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Posts posted by andie

  1. I loved this! It was indeed quite sharp in the imp and when I first applied it, but then it seems like the patchouli sort of grounded the sharpness of the ginger and made it more well-rounded and warm.


    It's very sexy, very womanly. I don't detect the orangeness very well now that it's dried down a little, but there is something bright mixed in there, and I'm thinking it must be the orange.

  2. I know there's been some confusion over the fact that the Paypal address is a papow.com one, but emails have to be sent to blackphoenixalchemylab.com because the papow.com addresses don't work for actual correspondence. Maybe if the FAQ could clarify that a little it would be helpful. :P

  3. Gardenia doesn't really work on me, either. It ends up taking over whatever the rest of the fragrance is, and this is exactly what happened here. I didn't get the smokiness at all once it was actually on me, though I could smell it in the vial.


    Diluting this with lotion actually seems to have helped a little, though, taking it from a Gardenia kick-in-the-face to a dark floral scent.

  4. I don't think gardenia agrees with my body chemistry, or else it agrees all too well, because that's all I can smell once this even begins to dry on me. I thought the vanilla would take the edge off the gardenia, but I can't even smell it on me. This does eventually (like five hours later) settle into a sophisticated floral blend, but for most of the duration, I smell like a big gardenia. This one's also very strong, so a little dab will do ya.

  5. This is almost fruity on me when wet, but dries to a cross between berries and wood. Not green wood, like the branches the berries would be growing from, but the kind of dark wood that you'd actually find in a bordello (I assume).


    This has garnered some strange comments from co-workers, though. One thought I smelled like I'd been smoking a pipe and another said I smelled like incense.

  6. I had to have a bigger bottle of this before I'd finished the imp, it was so great. I was worried it'd be super musky, but the amber comes out more on me, I think. I mean, I can smell some musk, but there's this wonderful rich golden aura all around it and toning it down.


    I don't get a "sad" feeling from it like I expected from the name, but that's fine by me!

  7. I love this. It's sweet and fruity, but there's a note in there that makes it crisp, too. It's not sweet in a Juicy Fruit sort of way, more of an adult way. I don't get a boozy smell from this at all. I think it'll be perfect for the warmer months.

  8. This smells intensely of chocolate wet, but dries a smoky sweet sort of smell on me. I see where other people are getting the caramel note from, but I can't tell for sure if that's what it is. It's absolutely delicious. It's the closest thing there is to the way you'd smell after you went home if you worked in a chocolate factory.
