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Posts posted by eadavenp

  1. Shanghai smelled a lot like the adagio citrus green tea to me, which was quite nice. i really enjoyed how fresh and clean a scent this is, and i may have to get a big bottle. Another word that comes to mind when sniffing this perfume is "fresh"... maybe because it has comparable notes to my favorite "fresh lemon sugar". it is less sweet and more fresh, and the only downside is that it doesn't last very long at all.


    I haven't decided if this is big bottle worthy yet, but its close... on the cusp, unless i find another lemon scent i prefer.

  2. In the vial, it smelled like a spicy man aftershave...


    on my skin, it smelled of cherries and almonds first, almost like dragon's blood, and then it went REALLY spicey. I hate loud cinnamon and that is all i got after the initial dry down from this scent. for someone who likes big red gum (something that was a traumatic childhood experience for me) this would be great, or if your skin chemistry would allow the other notes to come out, again, it was really nice for the first thirty seconds, but this unfortunately, did not play well with me.

  3. wet, fresh floral, but not bright or special. not a bad blend, but it doesn't "speak" to me. its slightly watery. As it dries it distinguishes itself a bit more, becoming powdery and green. Its a cool, fresh scent, if i had to associate it with a color, it would be the green skin of a bartlett pear. It also retains its feminity, despite being "fresh" and "clean" which is why its nice.


    i like it but don't love it. 3/5

  4. seems somewhat traditionally perfumey. i like it, but its a little bland. obviously, a good rose scent, but no greeness. I like the edge of some of the more green scents, this is very cold, but not as "fresh" as some of the other rose scents. overall, its a nice blend, but not one i love.

  5. i really like this scent but can't decide if i love it. my first impression was Sweet, vanilla, foody, almost like a poundcake or something, and then i picked up on the "tea" note as it dried. i think tea may be one of my favorite notes. I love the way it dries down to a soft vanilla that is not dissimilar to antique lace, which other posters have mentioned. Sadly, i don't get much of the lemon, which i wanted to get because Fresh Lemon Sugar is one of my favorite non-bpal scents. definitely keeping the imp, and a big bottle may be in order. 4/5

  6. ripe juicy pineapple tempered by something as it goes on wet. its something that cuts the sweetness of the pineapple, but it is still fruity. as it dries, it becomes sweet more in the manner of dried pineapple and fresh olives (in israel) this is a very happy scent for me and may very well be a big bottle purchase. The notes on paper sounded strange, but i loved the concept and im glad to have ordered this imp. even if i don't buy a big bottle, i will keep that for sure! :P

  7. undertow went on minty and dark. i think i smell the juniper as well, its an almost boozy undertone. overall, i think i like this fragrance alot. it dried down to a coconutty smell, which i found sort of strange, but i think i like it. this will be a scent that i'll have to retry to make up my mind about it but im leaning towards a like... its definitely at least a 3.5 out of 5.

  8. On me, this is dark, smokey, and was slightly minty when wet, but is now sort of a dark powder. it has that aquatic wetness that undertow has, but it goes in a totally different direction on the dry down. overall, it smells like hospital bandages to me, which is a very wierd association, and not especially pleasant. i'll be swapping this imp to a home that will appreciate it more.

  9. i really love this one. it is very wet, almost like crushed rose petals ground with sugar. it is almost fruity, like a tropical fruit, and wet and lush smelling. i would highly reccomend it for those looking for a sweet rose red. i do agree with some of the comparisons to persephone, but i get more rose than fruit.


    overall, im happy i bought a big bottle unsniffed. i'll be making it into a spray soon so i can enjoy it more often.

  10. I'd have to say that being a lushie and a bpal person, the only scent that ever struck me as "creamy candy/cotton candy" was bewitched. It has a perfumy edge, so not the innocent sweetness part..but the fruity smell was just like rockstar soap for me....and I dislike them both LOL...



    slight hijack...


    How DARE you say that about my beloved Bewitched... I loathe creamy candy (although strangely, i like candy fluff) and i really see no correlation of the scent of the two, besides maybe that they are both somewhat fruity.


