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Everything posted by BlackDahlia

  1. BlackDahlia


    From the Imp: Cherry and Myrrh... and a warming fragrace that might be the cloves. Wet on skin: The tang of the dragon's blood "turns" on me ~ and not in the nice way. The cherry makes for a nice perk in the fragrance but the darkness of the scent is too much for me and my nose. The clove takes over and pushes the cherry scent right off of my skin. Dry Down: A faint, powdery smell on me... but still that top note tang of the blood resin is just too strong for me. In closing: I am washing this off of my skin ~ Blood does not like me and the feeling is mutual.
  2. BlackDahlia

    Blood Kiss

    In the Imp ~ I can smell the honey and the cherries... and the vetiver. Not being a musk oriented person ~ I was hoping this wasn't going to be strong musk. It is. WOW. really strong and animalistic. Wet on skin: Juicy cherries and musk. I smell the clove and it does warm up, a bit... but the musk is intensifying. Dry down: Smells like patchouli and patchouli and I do not get along. In closing: This one will find a new home. I tried and musk is soooooo not me.
  3. BlackDahlia


    In the Imp ~ Glorious, dark, dusky scent. Heady jasmine with a hint of pine. *chuckle* Yes. I smell pine. Hmmmm.... wonder where that comes from since pine isn't listed? *laughs* Must be my nose... though some people said that the first Siren smelled like Pine Sol... maybe I have a first-versioned Imp? Wet on Skin: Mmmmmmm. Jasmine. But wait... that pine scent sure intensified. Not sure that I quite liked that. On the dry down: The pine spike scent drifted away. (Thankfully...) The scent mellows to Jasmine and vanilla with a very talc-y aroma to it. It smells very soft and very seductive. In closing: This is a KEEPER. I received this in a trade. (I traded my Hellcat Imp for it...)I adore this fragrance. It is very sexy and feminine. I am thrilled. Siren shampoo might be something I have to craft... it is a marvelous, gorgeous, deep, dusky and SEXY (did I mention sexy?) fragrance! This is one for my big bottle list that is now forming.
  4. BlackDahlia

    Gourmand - Foody Scents - General Recommendations

    Hi there ~ I am also new but I have always loved foody types of scents in fragrances as well as in home fragrances. (Yankee Candle's Hazelnut Coffee is an addiction for me!) I love, love, LOVE the BPAL fragrance Jack. Someone else here on this thread has mentioned it ~ but I wanted to come along and post it, again. I simply adore the fragrance... it is quite rich and spicy. Full of buttery Fall goodness. It has become my (almost daily) fragrance o' choice. That and Hunger... Which is another good foody-ish scent.
  5. BlackDahlia


    I can smell the sweet pea... very light and wonderful. I think innocence describes the scent, very well... too bad I am not the innocent type. Fragrances that I find are my favourites tend to be those that drip with something dark and evocative... This is an innocent and breezy fragrance and would be perfect for those who love bright, floral blends. This one is off for trade or sale for me, however. It is a very lovely scent, though.
  6. BlackDahlia


    Clean, white floral with a topnote I can't discern. Something with my chemisty is *not* absorbing well... along with the floral scent I get a scent that smells of dirt... I think that is the top note that I could not place ~ whatever it is... it smells too much like dirt to me. Or on me. I think this one is off for sale or trade. Poo. I sooooo wanted to love this.
  7. BlackDahlia


    OOooooohhhhhhh my goodness. This was perfection in the bottle!! I really adored it and thought that my beloved Jack was getting bumped from the top o' his perch for me. VERY sensual aroma. I could easily smell the vanilla with the scent of narcissus gently drifting by. On the skin I got a bitter orange tang that took away from my first thrill with the aroma. Now as it has dried down (and I have continued to sniff the back of my hand ~ it is quite nice... but boy those first orage-y moments were very sharp on me. A keeper for me... I will probably convert my imp to a homemade linen spray. *Puuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*
  8. BlackDahlia


