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Posts posted by Rhowan

  1. *~* FAE *~*


    In the bottle: Lucious peaches!


    Wet: Sweet, light peaches and oranges


    Dry down: The musk comes out a bit to temper out the peach so it's not something someone passing you would think "peaches?"



    Conclusion:A nice clean fruity floral without being overly fruity -This is a very happy, joyful scent to me. Sadly, I got a really weird taste in my mouth as soon as this hit my skin so I won't be wearing it again...

  2. + LOVIATAR +



    In the bottle: English Leather colongne...


    Wet: YUM! Hot leather is right!! Very Sexy :P


    Dry down: This just gets sexier by the minute! I still get the leather but the amber is what is coming out for me. After about 10 minutes or so, I am getting almost a leathery/ woodsy type smell with just a hint of sweetness...


    Conclusion: This is very sexy! I am really liking this but as good as it is, I think it will be even better on my DH! Great Throw! Good wear!

  3. *~* KOSTNICE *~*



    In the bottle: Yum :P smells woody with a hint of floral - more geranium than lily.


    Wet: More frankincense now with a hint of woods and a slight breath of floral


    Dry down: Soft, warm, lily. This is very spring to me!


    Conclusion: Kostnice goes once again to show the magic in Beth's oils and how I should never discount certain blends because of notes that usually don't work for me. I saw the words lily and rose in the scent description and knew this wouldn't work for me - WORNG!

    This is the first lily I have been able to wear. It is soft, warm and feminine and I will definitely make this a keeper!


    ETA: good throw and good wear time...

  4. ~ WINGS of AZRAEL ~



    In the bottle: Woodsy violet with a hint of minty cajeput


    Wet: Juniper, cageput with a hint of violet


    Dry down: The juniper and mintiness is still very much in my face- can't catch any myrhh or cypress - just a hint of violet and lilly of the valley


    Conclusion: This just isn't doing it for me. Too minty-juniper and not enough myrhh or floral. I would reccomend this to anyone who likes Ultraviolet though - they might enjoy this. Into the swap pile....

  5. * NUIT *


    In the bottle: greens and jasmine


    Wet: Moss, Jasmine, and a hint of rose - uh!oh! Rose! :P Rose usually ends up smelling like playdough or powder on me...


    Dry down: airy, soft florals - jasmine, a very clean white rose, and mossy greens with just a breath of incense - not the heavy headshop type incense but the light incense of Beth's Cairo.


    Conclusion: This is the first rose EVER that I have been able to wear without it morphing into yuk on me. In my mind, this is a very white and green scent. It is airy, light and very feminine. Besides being the first rose scent I have ever been able to really wear, this is my first very floral scent that doesn't give me a headache. The longer I wear this, the cleaner it smells! Purrrfect!


    Oh! Throw is average and wear is less than average for me - a bit over 2 hrs.

  6. - MAD HATTER -


    In the bottle: Sweet fresh mint with a hint of lavendar


    Wet: OMG! I love this! If you were to pick fresh mint and lavendar and rolled them between your palms - that is exactly what this smells like!


    Dry Down: This has sweetened up a bit more but is still true to its wetness - fresh minty lavendar. No citron or muskiness, but I am assuming it is the musk that is adding the sweetness. Throw is better than average but not overpowering. Wear is average for me - about 3-4 hrs.


    Conclusion: Mad Hatter smells so fresh! Usually, scents with mint smell artifical to me - like mint oil you might use to cook with or something the dentist uses - NOT this! This takes me back to being a kid. My neighbor was a well known master gardener and along our fence line she always grew lavender and mint. I could pick all that I wanted. I would roll them in my hands and breath in the smell, or chew on the mint, or make tea out of both of them together. I am telling you this smells fresh! I am definitely getting a 5 or 10 ml of this!!!

  7. * THALIA *


    In the bottle: Champagne with fresh sliced pears floating in it :P


    Wet: Champange with fresh pears and a hint of plumeria


    Dry Down: All the notes have blended so perfect together. What I smell is a sweet pear with a nice floral background


    Conclusion: Thalia is lovely! I was worried about this because my skin usually amps florals to the point that they are headachy and overpowering - with Thalia, everything blends so well together. It is neither too fruity or too floral. It must be the champagne that tempers it. It is a very bright summery scent. Thalia definitely warrants a 5ml purchase!





  8. - FALLEN -


    In the bottle: Soft florals, warm amber with a hint of violet.


    Wet: lovely! Soft, warm, woody, violet.


    Dry down: As this dries, the sandalwood starts to come forward in the blend as the amber and musk recede. They are still there but it is just a hint. The sandalwood is giving the violets a sugary smell - mmm! No vetiver, and just a hint of woods - I don't know what kind of woods though.


