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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Limelight

  1. It's hard to believe I haven't reviewed this yet, as it may very well be my favorite Voodoo Blend of the current catalogue. The violets float on top of the rosy seas, and I am floating in blue. Just a whiff from an imp calms me down like nothing else. It's amazing! Talk about your aromatherapy. I hope this one is always in stock.

  2. There's really nothing herbal about this scent for me, at least not after the first 60 seconds. I've got serious wood, dude :P Take that cedar (or maybe rosewood?) and run with it, baby! Fortunately, I love this kind of thing. I feel calmer and more commanding when I have it on as well. Queen makes it as a big bottle winner.

  3. Such a friendly scent on me! The pine and the sarsaparilla come first, in tandem, with the almond milk hovering in the background the entire time. It's just laced with smoke and patchouli - they're not prominent on me at all. Not much throw either. I think I'd love this if it were stronger. As it is, I'm glad I got to try it.

  4. Rosy florals floating above grubby, oil-stained streets. Oh, seriously. It's like the mix of flavors you get walking through any big city. It does have some mountain air breezy quality to it as well. Kind of intriguing for me. Wouldn't say it was worth a 5ml, but I'm glad I have an imp or two.

  5. Yeah, this would be super pleasant as a dish detergent or a laundry additive. But as a fragrance, not so much. The bergamot and the lemon just don't like each other on my skin, they're sniping at each other. The mint's just standing there, trying to calm things down, which helps to a point. Meanwhile, verbena, thyme and lavender got in the car and took off for the beach. So much for me and Miss Calliope.

  6. Well, after 14 pages, what can you say? Just wanted to chime in my great love for this stellar scent. The strong black tea and fresh linen burst like Christmas Day from my skin, and the ginger, pepper and honey all combine to bring me this wonderful biscuit-y flavor, so when I wear this, it's totally high tea all day :P I'll cuddle this rabbit as long as he lets me.

  7. Oh, barf. This is definitely not for me. The bubblegummy lotus isn't the problem, it's the conflict it seems to have with dragon's blood on my skin. It comes out with this blanket of sweetness anchored down with a metal-herby foundation, and the combo turns me off. This is just further confirmation that dragon's anything and I just don't make it together. To the swaps with you, dear, thanks anyway!

  8. This scent has many faces! And the oddest part is, they keep switching back and forth. At first, it is very sweet, almost headache-inducing, but that goes away quickly. It never really comes back for me. Then it's sharp green. Soon after that, it takes on a musky quality, sugar-laced, with some reedy/herbal background. It really reminded me of scents my mom wore when I was a kid. Then, from musky to MUSTY, like at least one other person on here. It's like the scent is frowning at me. Within ten minutes, it's back to reedy/semi-sweet, then musty again, and it dies reedy. All this takes about two hours with minimal throw. Weird, weird, weird. Don't think I want a bottle, but it's been a unique ride :P

  9. Well, I say it's anise, and I say it's love. Definitely would have stocked up on this had I been here back in the day. Aside from its intended purpose, I find it a delightful, spicy scent with a gentle sweetness that is unobtrusive yet alluring. Like if you had this for lunch you'd keep the paper sack until the next day so's you could stick your head in and inhale. Like that. It's good :P Bring it back, bring it back! (Just for me?)

  10. Ahhh, yes, it's alcoholic bananas, and I do enjoy them so! This scent promised all that bright frivolity on top, and it never gives way to anything darker, just a compelling fruity musk that keeps drawing me back, like the last couple of guests at the party saying, "Just one more drink..." I love this scent and it loves me.


    The Lab's carnation doesn't hurt either, not in the slightest :P

  11. The rosewood really has it in this one, backed up by the chamomile. Reminds me of sweet, plentiful tears, the kind you might shed over the lover you know better than to run to, but for whom every fiber of you longs. A fragrance worth experiencing!


    Edit: Sure doesn't last long, like most everyone has said! On me, like 30 minutes.

  12. Moonlit watermelons. I'm not kidding! And then, less than 10 minutes later, it turned into a gentle stream, flanked by soft greenery. It makes me think of sitting in someone's well-tended Zen garden at the height of summer. Def worth picking up a bottle at the next resurrection.