    In the Imp: Lovely roses. Crisp and seductive... there is a pale, top note of lily that makes the scent "feel" wet. Like walking in a garden in soft rain. Wet on skin: My skin picks up a smoky smell that is very much like incense, when lit. This aroma is divine. It smells a bit like a wedding in a Catholic church (?) The floral scents mix very nicely with the soft waft of incense. On the dry down: Soft, silky rose aroma and a touch of powder. In closing: Oh, MY... I love this scent! It is marvelous for a peaceful, serene feeling and would also make a heavenly fragrance for the home. Many thanks to eartdotprime on LJ who sent this fragrance to me as a bonus Imp when I purchased 3 Imps from her... *WHEE* She sent me some tea, too!!
  9. BlackDahlia

    Chaste Moon 2005

    In the Imp: Butterscotchy sweetness. Wet: Honey and Butterscotch. There is a very soft, floral scent, too. Dry down: A bit of an amber-ish or Nag Champa aroma kicks in. Smoky and sweet... a very nice combination. In closing: Another keeper, for me. This will be a nice day-time fragrance. VERY nice. We all need a little lunacy in our lives. This is my chosen lunacy. I'm sticking with lunacy in a perfume because people who are afflicted with lunacy are too hard to deal with! ADDED Dec. 30: Lovely scent. I put this on at bedtime last night ~ and fell in love with the fragrance. In the bottle I smell either jasmine or honeysuckle with a buttery scented finish. Wet ~ Floral with a slight food-y scent, reminiscent of after dinner buttermints. On the drydown ~ floral with baby powder. I love baby powder. This is a new love for me. I adore Chaste Moon.
  10. BlackDahlia


    In the Imp: Oooooo... this is a nice one. Very warm, spicy fragrance. I can smell the Bayberry and the blood resin. Such a nice combination of scents... Wet: It smells like an English Christmas! There is the bayberry scent, still as well as a soft, sort of pine scent. You can feel the tingle in this one!! Dry down: This is a soft, slightly masculine fragrance with a hint of sweetness. In closing: I will wear this one on the days that I just really feel walked on or walked over ~ it is a take charge-ish scent... or I could see it being nice for a man who is in touch with his feminine side but who is very much a man. A nice, different fragrance. A keeper for me. This would also make a nice home or linen fragrance. Oooooo.. the tingle on your skin!!
  11. BlackDahlia

    Dana O'Shee

    From the Imp: Almond cookies and a green top-note. Wet: Almonds with a bit of floral. Dry: Can't get rid of that almond scent... though it does sweeten up. In closing: Off for sale or trade this is sooooo not me.
  12. BlackDahlia

    Blood Countess

    In the Imp: Berry. Berry. Berry. Wet: Berry with slight, old flowers. On the drydown: Smells slightly like an old cherry cough-drop that one finds stuck to the bottom of their purse. In closing: Not for me. Off to sale or trade.
  13. BlackDahlia


    In the Imp: Strong, Strong, STRONG lime with a tiny bit of floral. I am almost tempted to not even try this one on my skin ~ it smells strange to me. Wet: LORD it isn't getting better. It smelles like a dirty lime to me. Dry: Ummm. NO. Lime with a very tiny bit of floral just does nothing for me. In closing: This is getting washed off of me NOW. Imp is off to sell or trade. This is my least favourite fragrance, thus far... sorry BPAL. (I LOVE the other fragrances, though!!)
  14. BlackDahlia


    Haunted ~ From the Imp: A sort of sickly sweet aroma... not altogether unpleasant ~ just not what I was expecting. It is a lighter fragrance with a top note that i just can't place. Wet on the skin: A sweet musk. On me NOT a good thing. Dry down: Ick. I really, really detest this one. It smells like a musky baby. (On my skin I get baby powder and musk scent. I don't like musky aromas. In closing: Off for sale or trade.
  15. BlackDahlia


    Oh, my heaven's YUM!!! This is a definite keeper ~ let me just say from the get-go. This scent is FABULOUS. Wow. From the Imp: MMmmmmm... Pumpkin laced with hot, buttered rum. I wanted to lick the bottle... it smelled sooooooo edibly fantastic. Rich, dark, buttery and sinful. YUM. YUM. YUM. Wet on skin: I almost could not put enough on! I kept dabbing here and there because it smells so utterly divine! When I put it on I could smell nutmeg lacing the pumpkin. Spicy gorgeousness. On the dry down: Pumpkin and nutmeg with occassional wafts of buttered rum. The peach scent (that is *very* faint) smells more like apple to me... (or on my skin, anyway...) the fruit fragrance along with the other scents are perfectly combined and beautiful. This is an awesome autumn themed scent... smells like a perfect fall evening after a day filled with baking your favourite autumnal goodies. *happy sigh* Again. I say "YUM" In closing: I am buying several bottles of this. Big bottles. It is fantastic!
  16. BlackDahlia

