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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by mangoweb

  1. This dude is hardcore anti-creme. "There were a lot of sacrifices, I guess." http://t.co/hn8ZPxztyP)

  2. RT ‏@SkeletorisLove February 27, 2013. I forgive all past experiences. http://t.co/ciuxsVsqWu

  3. "The Nights Between Our Separated Cities" @polyvore / @8tracks set http://t.co/Rka9QXmn5l

  4. My boss does not allow for the existence of an oxford comma and sometimes I feel as if we may come to blows regarding this issue.

  5. At times I ponder the things I dislike but which everyone else loves and I conclude I must be awful. And also that everyone else is wrong.

  6. A small black bird followed loyally me from dream to dream last night.

  7. RT @SkeletorisLove February 26, 2013. Divine wisdom guides me. http://t.co/2UlTEjaMAJ

  8. Was doing a search "for a friend" and found this gem - Thomas Jefferson Fanfiction: The Wrath of Skeletor

  9. "For the use of persons who are discouraged or disgusted with life for reasons which do not really concern us" http://t.co/IunlxZBJjV

  10. RT ‏@SkeletorisLove February 25, 2013. I find relaxation and enjoyment in the simplest things in... http://t.co/ajbllzzWE8

  11. Brie, pate, red wine? Check check check. Now we are set to watch Futurama.

  12. 12noon, Sunday. Drawn blinds, Viking soul food, woolen socks, The Belgariad. Locked up tight against the world.

  13. What lovely, wistful sounds... RT @f_paterlini Et-voilà! My new favourite song: A Strange Encounter by @j_freund http://t.co/yvbeRwf7S7

  14. Sick Day: The Sickening. The deluxe monkey socks cut. http://t.co/atuViozW88

  15. In other news, post-Cruise Crud is worsening. But these pajamas might make me feel better. http://t.co/Kw7wm9qBIL

  16. Dreamed all night about paving roads in SimCity. I loved this game as a teenager & went a little nuts when I found it on facebook. Shut up.

  17. This night will live in infamy, as the first time I ever heard the phrase "PLUCK YOUR MAGIC TWANGER, FROGGY."

  18. RT ‏@LordOmlette Storing ammunition in a fucking oven should be grounds for getting your license revoked, but FREEDOM

  19. "Your lyrics lack subtility! You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!"

  20. RT ‏@SkeletorisLove February 22, 2013. I follow my inner voice. http://t.co/z8SZ3ojmRO

  21. 11:00 PM, Tuesday. Impossible doorways, swallowed at strange angles, red wine, tangled feet.

  22. A new @8tracks mix. Strange, dark cities and the spaces in between. "The nights between our separated cities" at ♫ http://t.co/ytaSjKDmZ9

  23. This is ridiculous and I kind of need it http://t.co/AC45a7Kk0P

  24. Last night I dreamed that Tom Haverford and I went shopping for Z. Cavariccis in a high fashion Disney store.
