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Mary Mayhem

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Posts posted by Mary Mayhem

  1. Holy!


    Favorite scent of the Maelstrom! LOVE!


    Mmm, sexy, spicey chocolate. That's what it smells like to me. A light weight Red Lantern. (for those who found Red Lantern to be too much, but liked the idea of it, this is great!) I will be getting more!

  2. My second favorite love from the Maelstrom! LOVE!


    This is a light dirt smell, not heavy and in your face. There's something in the background that's a bit sweet, mmm, a little herbal, maybe. Nothing cloying.


    On wet: Loamy with a bit of spice underneath. Reminds me of just wet soil.


    As it dries and fades, the dirt goes away (as it usually does on me) and I'm left with a pleasant herbal/floral smell. Oh, I love this! I'm buying another bottle!

  3. In the Bottle: Sweet Currant, Berries, Orange


    On wet: Sweet berries, orange.. a little spicey.


    Stays true while drying, orange fades some, berries mellow.


    SOmething else in the back ground, resin? Insense?


    Fades for me and leaves behind a whif os the resin/insense in it's trail.

  4. The first thing I thought when I smelled it was lantana! It has that sharp, tarty lemon smell that the lantana leaves to. I love it and I'm not one to love citrus scents. :P


    As it dries it pulls away from the bright light and starts a nice warm golden glow.


    This has a really decent throw. It's my normal type scent, but I can see wearing it on a spring/summer day when I'm in a really chipper mood!

  5. This is my first moon. I loved the artwork and the description sounded really good, so I broke my "I will not collect Lunacy" rule, and bought one.


    I like it. I really do. I can't tell you what the heck the notes are, or what comes out first, second and last. I just know that this smells really nice. It's bright and clean on the outset and warm on the inset. It's comforting and mellow, but it's not heavy.


    It's like sleeping under a full moon in a dew covered forest with a chill in the air. Some of the buds are coming out, there are a few flowers blooming, but it's mostly green all around. And air. Nice crisp moonlit air with a warm stone or two, heated by the sun, and cooling by night. I'm in love.


    I'm also very pleased that this is stronger on my skin than most and gives a decent throw. My skin eats oil like it's water. I have to re-apply towards the middle of the day, but that's fine with me. (and better than usual)


    I think I may have to note whatever flavors are in this one and search for other lovelys.

  6. A tropical, humid, lush scent, with a faint echo of Pacific breezes, jungle blossoms, and deep wet woods. Sampaguita blossoms, banana leaf, palm, and narra.


    It goes on bananas and floral. Mostly bananas. Mmm, smells good!


    It dries into pencil shavings. :P

  7. When it first goes on, I get grapes. I'm assuming that's the red wine. Not like the wines I'm used to from Beth's work.


    As it dries, some of the powdery rose comes out, a darker rose, to be sure. But for now, the grape and the rose are going back and forth, dueling on my wrist.


    Mmm, think I may stick to my Rose Red and Whip.. :P

  8. I'm a rose girl, much to my husband's dismay. And this is roseroserose. plus.


    Remember when you were a kid and you had this barbie set where you mixed your own "perfumes"? And they came out really sweet REALLY sweet floral?


    That's what this reminds me of. I smell roses, but I also smell something fruity, and there's a tiny big of green in there somewhere.


    I can't decide what to do with this. It just seems so strong and 7 year old-esque. It's very pretty smelling, and I like it to a degree, but it's a bit too juvenile for me. I'll see what it does as a room fragrance.

  9. I didn't get a bottle like I should have. I kept thinking.. People are likening it to Snake Oil, I don't think I like Snake Oil (nevermind I'd never tried it) so I'm just going to pass on that one.


    Hm. Bad idea.


    While I do actually find that I love Snake Oil, and this is similar in some ways, it's different too. I swapped a little bottle decant.


    In the bottle: Yeah, whatever. Nothing ever smells right to me in the bottle.


    My initial reaction had been something along the lines of cocoa or coffee. I don't get that at the moment though. It's almost medicinal... plus coke.


    I do smell some vanilla, some musk, and maybe some rum/bourban? This does remind me of Snake Oil, but it's definitely punchier. I can't tell if it gives me a headache or if I was doomed for one anyway. I'll have to retry this on another day.


    I *do* like it. But I think I like the Snake Oil better. (And lucky that!)

