell exactly like that, but inspired by them maybe.


    I've tried Dee but I found it too subdued and lacking in sparkle or edge. I considered Philologus but reading the reviews I think I'd find it too masculine. A friend let me try Misktonic University but I found the coffee overwhelming. Any other ideas? (other elements I enjoy are aquatics, green earth/dirt, vetiver, and foodies).

  15. I wasn't originally very keen on the wet stage of this, so much so that I keep putting it in my swap pile - and then a couple of hours later, fishing it out again. I love it as it dries. Now that I've got to know that, I find the early stage more appealing too - but still only really kind of tolerable. It's a bit too.... direct, overt, for me, even though others have found it subtle and some scents I love aren't subtle at all - eg Bloodlust. Odd - but this just feels as though I'm talking in somebody else's voice, or using words I would never use, at first. Later it's much more me.


    Edited a few weeks later: now i just love it! I find it sweetly smokey. I would only wear it while alone or with someone I was strongly attracted to though - not with strangers or family (I mean in-laws etc, you know). It's become one of those scents that expresses a version of me.

  16. I had a frimp of this too :) I'm very pleasantly surprised. I had read about Bliss, but I just couldn't imagine wanting to smell simply like chocolate, even though I love wearing How Doth the Little Crocodile and Tezcatlipoca.


    Yes, it does indeed smell just like milk chocolate, but wearing it, rather than just thinking I can smell chocolate somewhere, I seem to be wearing the feeling of eating chocolate. Very odd - and very very good. I had thought it would just make me crave the stuff to eat but it doesn't, it feels quite satisfying in itself. I don't feel I want to lick my wrist either. Not sure I'd want to be wearing it while desperately hungry though...


    I think I'd agree that it's more like milk chocolate cake or cookie dough, rather than just chocolate.

  17. I had reservations about ordering this, and only got round to it because the Salon was closing; I thought it might be just too gritty and masculine for me. I'm *so* glad I did though. It's my new favourite oil. I can't really say how much I like this; it does a lot for me. It seems to reach something in side me - a part of me. I don't get the feeling so much by a couple of hours from application, but since it's strong stuff initially, it will go a long way. I only wish I had more than one bottle now!

  18. I absolutely love this, but I'm not sure I can wear it. I picture the ideal wearer of this as very pale blonde, waif-like, rather withdrawn. Since I tend to feel myself rather a gallumhping lump of a person, you can see there's rather a gap there!


    This also feel like rather a winter scent to me. Or possibly something to wear in autumn/fall when looking forward to winter. On me it is incredibly, exactly like the description (though BPAL fans hardly need to find that incredible).


    I won't be parting with this I think, even if I wear it only rarely.

  19. Hi, I'm a teen girl who plays piano, French Horn, and Mellophone. I LOVE reading, and I love watching Doctor Who, Star Trek, and anime. I am short, with light brown shoulder-length hair and blue eyes.

    I am on a FIRST robotics team, and I plan to go into Engineering or Music in college.

    I listen to bands like Pink Floyd, Apples in Stereo, Belle and Sebastian, and a lot of old-time music.

    I wear a LOT of skirts, and I LOVE vintage clothing!!!!!!!!!!!

    I could live in the 50s.

    People say that I am very intelligent, caring, nice, and passionate about my interests. I don't like people who insult or bully others. I hate snobbish people, and people who think they're sooooo cool...

    I am a vegetarian, and I love learning about herbs. My favorite scent is rosemary, and my favorite sound is ratchets.


    Any recommendations? I'm new to BPAL and haven't bought anything yet.


    For rosemary, try Bess. You might like Arcana, which smells like a cupboard full of herbs.

    You might enjoy looking into the RPG oils, and maybe also the Steamworks ones.