  13. Champagne is a really funny scent. It can smell like the inside of a glass of wine or it can smell pretty bad. It all depends on how you feel at the moment! Really. One of the things it was in was a very limited blend from BPAL and I can't remember the name of it, something like Imp of the Damned or something. It was champagne and roses. Bon Vivant has a champagne scent to it as well.


    Yeah, that was Imp of the Perverse. Reactions to that one definitely ran the gamut. I absolutely love Bon Vivant, and even if I didn't love champagne scents like I do, I think I'd enjoy it no matter what. It's crisp, fruity and vivacious, just like any proper sophisticate :P

  14. At first I thought, wow, what a winner! It came on with a gentle, musky sweetness. But now the sweet pea has taken over, and it's not terrible, but I think with that development that Aeval has become too powdery for me. Kind of a laundry rinse scent. Every time I smell it now, something twinges in my sinuses, like I'm about to have an allergic reaction :P I may try it once more later, just to be sure, but I think I'll have to swap it away.

  15. Man, this is a great scent. It is a green, fleshy, yummy pear which, unfortunately, covets the lifespan of a mayfly. I put this on less than 30 minutes ago and it is almost gone. Sure was lovely while it lasted. I could smell peel. :P

  16. I find this scent to be quite enjoyable. For me, it's like your best, most favorite detergent that you can't necessarily get big bottles of cause it's so expensive, but you'll always try to keep a little around. :P Sweet, then soapy berry, just like many have said, with just a hint of spicy right at the end. A bottle is not a priority, but it is a consideration.

  17. I bought a bottle thinking this would be just incredible on me. I can wear fruit like Carmen Miranda, so what did I think could go wrong? *Sigh* Not this time. Not this fragrance. It smells wonderful in the bottle, all crisp and garden party cool, like iced fruit. The first try, I got the lemon Pledge effect. The second time, I can get some grape, peach and sweet pea, but there's a slightly sour edge to it that's so uninviting. So, Titania will be the latest addition to my forthcoming swap/sale page. I get along with her husband Oberon much better. :P

  18. Grandmotherly violets and powder. Not cooling to me! It is sweet, cloying even. I like it for what it is, but I think I'd rather add this to my delicates rinse than use it as a perfume. Does tend to last on me, at least a few hours.

  19. For me, the first sniff is strawberries and herbal greenery, and it reminds me, ever so slightly, of those old Strawberry Shortcake dolls - but not in a bad way by any means! I just mean it has a slightly synthetic and yet really pleasant tone to it.


    The scent stays true on me for up to around 45 minutes, and then it says bye-bye :D Well worth it, though. I :P my bottle and I'm grateful I have it.

  20. I was sorry to read that Penance had such a run of bad luck after using this oil! I have to say that this wasn't the case with me. I wore it all day and as far as I could tell, nothing unusually lucky or unlucky happened, that is, until I got off work. I went to pick up my dinner, a large cheese pizza, and they gave it to me! I definitely hold the oil responsible :P

  21. It's cinnamon for sure, and then as it dries on me it turns less so, with some rose and incense overtones. I adore it! Am looking forward to finding out if it works the way some people attest :P


    I agree, it's damn sexy, and I see a big bottle in my future.

  22. Like many on here, I got a strong sense of herbs, with maybe a little sultry smoke to it, and then it morphed into a orange with incense overtones. Not as much throw as I had hoped for, but I have to tell you good people, for me, it made up for that with it's aphrodisiacal effects on me! :D Too bad I didn't have anybody around me at the time to share that with! I love this scent and, for obvious reasons, I feel a big bottle is in order :P

  23. Sweet, simple seduction...


    I had the same initial reaction as many posters on here - strong tobacco, almost medicinal overtones, with some cloying sweetness underneath. I am happy to report that the second try deal did work out for me tho. Less tobaccy, more musky, and pleasantly sweet. Just be careful where you put it, I burned myself a bit under the arms :P


    The mood it's putting me in is that of a (mostly) innocent seductress who blesses all with her pretty presence. My best illustration of that is having a sudden urge to listen to (and sing along with) Mama Cass doing "Dream a Little Dream." So a real Old-Timey feeling for me as well.


    Everybody who isn't having great luck with it, I say as has been said before, don't give up just yet! Love-on ya!
