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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Limelight

  1. *Really* cannot believe I haven't reviewed this yet - like Browneyes, the Emperor is both personality and soul card to me. If this has dragon's blood, I'm surprised, cause I like it like this, light and soapy. Why can't it always be this way? The whole shebang is sweet and gets rosier and spicier as it dries, and I second the geranium/ylang ylang impressions. I'll treasure my 10ml :P

  2. If I knew then what I know now, I sure would have stocked up on this. Almost all the leather scents of BPAL are great on me, and this is one of the best with its sweet, broken-in brown suediness that mixes so nicely with the pear. Makes me think that Quincey really had a heart under all that macho action! If it were this good, I woulda married him. I really should have bought more of this.

  3. Really nice! I used up most of my full imp today, and that was around 11:30. When I got to work at 5, my co-worker walked in the control room and said, "Hey, is that apricot?" I was impressed by his nose and the longevity of this scent, especially since I'd been walking around downtown doing errands all day! I noticed the apricot right away, and it mellowed to a soft apricot, no real clove distinction for me. Maybe a bottle at some point.

  4. This is a floral, but a dusty, grody floral that makes me think of crumbling stone walls. Ugh, won't miss this one.


    Hmm, a few minutes drying time helps with the dust impression, but it's still not that great overall. Maybe as a room scent.

  5. Just another surprising twist in my gardenia experiences. This is another one with that nasty flower that I can actually wear. This gets very sultry on me, almost like wine, but not quite. The plum and the opium make it for me, and I get a smoky-sweet fragrance that isn't headache-inducing. Bottle worthy, definitely.

  6. My review is the opposite of modernsaints' review. For me, it starts rosey, and then the narcissus starts hogging it up. There's something in this that takes a sour turn.


    5 minutes later - Nope. Not getting any better, worse actually. More like the stems you clipped off and threw away than the blossoms. Wash off!!!

  7. Yeah, I can catch the pine and the snow of it, but to me this also smells like the fire the boy might have managed to build and drape himself over. Woody, woody, piney, snowy, woody...with maybe a hint of the desperation the poor kid must be feeling. I got to test this from a sniffie, but I think I would have been pretty happy with it if I'd ordered it. Not strong enough for me, but it's quite nice just the same.

  8. Ooh, you're a bad little scent, aren't you? I'm surprised that there's no civet in the stated note list, cause that was the very first impression I got. As it dries, it gets a piney-resin thing going, and the myrrh doesn't turn all gross like it usually does. Czernobog has a dirty edge to it, kind of like I thought Luperci might have had. Unlike Luperci, there's no sweetness. I'm on the fence about whether I'd wish to smell like this all day, but that said, I do like it.

  9. Bubble Yum's got nothing on this. It is a fizzy, carefree scent, don't expect it to be deep. The lotus dominates, backed up nicely by the wine and the pear. Some say the heliotrope is the bubblegumminess, but I disagree, I think it's more the lotus doing that. Not bottleworthy, but I like it. :P

  10. It's not enchantment on my skin, that's certain. I would think it would be, what with the roses and the amber, but the red musk completely overpowers everything and dusts up the entire experience. There's also an obnoxious, hollow, powdery quality to it. It's because of this scent that I've learned to avoid BPAL's red musk when it plays a major role. :P

  11. The sage and oakmoss come shining through, with a deep ground of leather tinged with musk. Reminds me of walking in the woods and passing under thick leaf canopies that make midday look like twilight. As it dries, I was surprised to note a bit of sweetness. Too bad I wasn't around to get a bottle of this. Hopefully it will return, but until then, I'll make do with Luperci. I'd really enjoy this on a man, too. And then I'd enjoy the man!

  12. For once I agree with the description - it is a bouquet of vivid, sexy blooms when it's wet. As it dries, it has medium throw and smells predominately of iris, daffodils and maybe a little violet. I have no idea what rhododendron or dewdrop smell like so they could be playing a part for all I know. The overall effect reminds me of Ingenue. I look forward to getting a bottle when this pops up again. :P

  13. Vanilla, two ambers, sweet pea and white sandalwood.

    This is a nice, amiable blend of vanilla with slight amber and the sandalwood sticking straight up through the middle. The sweet pea is keeping things, well, sweet, and like YoakeNoKami said, it tempers the overall impression of the fragrance. I like this all right, but not enough to buy it, as something in it tends to irritate my throat and is giving a slightly sour "aftersmell."

  14. Love the apples and bananas in this - I immediately saw this as a pure summer scent. As it goes on the depth increases and it stays fairly fruity. It also develops something along the lines of a pink or black pepper tinged musk with slightly dusty overtones. Very pretty, a keeper!

  15. What a weirdo scent this is. At first it was fruity, bubbly, grapey and slightly winey, then it developed a strange, metallic core that was quite offputting, like pennies soaked in wine. That has calmed down and turned mostly into slightly sour fruit. If I'm after any kind of wine impression, I can do much better than this. That middle is just too much to take.

  16. Not quite dry roses - their fragrance is fresher than that to me, and indeed they burst out on my skin with the booze as a background when I first apply the scent. In the end, though, I have to chime in with yeahbutnobut - old roses that are steeped in cognac just before they go off. The cognac element takes on something that's almost cocoa powder. Eventually, it softens up and it turns into something quite nice on me! Minimal waft.

  17. I am THRILLED that I didn't buy a bottle of this, cause it burns my skin like Eclipse does. :P The mark of the Red Phoenix, indeed. It's also headachy, which I've learned is what will usually happen with me and red musk. Too bad tho, it is a nice scent on me. The musk, cassia and to a small extent the patchouli are all present, with the mandarin mellowing it out in the background. Can't get the tobacco just now, but I guess I'll never know - it's time to wash this spider rash off. Oh, and plenty of throw, of course.

  18. Well, the best I can say is at least I'm not missing anything. That geranium/black orchid thing doesn't do it for me. Something rather oldlady-ish for sure, but like one of those old ladies who thinks she's still the ultimate seductress, and just won't quit till she dies. Like that.

  19. Oh my GOD, this burns. This has never happened before that I can recall. Other than that, it's pretty nice! I agree with the amaretto conclusion, but the warmth is getting a bit carried away with itself, as I've said. There is a cookie-ish note. Slightly headachy too. All in all, bye-bye, Eclipse!

  20. Yep, dry, white, loamy sandalwoodness, with the cajeput giving it a bit of punch. Not soapy. It was strong and slightly bitter at first, and now that it's had time to mellow, it's turned out to be rather pleasant. Like leaning up against and breathing in old wood walls in an antique home. Dunno if it wows me, but one bottle might be a good idea. If nothing else, this would be a killer room scent.

  21. Mmm, a warm, red, silky-spicy scent. I don't like dragon's blood, so I give the mandarin and black currant the credit for helping things. Never would have guessed that melati is a type of jasmine, but I get a touch of that too. Not too much throw, not nearly as aggressive as most of us on here were expecting. Not chocolaty, not too floral, slightly headachy but that goes away pretty quickly. May need to get a bottle - I liked this a lot more than I thought I would!