  10. Spicy Vanila Dr Pepper

    Then also

    Boozy Vanila


    Which isn't a seller description from me, so don't just go on that alone.


    I was pretty sure I wouldn't like Snake Oil and refrained from getting it for a long time. I finally received it in a swap and let it sit in my imp box for a bit. Eventually I found an opportunity to try it. I had just showered, and I put a little here, here, and there.


    Mm, this is pretty good.


    I go to my room to get dressed. Sweat pants will not do. (I have weebits and am a sahm, sweat pants can become a staple when you do that. :P ) It has to be these nice tight jeans. I fretted over what color shirt to wear, and decided that I couldn't wear a t'shirt, too loose. Brown was my first thought, and then it changed to maybe red.




    This is a slinky black little dress scent with strappy high heels.

    And keep the panties in your drawer.


    Since I don't readily have one of those I chose a slinky spaghetti strap shirt. This is a must.


    I'm putting on my clothes, my skin is hot, I'm sugared up and the breeze is cooling me off.


    Then I realize that I want sex. A lot of sex. I suddenly feel sexier than I have in months, years-truely. HOLY, this is the scent of sophistication, but also the scent of tramp. It's just that crazy.


    If my husband doesn't sex me tonight, I will.

  11. This is the same note of dirt I get in Nosferatu. Oh, how I love that note! It's not as prominant as here, and the sweetness is a more grown up darker sweetness. I can pick up the dirt here and there, but it's mainly a currant and slightly floral smell. Very nice!

  12. In Imp: Sweet plasticy, a tiny bit of almond.

    On wet: the almond comes out more and there's a tiny bit of something else I can't identify. Ahh yes.. you know that Nexus Humectres.. or something like that? It smells a bit like that. A sweet hair conditioner..


    Mmm, interesting. (:

  13. Oh, I love the frimps! I get to try things I wouldn't have previously!


    in the imp: Spicy Drink Cherries.

    Wet: Same.

    Drying down: it backs off some and I smell a tiny bit of vanilla. I never get the almond, or I just don't know what the heck almond is supposed to smell like.




    Doesn't last as long as I like, but wow, it's awesome!

  14. Oh, the love. I was afraid of musks for a long time because sometimes they do freaky cat sex things on my skin, but this is devine. So sexy and sweet and yum.


    Now I must try ALL the Dragons!


    Also, this will probably a bottle buy. I LOVE the color too! (a deep dark red, of course.. :P)

  15. Do you know how sad I am that I bought Snow White instead of Gingerbread Poppet? I got it into my head that coconut would just be the bees knees to me and well, it's not. I LOVE the smell of coconut, but for some reason, I can't get a scent that it plays well with on me.


    In the bottle: Sweet coconut, it shows a lot of promise!


    On - wet: The coconut runs somewhere, heck if I know where, but at first all I smell is.. well, not much. It smells a bit like what coconut oil might smell like if there was no coconut in there.. just a tad of it hits my nose here and there. It almost smells.. rubberish. There is a good amount on my wrist and I'm having to work to smell it.


    As it dries and warms up the coconut makes it's appearance. I still smell the rubber though.


    Eventually this does smell like snow cream. I can smell a tiny bit of vanila. But not exactly what I was expecting as I do get a faint rubber resin in there as well.


    Ok, the longer I wear it the more snow cream it turns and the rubber stuff is gone. It's IS snow cream! A light vanilla creamy snow cone. Very lovely! Takes a bit though. (;


    Still not a ton of throw, but it does last a good while. (so far 2.5 hours.)


    Throw is absolutely zero on me. I think my skin ate all the yummy. :P

  16. After reading the reviews I had to have this one. I wasn't sure what champagne or tobaco would smell like to me, and frankly I was a bit worried, but oh, a party in a bottle, MUST TRY! This was the first LE I bought.


    In the bottle. I smell booze and tobaco. There is nothing sweet or floral in this bottle. I can't really describe how this smells, but it *feels* like it matches the description perfectly when I smell it.


    As it dries down it doesn't lose any of that first impression, though it does warm up on my skin a bit and sweetens just a tad. I don't smell *any* florals in here. Though I can get the comparison with hairspray.


    When I smell this I can taste booze and tobaco. It's a perfect party smell. It doesn't throw hard on me, and has to be re-applied, but I like it anyway.


    I hope it comes back next year!