    Conclusion: Once again, this is just lovely. I am a relieved that I don't get any vetiver whatsoever because most of the things that have vetiver in them = stinky skin on me. Not this! This is a warm, sensous, earthy violet (perfect for me - Taurus is my sign) If you usually don't do vetiver, Fallen deserves to be given a chance. The throw is perfect and this lasted on my skin well beyond 4 hours.

  9. ~LANGUOR~


    In the bottle: Wow! Florals and alcohol?


    Wet: I am getting overpowering Narcissus and Lily, with just a hint of incensey smell in the background.


    Dry Down: Most everything has faded on me after 20 minutes - which is a good thing. What is left is just a hint of something floral that I can't quite that I can't quite put my finger on.


    Conclusion: I don't wear florals for the most part and if I do they have to be very light adn on the green side. I would enjoy getting a hint of this on someone as they passed by but it is way to floral for me. The throw for the 1st 3 minutes is HUGE as my hubby and son could smell it across the room - that is only with a light swipe of the wand. Luckily, like I said, it's now been 30 minutes and I can't smell a thing.



    Take this review with a grain of salt if you know orchid and rose works for you -neither note works atfor me at all....


    In the bottle: This smells like department store perfume to me.


    Wet: A bit better - department store perfume but with a hint of citrus.


    Dry down: I was really hoping the citris would temper the florals better but I am still getting way to much perfumey, headachey floral that is turning slightly powdery on me.


    Conclusion: This reminds me of a perfume I wore in the late 70's called "Sex Appeal" by Jovan. The orchid gives this the perfume like smell and the rose note turns it into powder. I was hoping I would that the citrus notes would play more of a leading role in this instead of hanging in the backgroung being shy.

    I am disappointed because it seems that the florals that don't work for me have the best throw and last the longest on my skn.

  11. ~~Mi-Go Brain Canister~~


    I have a 5ml of this that I bought without trying it first. After some of the previous reviews I am really worried. *deep breath* here goes...


    In the bottle: floral with an undertone of rotten melon


    Wet: When I eat cantaloupe, I put pepper on it. This smells like sitting at a table with a huge floral arrangement eating rotten cantaloupe with pepper on it.


    Dry Down: The rotten peppery cantaloupe has faded and so has the overpowering florals. What is left is a very feminine scent with out being powdery or too overtly floral. I don't smell any of the fruit notes. I think it must be the tea and musks that balance this out.


    Conclusion: This turned out to have a very happy ending! I was worried clear up thru the dry down! This, for me, is a very feminine, perfumey, dressy scent. Maybe something to wear going out to a nice dinner or something. It isn't something I would have bought a 5ml had I smelled an imp 1st because a little goes a LONG way on me and the throw is huge!

  12. Can I just say that once, I sat down and ate about 10 of those little mini bonbel cheeses and, mm, well, I will spare you the gory details but now I am very picky about my cheeses....


    DEVILS PANTIES and I am thinking something along the lines of Brimstone, sulfer and redhots?




    Kudos to BPAL's customer service: :P I can't even begin to imagine the amount of email's they get a day....






    edated cuz I can't spel

  13. ~~ AIZEN-MYOO ~~


    In the bottle: mmm... Yuzu, kaki, with a dab of mikan and a hint of cherry blossom to sweeten it up. Very sharp citus scent.


    Wet: Very sweet floral cherry blossom with a good hit of citrus.


    Dry down: after a couple of minutes, the black tea is tempering the whole mixture and mellowing it to a wonderful light spring - like floral smell. Very exotic to me.


    Conclusion: I can see this being a wonderfu lscent for alot of people, but for me personally, I wish it would have stayed true to the scent I got when it was first wet. The citrus smell was wonderful.

    My skin eventualy focused the cherry blossom and absorbed everything else so it turned very overpowering sweet floral on me. I am not a sweet floral person - it reminds me of funerals.On the plus side it had great throw and great staying power...Unfortunately not for me.








  14. Sugar Skull 2005


    I usually do a lengthy review on most scents going thru - in the bottle, wet, dry, down and conclusion. There is really no difference for me through any of these.


    This smells like homemade maple syrup but a really old maple syrup that has gone to sugar and needs to be warmed up again. It almost smells burnt to me too. I get no hint of sugared fruit, boosiness, or cinnamon at all.


    Curiously, I also have a weird taste on the back of my tongue and a weird smell/taste in my nose that started as soon as this hit my skin. The taste is like maple syrup, hairspray and licorice or even sen sen (yuk) - very odd, that.



    I am really dissapointed in this. I was thinking that it was going to be a vanilla-y sugar with fruits like pears, plums and maybe some citrus. But all I can think of right now is getting this washed off my skin and brushing my teeth or doing something to get this taste out of my mouth. :P

  15. *~ LADY MACBETH ~*


    In the bottle: mmm! berries but it smells more like purple berries than red as in red currant.


    Wet: Ahhh! There's the redness! I can catch the thyme too but in general, this smells like Smarties to me.


