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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by mangoweb

  1. I can tell it is going to be a "where is my damn bowel disruptor?" kind of morning.

  2. This poor, dead weird alien thing. http://t.co/1sxdBZs8

  3. Your blog title is really sanctimonious.

  4. I think this would be perfect bathroom decor. Hung right above the comode. http://t.co/5VuS9Ylq

  5. I cannot believe that I never listened - I mean *really* listened - to the lyrics for "Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto" until just this morning.

  6. If there are two more exciting words than TACO NIGHT, I am quite sure I do not know what they are.

  7. Settling in, cozying up. Our nighttime ritual has become an hour of Wesley Crusher & Co. before bed. How did I not watch this when younger?

  8. But...but...I haven't seen Penetrator 1 yet! http://t.co/FaEECLU2

  9. I think I promised someone a perfume/fragrance swap or package or something a few months ago. Who was that? I have forgotten, sorry!

  10. "Time and again, marauding cephalopods rise out of the fathomless depths of our collective unconscious..." http://t.co/zPASkfGi

  11. How many times do you get to hear someone declare "BEST TOILET PLUNGER, EVER"? Today is that day. http://t.co/s6Lix2cl

  12. My stomach dropped the moment she buckled those shoes http://t.co/NGE2ol4K

  13. A Jim Jarmusch vampire film starring Tilda Swinton. Ok, then.

  14. Hells yeah, my friend! I call one my sister. RT ‏@KingUnicorn You should always keep a librarian or two (or more) in your social circle

  15. Possibilities for one who collects parfum: "Lykethyiophile", "odolaphile", "frag hag".

  16. Ooh, love the ball-claw feet on this grey "Medicine Woman" handbag by Parabellum http://t.co/a6N0iPEv

  17. Can't help but to think @BloodMilk & @Ilaauu would swoon over this loveliness, too http://t.co/my56pHcP

  18. Man oh man. @HPLHS has the prettiest invoices. http://t.co/0TrMWoT1

  19. Morbid anatomy lovelies have arrived http://t.co/P0GPkkOk

  20. Oh my sweet lord if I hear another word about this "paleo" malarkey, I am going to punch someone.

  21. What? No! But there's nothing so satisfying as rooting around in your wet, glunky ears with a pristine cotton swab! http://t.co/LUFL4KLh

  22. Nope. Still don't care about the Superbowl.

  23. Well, no matter. Things (mostly) worked out AND in two days time I will be shacking up with my sweetheart. Good things, people, good thing.