    End hijack...

  11. This is a warm weather scent for me as well. I like it, but it does have a definite men's aftershave vibe which i attribute to the ozone and watery notes. I may keep this at the boy's place, and let him share it if he wants. I think it would smell awesome on a man, but could still smell great in that fresh and clean way on a woman.

  12. Wet, i get straight white grapefruit. It almost makes me wrinkle my nose bc it is so sour citrussy. On the skin, it has that grapefruit quality, but with a bit of an edge that gives the scent "sparkle" almost like the fizziness in bon vivant.


    I love how this dries to a floral and citrus combo. I like it a lot, and i'll definitely be using up my bottle! I also love the label, it looks awesome.

  13. I got this off ebay, and I LOVE IT. it is cool and almost a little menthol. It has a definite fruityness, but not in a way that screams fruit. It is sort of a reserved scent, but i like it for that reason. It doesn't scream smell me, it sort of softly beckons with sophistication.

  14. On me this is potent and spicy, with a little bit of pepper. While i really like how it smells, i dont want to smell like cookies. I love the smell of cookies, but it makes me too hungry!

    It doesn't morph on the skin at all... which i was kind of hoping it would.

    I think i'll be using this as a room scent, if i use it at all.

  15. At first whiff the living flame smelled like grape pez or someother dry, hard grapey candy. I smelled an underlying sweetness that was more floral, and a bit of spice, but not cinammon which i had been a bit afraid of.


    On me, this makes me feel similar to Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo. It doesn't smell similar, this is much more floral, and IMHO a more complex scent, but it has the same "feel" if that makes sense. Its definitely a good thing. Overall, i love this scent, it dries down to florals and vanilla on me.

  16. I can't believe i hadn't written this a review yet!


    This is the epitome of spring. It is fresh, clean and cool, when all the greenery is new and sparkling with dew. It has a very green scent, but also softened by the floral notes. I thought i loved venice, but when i got amsterdam,i sold my bottle of venice and will be ordering a bottle of amsterdam (if i haven't already, must go check pending orders)


    All in all, its one of my favorite bpals. It smells almost like a commercial fragrance, but more hip, edgy and cool than anything you could buy in a dept. store.

  17. I really like this one a lot... i call it my happy juice and will defintely be getting a 5ml at some point. I put it on my elbows and promptly cheered up. It may have been power of suggestion, but i think it was at least in part the fruity, sweet, bouncy scent wafting up at me. (i think a scent can be bouncy... don't you?) It dried down to a more cotton candy with a hint of fruit type scent, and i really liked it. Usually scents like this are not to my liking, but this is like medicine, and i need it!

  18. So i looked this up, saw it was gende neutral or masculine and promptly swabbed it on the boy before he knew what i was doing. I then proceeded to sniff him obsessively over the next few hours because he smelled fantastic. I dont particularly care for snake oil or O on myself, but GP on him was outstanding vanilla/creamy/honey goodness. I didn't pick up on the juniper, but maybe that is what i am liking so much that the snake oil and O don't have.

  19. I really like this one, but need to give it another chance at a different time of the month to get hte full beauty of the scent. I think it is spicy and delicious, but my bf was not a fan. Too bad for him, because this may wind up as a big bottle purchase. Overall, its slightly floral, very spicey and a touch foody on me.

  20. I really love this scent in the vial. That said, the honey did something not nice on my skin. It may have been skin chemistry/time of the month issues, so im not giving this one up, i like it too much in the vial. Its very true apples and roses in the vial, and that smells so lovely to me.

  21. This was really masculine on me, im not the best at notes, but i definitely get the lavendar. I like lavendar a lot, but not enough to enjoy the masculinity of this one on my skin. I may try to get my boyfriend to wear it... or i might keep my imp to dab on a sleepless night.

  22. Not only is this fantastic in the vial, it plays really well with my skin chemistry. this is one of the first bpals that i have wanted to crawl into and roll around in... YUM it is slightly foody, but not being a foody scent, and has a certain exoticism from the ginger, i'm sure. It makes me really happy. i'm so happy i found this.