    Dry down: I have lost the thyme and the ripe red berries. No hint of sweet Bordeaux or even Smarties. Just a red koolaid, in the package with no sugar. Very sour berry to me.


    Conclusion: After awhile this did sweeten up just a tiny bit Like most others have said, and I have to agree that I am not ready to give up my Bordello.



    edited because I cannot spell

  16. ** KITSUNE-TSUKI **


    In the bottle: fruity and floral - smells yummy!


    Wet: Definite plum and jasmine - can't pick out other notes yet...


    Dry down: The more I wore this the less floral it became and the more sugar - plum it became. This smells alot like Pink Pheonix does except with a plum note instead of strawberry. Very plum cotton candy. mmm, good!


    Conclusion: The longer I wore this the more it turned "perfumey" on me, smelling more floral and less plum as the hours passed. Not that that was a bad thing. It still smells beautiful. If I want the cotton candy scent, I can wear the Pink Phoenix. I am putting in a lab order in the next day or so and I am adding this to it - very feminine.



    A shuddering white scent, of ghostly breath and stony silence: dry tea leaf, linden blossom, papyrus, orris and coffin wood.


    In the bottle: I am getting almost a citrusy scent with a floral undertone - hmmm?


    Wet: I am still getting citrus - there is no citrus in this so I am perplexed. It is a tangy citrusy scent with a bit of sweet floral in the background.


    Dry down: I am still getting the citrus - no woodiness, no tea, just a bit of sweet floral in the background but mainly citrus. It isn't overpowering citrus but an almost ethereal, dare I say, spirit like scent!


    Conclusion: Beautiful and Ethereal are the words that come to mind. A light ghostly scent that I think Beth aptly named. This is exactly what I have been looking for to wear in the spring and summer.

    Awesome throw without being overpowering - just enough for people around you to breath in and sigh. Great wear to! It is very long lasting on me.


    I only have a couple of days to order this before it is discontinued. I think I need a couple of bottles as this is the "signature" scent I have been looking for!

  18. In the bottle: Grapefruit


    Wet: Grapefruit


    Dry down: Grapefruit with a dark aquatic undertone which just makes this smell more grapefruity...


    Conclusion: I have to agree -





    ETA: Didn't last very long :P

  19. *-* ULTRAVIOLET *-*



    In the bottle: Whoa! Eucalyptus city!! That hurt just smelling it! Hope it gets better!


    Wet on skin: Overpowering eucalyptus with a bold mint and just a whisper of violet - I can barely catch the sweetness of it!


    Dry Down: As this warms on my skin, the eucalyptus and mint mellow way out and the neroli and violet come out stronger. After about 3minutes on my skin, I am smelling a sweeter but cool violet. Later - no hint of mint or eucalyptus, I am left with a very outgoing violet!


    Conclusion: This isn't your shy wallflower violet, this is a revved up, bold in your face "ultraviolet" violet! If you are shy, meek, and an introvert, this is not for you. Great throw, good staying power. This is for people who want to be noticed! The longer I wear it, the more I want a bottle - a far cry from my first reaction to it in the imp.

  20. ~ STORM MOON ~



    In the bottle: Very aquatic with ozone


    Wet: This went on my skin smelling of lemons, ozone, aquatics, and a scent beneath that I associate with all of the Lunar Oils.


    Dry down:This morphs quite a bit on the dry down - from the wet scent, to a very lemony scent then to a man's cologne smelling scent. After about 15 minutes this mellows out to a glorious scent that smells quite herbally - like an "Herbal Essence" shampoo but a "blue" version of it - very yummy!


    Conclusion: For me, I don't know if I really like this enough to wait so long for it to get right where it's perfect. I want to put on an oil and feel great as soon as I put it on! So, I guess I would have to say, this is something I will swap for...

  21. * RED PHOENIX *


    In the bottle: Warm, spiciness - very sesual.


    Wet: Cassia and Cinnamon jump out the second this hit my skin! The cinnamon is a warm, wet cinnamon - not a dry, powder cinnamon spice. After a second I can catch a bit of plum and mandarin- I think I am going to love this one!!!


    Dry down: As minutes pass, the cinnamon and cassia mellow a bit and the rest of the notes come out to play! After time, this becomes rounded and all the scents blend perfectly. The musk and patchouli work well with the cassia and cinnamon to give it a good strong base smell and then the tonka, mandarin and wild plum, sweeten it up a bit. I can just barely get a hint of tonka itself and *maybe* the benzoin? tabacco? There is a note way down deep in this that I can't quite put my finger on.


    Conclusion: Red Phoenix is *THE* perfume to wear if you are planning a seduction! Preiviously, I thought it was Sin - not anymore. This is a confident, yet warm and inviting scent. A little goes a very long way, it has good throw and good staying power. I need a second bottle - definitely!
