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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by OctoberGwen

  1. This is obviously a well-aged bottle! Uncapped, I smell rich and spicy gingerbread. Yum. When first applied and wet it turns into buttery pumpkin pie and gingerbread. Delicious. As it dried further, it conjured walking through a pumpkin patch at midnight...sadly, it then very quickly morphed to a single spicy note and faded completely. After about an hour I had to press my nose to wrist to catch a faint whiff of pumpkin pie. After two hours it was long gone.


    Sadly, Pumpkin Queen doesn't seem to work well on me.


    ETA 11/22/11

    I tried layering it with Snake Oil last night and what a disaster. UGH! It smells awful on me, and the SO simply gave it mega staying power...I couldn't even smell my beloved SO. :eek: I really don't like the Queen at all, and she hates me. :(


    Love the little bottle, though.

  2. I obtained an aged version of this (no later than 2007.) I like florals but this didn't work for me at all. It's sickly-sweet with a bitter undertone, a very cloying scent that I just couldn't stand to keep on my wrist for too long. It was very hard to wash off, too.


    A pity, because I visited the city of New Orleans once and was entranced by it.

  3. This is the 2006 version.


    I don't smell apple or pumpkin at all, just a smoky/woodsy Autumn scent. The patchouli was more evident when I put it on but it mellowed as the oil dried. I love this and have never smelled anything like it. Tonight it's raining outside and this scent is perfect for the damp and chill. I will definitely be wearing it in the Fall.



    Edited 1/25/12


    I appreciate Samhain 2006 even more now than I did seven months ago when I was first starting out on my BPAL journey. This is the quintessential smell of Fall for me: deeply magical, earthy, smoky, and evocative. I adore it.



  4. I am a very recent BPAL convert, and OMG do I love this scent! I smell delicious; sweet but not too sweet, creamy, luscious, slightly spicy, rich, and sensuous. My first BPAL experience is everything I hoped it would be and I can't imagine ever going back to flat commercial perfumes.


    Hell's Belle is floral, but in the most lush and complex way possible. I would wear this every day.



    ETA: I should probably add that I'm wearing an aged version. I sure hope the current one smells the same, because I want a BIG bottle of this.

