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Posts posted by ayelienne

  1. I hope this is the right place to ask a question about something I've been noticing in the forums.


    I noticed in the section where people report that they've received their orders, they post the date they ordered, then the date of a "click and ship", then the date they received the goodies.


    My question is - what is a "click and ship" and the date it references? Is that something I need to do on my end? Is it something I need to email BPAL in order to receive my order?


    Thanks very much in advance, hope this was okay to ask in this thread.


    A "click and ship" is a US Postal Service notice generated by the lab to let you know your order will be shipped out on either the day noted on the CnS or the following business day.

  2. I adore this and had no idea this would become one of my favorite and most wearable of the Celestials.


    I was hesitant to order this one as many of the reviews said it was aquatic and the aquatic blends aren't really my thing, but I am *so glad* I went ahead and got this one. It's probably my favorite of the Celestials (Mercury is up there do) in terms of wearability and I find the slightly sharp/bitter note to be a really nice counterpoint to the sweet and the light powder. This is one of those blends that was masterfully created and is perfectly balanced. I feel like a cool million bucks when I wear this one. Love it.

  3. Ulalume is quite a morpher on me - started off nice enough, morphed into pencil shaving for a little while, then went into a light, watery floral scent with a touch of the woodsy. I'm feel melancholy today, for no reason, and I'm wondering if it's Ulalume that's contributing.


    It's all right, but with so many other OMG! blends out there, Ulalume is going to head out into swapland. Perhaps another time.

  4. I've been having some struggles this week that left me feeling frustrated, easily agitated and generally difficult to be around. It's been particularly frustrating for me, as I tend to be pretty good at working through that energy, but for whatever reason, I needed some help, so...


    Last night, after a nice long shower, I pulled out my newly-received imp of White Light and annointed my chakras, along with my palms and the soles of my feet.


    Over the course of the next several hours, I felt myself calm down. My mind stopped racing and the general tenseness that I had been carrying around began to melt away.


    I'm feeling so.much.better and I will happily credit White Light with helping me get back into my "regular" state of mind.

  5. As Euterpe ages, I find myself reaching for it more and more. It's such a subtle blend. I can't really tell you what it smells like, but it makes me feel solid and grounded, and the husband always seems to say "you smell good" when I wear it.


    Perhaps my favorite muse.

  6. I keep an imp of this in my desk drawer at work; I've found it to be remarkably helpful to get me to stop lollygagging around and get loads of work done. I'm usually easily distracted, but Determination really helps me stay on track.


    Usually, I just swipe it into the palm of my hand and rub my hands together (like Concentration's instructions) and off I go.


    Smells strongly of vetiver, which I like, so it doesn't bother me at all.


    Well done, Labfolk.

  7. You might want to try the GC blend Sed non Satiata; that one had a reputation of being along the same lines as Smut :D


    Melantha loves teh Smut! (Thank you, angharad!) I've managed to get a hold of a few bottles, but it *will* run out. :P


    What other scents can I try? I have a feeling I should have ordered Fortunato and Montressor, my bad. Are there any GC scents along that line?



  8. These are some sweeeet underpants!


    On me, Monster Bait: Underpants (Husband had quite a laugh over the name) is sweet boozy vanilla and sandalwood - very rich and very indulgent, and super sweet. The thing I like about the Underpants is that I feel like I could wear it when I'm craving sweet baked goods and the scent would be rich enough to avert any actual eating of said baked goods. I think it's a bit too sweet for me to wear regularly, but it's perfect for the occasional foody indulgence, to be sure.


    ETA: This is more along the lines of what I was hoping Khajurajo would smell like.

  9. There's a note in this that I suspect is also in hurricane; it's a very dark aquatic that has a scent that i have a very strong negative reaction to. I thought about seeing if the husband would like this one, but then decided I'd rather not be around it, even if it were nice on him. off to the swaps it goes...

  10. Today is yet another rainy day, but the signs of spring are unmistakable; budding leaves and flowers on the trees and a lush greenness permeates as the earth awakens from its winter dormancy.


    That said, Titania is, to me, the epitome of the wet sweetness of spring. It's a happy scent that is more fruity than flowery, and has the same budding greenness of this time of year.


    It really is a lovely springtime scent.

  11. I like wearing my favorite "blood" scents during the bleeding part of my menstrual cycle, and Blood is one that is reserved solely for that time.


    There's something very primal and strong about Blood; i adore the combination of sweetness from the cherry (and I picture black cherries in this case) and the dark earthiness of myrrh tarted up with clove all surging through the dragon's blood resin. It's not a scent for the meek; to me, it's a reminder of the potency and power unique to women as a result of our menstrual cycle.


    Blood is the scent of the incense that burns in my mental Moon Lodge; it's dark, warm and inviting when that uniquely feminine time comes around each month.


    (edited to fix typos)

  12. A little story about Puck:


    Puck and I didn't get along at all when I first tried it a while back, so I set it aside.


    Then one day, the Husband donated himself to me in order to test Satyr (the brave, silly man). When Satyr got a little too woah, I thought maybe we could layer some Puck to tone it down a little bit. The end result was much less "um honey, i think this sort of smells like ass" than solo Satyr; the fruitiness of the grapes really made for a much more well-rounded scent.


    Husband ended up liking the grape-laced earthiness of Puck and it smells much, much better on him than it ever smelled on me. The bottle has moved into "keeper status" and is now settled into its new home in my husband's stash.
