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Posts posted by desu

  1. In the imp: Buttery smooth coconut with a hint of coolness to it.


    On my skin: This is quite possibly the best coconut-containing scent I've tried. So many others I've tried were like, "Yeah, coconut." This, however, is coconut taken to another level. It manages to be fresh and clean, yet warm and cozy at the same time. Definately getting a 10ml of this!

  2. In the imp: Melons overall with gin, juniper, and the tobacco lurking in the back.


    On my skin: About the same as in the imp, although the melons and what I'm guessing is the tobacco are a bit stronger.


    Later on: Not so sweet and much warmer now. The tobacco is coming through more, perhaps the honey as well. I was expecting to smell like a tobacconist's shop due to the tobacco, but this is pleasantly surprising.

  3. In the imp: FROSTY! Also a little juicy and sweet. I was actually getting hints of Tang for some reason while smelling this one.


    On me: Delicious. This isn't the dark, deep winter of some other scents. This is cool, refreshing winter with a hint of sweetness and breezes that nip at exposed skin.

  4. In the imp: A juicy banana.


    On me: Juicy banana that gradually warms into something not quite so cavity-inducing. A woodsy note starts to creep out to balance the fruitiness.


    Later on: Feeling rather "meh" about this. It smells like it's trying to be fabulous, but my chemistry is putting the kibbosh on that.

  5. In the imp: A thick, heavy, green aquatic.


    On my skin: This immediately sweetens and starts to smell like my SO's antiperspirant.


    Later on: Yep, antiperspirant still. It eventually mellows into something that's slightly more tolerable, but I don't think this one suits me.

  6. In the imp: I smell the juniper and other woods, but behind it is this weird vinegar smell.


    On me: The warm, spicy notes start to come out to play. The woodsy notes are still there although the vinegar has thankfully disappeared. I didn't think I was going to like this one because of all the heavy-sounding notes, but I'm pleasantly proven wrong this time. This is absolutely delicious. I, too, am picking up a slight hint of vanilla in this.


    I had my SO give it a sniff to see what he thought, and he said it reminded him of the soap one finds in rest stops. Ooooookay. :|


    Nevertheless, I think this is a future bottle order!

  7. Cool, incensey, tinged with a sweet floral. If my granny's bloodchilling glares had a scent, this would be it. On me, it smells about the same as it did in the imp although less of what I'm guessing is the cedar.


    Later on: starting to go soapy on me? Odd, this doesn't contain rose as far as I can tell/smell. Too bad, because I like the concept behind it. :|

  8. In the imp: A sweet floral predominates with hints of grasses, herbs, and something I can't quite put my finger on. It reminds me of one of those specialty stores that sell cutesy English countryside knicknacks and smell faintly of lavender.


    On my skin: A little spicy, mostly the sweet dry grass smell I got in the imp.


    I thought Silk Road would be a little heavier on the spice considering its namesake, but I am pleasantly surprised at its elegance and cool nature. This is definately one for the future bottle order list.

  9. In the bottle: A bit of sage and things I can't identify. Thin, wasted, wanting but never getting. This is the smell of desert places, the places that never get enough of what they need to sustain themselves. This is one to wear when I visit ghost towns in the high desert.


    On the skin: The lemon peel makes an appearance on application then eventually morphs into a sagey lavender. This is smoothed out by the frankincense underneath, which is nice because without it, it would have reminded me of crackling dead sagebrush under my boots.

  10. In the bottle: Sharp citrus overlaying rich chocolate, tobacco, and musk.


    On the skin: This becomes wonderfully complex once it hits my skin. There's still a citrus-like sharpness to it, but I can't pick out any one note.


    Later on: The rich complexity eventually wanes to become something that smells a little like citrus furniture polish. :/

  11. In the bottle: Ripe, juicy black plum with patchouli and what I'm guessing is the sandalwood brooding in the background.


    On my skin: Sweetness, then almost nothing. Hmm.


    Later on: I thought this was a disappearing act until I gave it another sniff. What I'm guessing is the dark musk, maybe something else as well, finally shone through the murk. It's a bit reminiscent of betadine for some reason, yet it's dark and attractive at the same time.

  12. In the bottle: Pungent, warm. I'm not sure of everything I'm smelling, but I can definately pick out the honey and vanilla.


    On my skin: This comes alive on me. There is a slight herbal, "green" edge to it at first, but it is then tempered by the warmth of the vanilla musk and honey absolute.

  13. In the bottle: Orangey chocolate, and something else I'm guessing is the tea.


    On my skin: The citrus component virtually evaporated on contact, leaving behind a thin, tea-like chocolate behind. Weird because chocolate usually loves my chemistry.


    Later on: Pencil shavings, mostly.

  14. In the bottle: Fun, fruity plum, light and playful.


    On my skin: The sweet plum now balances with the ginger and musk. So loving this one. It's a refreshing change from the sexy Lupercalia scents I've been reviewing tonight. It's sweet without being cloying, musky without being overbearing and heavy, and just a hint of ginger to keep things lively and on their toes.

  15. In the bottle: I let my boy smell any new BPAL I get in order to get his opinion on it; his nose is infinately more trained and attuned than mine. His opinion? "It smells like an arcade." Oooookay.


    On my skin: Like a vanilla bean stumbling drunkenly across my wrist, completely dirty and nasty (in a smutty way!). I reckon I'll have to get myself another bottle of this one.

  16. In the bottle: I can't pick out any one note whiel sniffing. It's just pure blissful, exotic love to my olfactory nerves.


    On my skin: Still can't pick anything out yet -- wonderful! It's a dreamy, heavy-lidded delight on my skin. I'm so glad I have another bottle on the way. I was a little wary of trying this one due to the rose notes (rose = SOAP on me), but the two in this blend are behaving splendidly so far.


    Later on: The amber becomes more prominent now, turning a little powdery, but overall, this one is still delicious.

  17. In the bottle: MMMM, SEXXXX. Patchouli with vaguely sweet and woodsy tones to it. I ordered another bottle of this smell unsniffed when I read the description. Smelling it for the first time, I want to bathe in this stuff and then run around naked.


    On my skin: Patchouli is strong although I can definately smell the moss, juniper, and some other scents. Honey hasn't quite come out to play yet.


    Later on: There's the honey. :P Honey and patchouli -- two great tastes that go together! The patchouli backs off a bit to allow the honey to warm things up and round out that manly, raw spice.

  18. In the bottle: Ooo, pegged. Nothing nice (emotionally) about this one at all.


    On my skin: The lily and osmanthus are definatly out to play in this one. Not really detecting the musk or frankincense in this one.


    Later on: Like most floral scents on me, this dissapates fairly quickly on me. It was nice while it lasted.

  19. In the bottle: Rich, spicy caramel.


    On my skin: Oh my. Slowly, the caramel melts away revealing the tobacco, amber, and coconut, the effect being one of heavy, dreamy smoke.


    Later on: The smokey scent gradually becomes fainter as time wears on, but does not seem to morph at all.

  20. In the bottle: The apple peel and jasmine are vying for control on first sniff. Not really picking up anything else yet.


    On my skin: At first, mostly I smell mostly apple peel, and then it gives way to an absolutely beautiful jasmine. My skin tends to amp jasmine, and while usually jasmine is just kinda there, this type has a wonderful depth to it.


    Later on: Mostly just jasmine. Don't smell anything else.
