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Everything posted by GypsyRoseRed

  1. GypsyRoseRed

    Monster Bait: Underbed

    I dithered on this scent, and ended up not buying Underbed at last month's will call so I was interested to try it again when my decanted imps arrived today. I don't see cinnamon in the scent description, so now I'm wondering if cassia is similar (pardon my ignorance!) because on my skin, dry, this smells exactly how I'd hoped Gingerbread Poppett would be.. and it wasn't. Rich foody, gingery, cinnamony goodness. Unfortunately for me (but fortunately Paypal and bank balance) I'm allergic to something in this and I had a really bad skin reaction. Raised red welts with a burning sensation everywhere I dabbed the oil. *pout*
  2. GypsyRoseRed

    Beltane 2005-06

    Hmm. Reading the other reviews in this thread, I'm not sure whether any of them are for the 2006 version, but my experience of Beltane (06) was very different..In the bottle, it comes across as very natural and fresh, slightly sweet and reminds me of freshly cut blades of grass and some kind of small flower.. chamomile, maybe? That doesn't really change on the skin, it just becomes softer. If I can sum up Beltane, it's as a warm breeze over a newly mown lawn of green grass, with just a few little flowers..
  3. GypsyRoseRed

    Arabian Nights

    To my nose this smells an awful lot like Sheherezade and similar to Spellbound, except it has a 'turkish delight' kinda note that sets it apart. I didn't buy it for the scent, given that it's a magickal blend but it does smell pleasant. I guess it's either a 'love it or hate it' thing, though, because a few male friends of mine claim it smells really hippi-ish / like a head shop etc. The husband's not too fond of it either, but whenever I wear it, I definitely feel warm, relaxed and good about myself. Maybe that's what's supposed to make you more attractive to others - loving yourself? Hmm. Either way, I definitely like this one a lot.
  4. GypsyRoseRed

    White Light

    I don't think I can do a better job than previous posters have of reviewing the smell of White Light, and since I don't think it's important to the overall value and quality of the oil, I'll leave that be. I can say wholeheartedly that it's been 100% effective at cleansing, purifying and clearing negativity all three times I've used it. Yesterday was a great test run for it, because I was having an absolute crapper of a day. Asshole former friends resurfacing and talking sh*t about me, difficulties with my mother, day to day irritations. I annointed my chakra points with the oil, as well as my hands and feet and visualized a yellowy white bubble around myself, pushing all of the stress and negativity away. I'm not kidding, within about 10 minutes, I felt like those things didn't matter as much, couldn't hurt me and set about easily dealing with some of those problems. The rest I just.. well, left alone and didn't really feel the need to think about. I've had similar experiences with it previously, but not as powerful as this. White Light is definitely a keeper.
  5. GypsyRoseRed

    Good flirty scents?

    I'd second Titania, and also reccomend La Petit Mort. I *love* that scent, and it always comes across as flirtatious to me because it's a skin scent, not overpowering, but strong enough to be noticed.
  6. GypsyRoseRed

    The most natural or lifelike scents?

    For the pre-storm scent, I'd second Lightning.
  7. GypsyRoseRed

    The most natural or lifelike scents?

    Seriously, try the 2006 Beltane. If you're after a natural, non-perfumey scent, it would be PERFECT. It doesn't have any dirt notes in there, but it's very... dew-kissed grass, herbs and a couple of wildflowers thrown in for good measure. Lovely.
  8. GypsyRoseRed


    What I get from this is honeydew melon and a hint of ... rosewater? It's very natural, fresh and pretty. This is going to be heavenly in the heat of summer.
  9. GypsyRoseRed

    Frumious Bandersnatch

    This is, hands down, my absolute favorite of Beth's creations. Even above my beloved Snake Charmer. The plums are achingly sweet without being too cloying, and the chrysanthemum/carnation notes remind me of being a little girl picking stolen flowers from gardens on my way home from school. This is unique, and I'm definitely going to get a 10ml or three of this.
  10. GypsyRoseRed


    Obatala is heavenly, but subtle. If you're looking for a strong scent with a lot of throw, I don't think this is it but it's gorgeous. To me, it smells like the Lush facial cleanser, Aquamarina which I've always adored. Mmm. Llovely.
  11. GypsyRoseRed


    The best way I can describe Berenice is "pure". It's a clean, white, pure scent that isn't neccessarily floral or fruity, or anything I can put my finger on. I can say that it's unlike anything in the general catalog, so if you're a lover of fresh, clean perfumes, this is an absolute must-try.
  12. GypsyRoseRed