    Tiger Lily

    Tiger Lily ~ From the Imp ~ Lovely, lovely floral aroma. I did not smell the honey bit... but the floral aroma is marvelous. Wet on Skin ~ The scent of lilies is beautiful! Very rich and dusky. Dry down ~ I began to smell the sweetness of the honey with the scent of lilies. Very soft, alluring fragrance with a large amount of sensual duskiness. A beautiful floral. Smells like an afternoon in an indoor garden in full bloom. (Like the Bellagio gardens, in Vegas...) In closing: A keeper for me. I love the sweetness of this oil! It is a beautiful floral with a hint of sweetness and I really seem to like the honey fragranced oils. I am really thrilled that the honey scents seem to like my skin, too. *yeayness* This is lovely. I adore both White Rabbit and Tiger Lily. Looks like I will be collecting the 5ml bottles of the Mad Tea Party line ~ if not the 10ml bottle size! These are just perfect!
  17. BlackDahlia


    First sniff from the imp: Very strong floral aroma with a strong alcohol bite. I don't know what top note is providing the alcoholish note... but wow ~ is it ever strong. Wet on skin: Overpoweringly floral... and I LOVE florals. The petunia in the blend almost smells patchouli-ish on me and patchouli does not like me. With my skin chemistry the floral notes also have a dirty dirt aroma added to it. Dry down: Now there is a richer, duskier, floral aroma added to the mix. This fragrance has toned down a lot on my skin... and now it smells nicer. In Closing: I will try this one out on my skin, again... I think it is worth another try. After the dry down occurs... it is a pleasant, dusky, warm fragrance with a good throw.
  18. BlackDahlia


    First sniff from the imp: Whoa. Almonds and alcohol. The scent was so strong that I found myself moving my head away from the Imp, immediately. I recapped it and then thought that I would still give it a go on my skin. Wet on skin: A mead smell pops up really quick whilst wet on my skin. I didn't like the aroma. It lacked the sweetness of the buttercream I was hoping for. Very sharp mead overtones with a very slight, honeylike fragrance that wafts through every once in awhile. The hazelnut and the almond aroma are very strong on my skin... Dry down: The fragrance mellows a bit, thankfully. It is slightly sweeter on my skin now... but not in the way that I hoped for. As a body fragrance this does not work for me. In Closing: I might try this scent in my room burner... or it might just show up in my swap offers.
  19. BlackDahlia

    White Rabbit

    First sniff from the imp: HONEY. Massive amounts of sweet, golden honey... there is another undertone that comes to my nose ~ but I am having trouble placing it. My first thought upon smelling White Rabbit (my first scent-ual BPAL experience) was: "They have found a way to put Heaven in a bottle" I am, officially, in LOVE with this fragrance AND the Lab!! Wet on skin: I still pick up predominate honey tones... but begin to smell the milk and the vanilla, too. White Rabbit begins to take on more of a mixed scent... each of the fragrance qualities that I mentioned do stand out distinctly on their own, quite pleasantly... They intermingle, beautifully. The scent is calming and soothing ~ like savoring a calorie free pastry in a European tea shoppe. Dry down: Now I can smell the tea! A bit like a cup of Earl Grey mid-brew. I still don't pick up the pepper tones... though I think that I do detect a small bit of ginger... there is a small whiff of a spicy fragrance ~ but it isn't peppery... so I would attribute the scent to ginger. White Rabbit sweetens and mellows on me and is just GORGEOUS. Perfect for my skin chemistry. The scent makes me quite happy and very relaxed. I just love it! In Closing: I will purchase this in HUGE bottle forms from the lab and also aquire any trades that I can for this lovely and perfect-for-me fragrance. This will be my daily perfume ~ I am so glad that this fragrance was my very first BPAL experience!! Heaven. In a bottle. I'm hooked. Thanks BPAL! This is a keeper, for SURE!!!