    Silentium Amoris

    Silentium Amoris is all rose on me, but instead of a thick, heavy rose scent, this reminds me of the natural, light prettiness of my mother's rose garden when I was a little girl. It's a nostalgic, delicate blend and it has a subtle beauty that lingers for a few hours on my skin.
  13. GypsyRoseRed

    High John the Conqueror

    I originally bought a 5ml of this for my Mom, as she's been going through a very tough time and although I mostly bought it for it's Voodoo properties, I was really surprised by the smell. I can't put my finger on specific notes, but for me, this is one of the ultimate clean and fresh, natural perfumes. No dryer sheets here! It's not unlike Budding Moon with it's clean, light fruitiness - a very easygoing scent. Now it's one of my top ten.
  14. GypsyRoseRed

    Centzon Totochtin

    This is *gorgeous*. Chocolate, but not the cloying milk chocolate of Bliss.. It's like the Godiva chocolate cocoa powder dry in the tin, with a mild undercurrent of coppery blood and some kind of spices. This is a surprisingly sexy scent, and the first time I tried it, my brother-in-law kept making comments about it then wrote down the name so he could buy a bottle for himself.
  15. GypsyRoseRed


    This is a very unusual, distinctive sweet/tart scent that's smells edible! It's some kind of grapefruit, blossomy blend, and unfortunately my body chemistry amps it up and sweetens it until it almost makes my teeth ache. It smells very fresh and pretty on my 15 year old neice, though.
  16. GypsyRoseRed

    Baron Samedi

    On me, this is the same dry as it is in the imp - booze, smoke and tons o' almonds. Not my kind of perfume, but it's a very interesting scent.
  17. GypsyRoseRed


    This scent manages to make citrus both exotic and sexy, not to mention very distinctive. It has lots of throw on me, too, staying true to the 'wet' scent for about four hours. This has earned a place on my favorites list.
  18. GypsyRoseRed


    Roses and myrrh soon after application but after about an hour it becomes a very dry, dusty floral. I was really disappointed in this.
  19. GypsyRoseRed

    Queen Mab

    Just.. flowers. A huge bunch of mixed blooms, and although it's pretty, it smells very generic on my skin. It really lacks the lemony-sugary note that I get from Bearded Lady (which I love) or any other distinguishing note, so... not for me. I don't mind floral with a twist, or exceptionally pretty floral, but on me, this isn't it.
  20. GypsyRoseRed

    Budding Moon

    I'm so sad that I only bought one bottle of this, even though I don't usually buy the Lunacy blends. I sniffed this by accident at will-call, and now I'm hooked. This is similar in some ways to High John The Conqueror to me, although this is stronger and has a pretty, more floral feel to it. It lasts a little longer, too, and overall is a fresh, clean, and juicy scent - exactly what I've been looking for!
  21. GypsyRoseRed

    Bearded Lady

    In the bottles, this is floral to the max, heavy on the Stargazer lily. More generic-floral than I'd expected. I wasn't sure that I was going to be able to wear it since I can't take strong mixed florals without getting a headache, but somewhere along the way this morphed into light, distinctive floral with a sugary-lemony note that really grew on me. This is really beautiful and unique, and I know I'll use both bottles I have this summer, when I want to feel girlie.
  22. GypsyRoseRed

    Snake Charmer

    In the bottle, the leather note is very strong, with a dark spicy vanilla and maybe a little coconut. On my skin, it becomes very warm and loses the leather altogether. What's left behind is delicious, dark spices and rich, golden vanilla. This is a work of genius and in my opinion, is one of Beth's greatest creations. I'd buy gallons of it if I could!
  23. GypsyRoseRed

    Freak Show

    In the bottle, this is very foody - just like figs and chocolate, although I don't think chocolate is listed in the ingredients. On my skin, it's a quite mild, warm, spicy second skin scent that hangs around for about 3 hours. Very pleasant and interesting. I think this would make a nice everyday perfume, if I had enough of it.
  24. GypsyRoseRed

    Gypsy Queen

    This smells really overpowering in the bottle! To me, it smells like the Psychic Eye Bookstore times a hundred wet, but once it's on and has settled down.. It's very sexy. Incense and red velvet, with an underlying layer of dark florals. Maybe a little heavy-duty for me, but beautiful nonetheless.
  25. Really? It's floral? I always thought it was citrussy. I don't get any floral from it at all! As for pretty, light florals, I'd say Budding Moon for sure, Water of Notre Dame and High John The Conqueror. I don't know for sure if it's floral, but it definitely comes out that way on me. Very fresh and airy.